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Hi There, Can Photoshop please use the OPT + SHIFT shortcuts properly?
e.g. Consider the attached image where the top layer is off the artboard. Currently, resizing in Photoshop is a multi-step process: scrolling, zooming, resizing yada yada.
But if OPT + SHIFT worked the way it does in InDesign, Illustrator, AE and other apps, we could resize the layer from the top/bottom handles. Currently, grabbing top/bottom/side handles (not corners) distorts the image even when shift is held which is a daily frustration sorry. And yes, it's been like this for years!
Sure, you guys probably impliment requests based on upvotes etc but please, would it be possible to just fix well-established, foundational interactions like this? We use them all day, every day, in every app and when one app doesn't play ball, it creates constant friction. It doesn't have to be this way - right?
Cheers, Ben
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Hi @csscms have you gone into preferences (settings)/general and checked "Use Legacy Free Transform"? That takes care of the complaint about the shift key. After that using Shift+Opt works exactly the same as in other programs - scale proportionately from center.
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Thanks @Kevin Stohlmeyer. Yes, legacy transform is on (does anyone use new transform, it only works on pixels!).
But OPT + SHIFT doesn't work on top/bottom/side handles like it does in InDesign, Illustrator, AE etc.
See the top/bottom handles in the image from original post. Have you tried this on non-corner handles? Because it hasn't worked for years (for me on Mac).
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Hi @csscms it works for me on Mac v 24.5 on Ventura 13.3.1
Here is a screen record I did.
You can see:
1. scaling without shift corner
2. scaling without shift top handle
3. holding shift+opt with corner handle - works as expected
4. holding shift+opt with right-side handle - works
5. holding shift+opt top left corner - works
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Awesome, will update Photoshop and Ventura and test.
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OK, what the heck is going on? This defintely doesn't work for me.
Here's a screen recording, I added the Keyboard viewer so you can see that I'm holding OPT + SHIFT... Screen Recording - OPT + SHIFT Not Working
Also attached are my specs and settings. What am I missing here?
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OK, still can't figure this out. I mainly use PSBs so tried this with PSDs, pixel layers, smart objects but same issue.
I must be missing something basic - right?
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@csscms wrote: But OPT + SHIFT doesn't work on top/bottom/side handles...
It didn't ever work in the old days on the top/bottom/side handles — only the corner handles. Here is a tutorial from CS5:
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@jane-e Sweet, my bad. I've used this shortcut for decades just obviously not in Photoshop (although, I swear I have).
However, this seems standard across CC so is up there with pointing and clicking! After all, the constrain modifier works, the re-size from centre modifier works, why wouldn't they work together like they do in other apps? It's logical/faster/better - right?
@Kevin Stohlmeyer It works for you though - is that right or am I missing something?
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@csscms wrote: But if OPT + SHIFT worked the way it does in InDesign, Illustrator, AE and other apps
The corner handle has stuck with me because I work with beginners and before the change I would spend 5 minutes teaching them to scale without distorting, then stand in the back 15 minutes later and watch some stretch first a side handle, then a top handle.
You also said you want PS to be like Illy and InDy (I don't use After Effects.) All three have a toggle to constain the width and height or let them work independently. Photoshop was the last to come on board. I've made screenshots for you:
Illustrator Control panel
InDesign Control panel (both W&H and also Scaling)
Photoshop options bar for Edit > Free Transform
One more thing: the reason Kevin's video did not work for you was most likely because he was using Show Transform Controls (options bar for Move tool) and you were using Cmd+T for Edit > Free Transform.
Option still works the same way. Shift varies, depending on what you have set in the options bar. Try it and let me know it this works for you! 😊
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This worked for me.
This is counter-intuitive, but DO NOT check "Use Legacy Free Transform".
Instead DESELECT the link icon in the free transform toolbar. Now your object should be be free to transform without a locked aspect ratio. When you hold shift, the link icon will reactivate automatically and allow you to scale from the top, bottom and sides.
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@jane-e Totally confused sorry.
I fully understand the maintain aspect ratio button in ID/Ai but clicking it in Photoshop doesn't give me the behaviour shown in @Kevin Stohlmeyer 's recording, nor does 'Show transform controls'.
Just incase I'm misunderstanding you, I'm selecting the layer, hitting CMD + T, then holding OPT + Shift and dragging the top handle which in ID, Ai (and in PS in Ken's video), resizes the object proportionately from the centre. But it doesn't for me.
Clicking the 'Maintain aspect ratio' button before or while the free transform tool is active, does nothing (in fact PS turns it off automatically as soon as I start dragging a handle). Clicking it after the free transform operation, resizes the layer to the original aspect ratio but changes the size of the layer.
Ticking 'Show Transform Controls' doesn't seem to have any effect (not sure I understand why it would?). No matter what I do, the layer isn't resized proportionately.
What am I missing here? Is there another setting that @Kevin Stohlmeyer has turned on/off somewhere?
Does holding OPT + SHIFT and dragging the top handle resize the layer proprotionately for you?
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Hi @csscms can you share a screenshot of your preferences general window?
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I apologize for the confusion, @csscms .
...nor does 'Show transform controls'.
Just incase I'm misunderstanding you, I'm selecting the layer, hitting CMD + T, then holding OPT + Shift and dragging the top handle which in ID, Ai (and in PS in Ken's video), resizes the object proportionately from the centre. But it doesn't for me.
I do not use "Show Transform Controls" because I think they are annoying, but some people like them. They are used instead of Cmd+T, not in addition to. It appeared to me that Kevin has turned them on and was using them, so I tested and could resize proportionally from any handle without shift. For now, turn them off and stick to what you have been doing with Cmd+T.
Again: Kevin was using Show Transformation Controls. You were not. They behave differently and you don't want to combine them. Stick with Cmd+T for now. Let's get the method working that you've been using for years first.
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Hi @csscms thanks for the screen shot, when you go to transform or use "show transform tools" the behaviors are the same it doesnt matter which one you use. So let's level set with your situation. There is a lot of back and forth and I agree its getting confusing.
It appears option is working for you for transforming from center based on your video, so lets focus on the issue of shift.
If you grab a handle (either using Cmd+T to transform or using the Show Transform controls) does it scale proportionately without holding shift or not? If it does scale proportionately without shift check your chain link between W&H.
This is where a change has been made in recent PS that can cause confusion. The link no longer shows a chain or a broken chain - its either off or highlighted (darker) which is very similar.
This is ON - which allows you to not use shift. If you use shift with this ON, it scales disproportionately.
This is OFF - which should give you proportionate control using shift.
Keep in mind this simple button overrides the General Preference so if its ON it bypasses your choice of using Legacy Transform.
Let me know what you find and if everything is set (preference is checked, link is OFF) and it's still not working, we can move on to troubleshooting from there.
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Thanks @Kevin Stohlmeyer , comments below.
"If you grab a handle (either using Cmd+T to transform or using the Show Transform controls) does it scale proportionately without holding shift or not?"
Corner handles yes, non-corner handles no.
"This is ON - which allows you to not use shift. If you use shift with this ON, it scales disproportionately."
Mine is off but it makes no difference because when on, holding OPT + SHIFT disables the button. See new screen recording link below. As far as I can tell, holding OPT + SHIFT and dragging non-corner handles never scales layers proportionately. Or am I missing something basic here?
Screen recoding:
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@Kevin Stohlmeyer , Unless you can spot something basic that I'm missing, I'll try booting into safe mode and creating another user account to see if there's something conflicting - unless you guys have specific suggestions? Cheers, Ben
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Hi Ben
If you are still trying to use side handles — with or without Shift — with Cmd+T, you will not be able to. Use corner handles when you use Cmd+T. I thought you agreed to that before? 🙂
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@jane-e it works either way - not sure where you see that using Opt+Shift does not work using Cmd+T transform but I have the same behavior which is the expected behavior for PS using either show transform controls or using Cmd+T transform.
See this video. I'm using Cmd+T to transform.
@csscms Ben - have you tried doing a preference reset?
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@Kevin Stohlmeyer, resetting preferences makes this work as shown in your video but as soon as I turn-on 'Use Legacy Free Transform' it stops working.
To test, I also restored my previous preferences but then turned-off Use Legacy Free Transform, and it works so this seems like a bug with legacy transform - right?
When turning-on legacy transform, does the resizing from the top handle still work on your Mac?
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@Kevin Stohlmeyer, So is this confirmed as a bug or does it work for you?
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I beleive it could be a bug. I can run it up the flagpole internally and see what I get back. Glad it works for you if you turn off the feature but it shouldn't conflict with using Shift as it does.
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Thanks @Kevin Stohlmeyer but I'm confused sorry.
Are you saying it works for you when 'Use Legacy Free Transform' is turned-on? Or do you have it turned-off?
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Turn it off if you want to shift+resize from the top or side handles.