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My photoshop will not open at all. I am "renting" the creative suite, and every sonce the second month things have not ben going properly. I need my photoshop
Can you try using the Creative Cloud cleaner and remove PS.
Reboot the machine and try reinstalling PS.
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what operating system?
do you see an error message or anything else when clicking on the desktop icon? what about when clicking on the executable directly?
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There was no error message, it simply will not open. It opened when I first downloaded but it does not anymore. I have a 64bit windows 7 computer. The rest of the programs are acting a little funny, but they are still opening, only photoshop won't. I tried opening it from the desktop, application file, and from the application manager all of which has failed:( Any suggestions?
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right click>click "run as administrator".
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Moving this discussion to the Photoshop General Discussion forum.
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Always have to move items when you can't just answer the questions.
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I just tried that, and the box popped up asking me if I wanted to do this, I clicked yes and the photoshop still did not open:(
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I had the same problem and was able to force Photoshop to open.
I don't know if you have fixed your problem or not, but atleast anyone who stumbles upon the problem and ends up on this post, they will hopefully read my comment.
Open task manager (CTRL+SHIFT+ESC), click on File and click on New Task. In the textbox, type photoshop and then click ok
It should start a new process. That process is basically the Photoshop process in which innitiates the program.
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This worked. THANK YOU!
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Thanks alot, this worked perfectly!
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Same here WIN7 64bit and PS CC 2015 wont open, it shows in task manager as running but will not open. Has been like this since the previous major release! Each time I try to start it a new instance of photoshop.exe is generated in task manager.
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End the task of PS from task manager then run application with adminstrator privalages(Run As Adminstrator)
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Thank You!!!
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This worked perfectly for me too! Thanks for sharing as I had alot of editing to do!
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Worked great. Thanks! I've had this happen before and you'd think I would take notes...I did notice PS was working in the background as well. Once I ended the Tasks it opened right up.
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If resetting your Preferences does not help, I would investigate your video driver. If it's not the latest from the mfgr's. Web site, I would download and install the latest version.
If that does not help, I would Deactivate, then Re-Activate Ps CC. This has fixed a failure to launch in PrPro CC, though I do not recall seeing anyone need to do that with Ps CC.
Next, if necessary, I would investigate fonts, if you have added any, since Ps worked properly for you.
Good luck,
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Running into this a _LOT_ at the moment.
Even when PS loads, it hangs terminally whenever I try to open a file using File - Open... Cannot open at all by double-clicking a file in Explorer.
FYI, I am also on Windows 7 64-bit.
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PS: I tried uninstalling and reinstalling... It gave me a message about video drivers (though mine are fully up to date) but opened the file after install... BUT... then reverted to previous unusable behaviour immediately after closing down once.
Effectively, the product is unusable.
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PPS: I have taken a dump file from the Photoshop thread after hanging if it is of any use to anyone...
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Same here. This is 2020. Not opening, not happening here. Windows 10.
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I tried so many other ways, and the one that finally worked was to right click and run as administrator! Thanks, what a life saver
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same problem that don't work
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Thanks, it's working.
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I have run into this several times over the last few weeks. Using Windows 7. I tried starting it from the Start menu, from the application file in the Adobe Photoshop CC (64 Bit) folder, from a PSD double-click; all of these actions result in multiple "Photoshop.exe" processes appearing in Windows Task Manager, but the application does not open. I can right-click the processes and end them. I don't want to shut-down/restart my system to open Photoshop, what would be great is if Adobe could solve this problem.