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P: Export As now crops to contents instead of using the mask

Community Beginner ,
Aug 24, 2021 Aug 24, 2021

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I noticed in new version of Photoshop the Export As... function no longer uses the mask but instead crops to contents. 

For example if you make a group with a 512x512 mask, place an image inside it with some space around it, Export As does not export the 512x512 masked are but instead crops to the content image. 
I don't see how this is useful change as if you've masked the group and wanted to export only its contents you would just export the layer with contents, not the masked group.

There is a workaround though, you can switch back to Legacy Eport settings in preferences, but then again everyone who uses the psd has to do the same to get it working properly. 

Does anyone know another workaround for this that would not require switching to Legacy settings?

I can see this change causing issues to a lot of users and frankly can't see the benefits to this change.


macOS , Windows




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Community Beginner ,
Aug 24, 2021 Aug 24, 2021

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Preview image explaining the issue





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Adobe Employee ,
Aug 24, 2021 Aug 24, 2021

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The new Export As will ignore all fully transparent pixels. Using a mask to add "white space" around an object wouldn't work in this context. The best way to approach what you are trying to accomplish is to use the Cavas Size settings within the Export As dialog. In your screen shot, the current settings are 165x165, the size of the circle. You can simply set this to 512x512 and you would get the desired effect. 




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Community Beginner ,
Aug 26, 2021 Aug 26, 2021

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Thank you! That is a good point and good to know.

Unfortunately editing canvas in that dialog adds space equally around the content image, so it is unusable as it is then uncontrollable how the content is placed inside the image space. If any changes were made to content shape that would edit the whole position when exported (would break for example icons and such).

Also point is to have the size determined in the group mask so anyone using the PSD can just export the image correctly without further tweaking of numeral values.




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Community Beginner ,
Sep 21, 2021 Sep 21, 2021

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Where exactly in the summay of update is noted it's going to have an impact on the export of transparent space on a layer/group? It only mentions the SVG export not being supported anymore.

We lost hours of workarounds instead of using a simple and super fast command... 

Thank you!


Screenshot 2021-09-21 at 17.16.21.png




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Mentor ,
Sep 21, 2021 Sep 21, 2021

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@BrettN Why did this change? You can't alter a foundational behavior like this without disrupting industries that depend on it. Do you all not understand why this is unacceptable? It's fine if you want or need to add an additional behavior to a tool, but you can't just take one away and replace it with another. We're all trying to get our jobs done and make a deadline so that we can go home and be with our families, and changes like this make that more difficult to do.




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Community Beginner ,
Sep 22, 2021 Sep 22, 2021

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ps: @BrettN  I'm sorry to let you know but your best practice "tip" it's of no use in our ecosistem, I already mentioned hours were lost with workarounds (just as @jpt7765  already explained, we have different needs than your one-way of thinking). Our company is paying montly bills for full Adobe Pack to be sure we are productive and this software seems to be super uncertain, as what is usefult today might dissaper at the next update from tomorrow (as we are always up to date with everything). Is there any way in which we could be sure this behaviour is going to be available in the future?




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New Here ,
Nov 08, 2021 Nov 08, 2021

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Agreeing with the other responses here, this new functionality fundamentally breaks my workflow and makes many of my companies existing PSD templates useless. We really need the ability to export assets that respect the white space determined by masks. A toggle for this within Export As would be much appreciated. 




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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 23, 2021 Nov 23, 2021

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Hello all,


Unfortunately, what happened was not us intentionally removing functionally, but fixing a bug. This behavior was not what we were looking to accomplish when we built the tool. The fact that this defect would be benefitial or the basis for entire workflows is not something we foresaw or really knew about. While this was helping in some areas though, it was causing unexpected results in others, so it had to be addressed.  


We added Canvas Size settings to accomplish something similar to what is being done. But a good point about how this is always centered has been brought up. We've had a request to add a reference anchor point (like in Canvas Size in the Image menu), which would help for some cases presented here. But this doesn't work for off-center items, like if objects on thirds is desired. 


The other intentional means of accomplishing this task we've built into Photoshop is to us Artboards. When exporting an artboard, it works with the entire canvas, just like when you use Export As from the File menu. I'm assuming there are probably limitations with this workflow as well, including having to change existing workflows and files. 


For now, the only solution is to revert to the legacy version of Export As (accessible from the Export Preferences) where this bug is still present, but this is not a long term solution. We'll have to look into adding this as a feature but figure out how to keep the good and not bring back the bad. 




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Mentor ,
Nov 23, 2021 Nov 23, 2021

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Brett, this behavior was not a bug and in fact was an essential feature that is (was?) also included in Generator. There are entire industries that depend on Exports conforming to the layer masks and i'm totally confused as to who thought this was a bug and not a feature?
And unfortunately, Legacy EA is no longer an option in the Prefs:






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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 23, 2021 Nov 23, 2021

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If you are on an ARM machine, CEP no longer works (which is what the old Export As was built with, which is one of the reasons we are replacing it with the new UXP-based Export As). To get it to appear, you have to run Photoshop in Rosetta emulation (this is an OS setting, not a Photoshop setting). 


If past behavior is any indication, Apple will only keep Rosetta around for a couple OS versions before removing it and then CEP will not be available in Photoshop at all. Along those lines, we will eventually be pulling CEP out of Photoshop. So we are currently focusing on making sure that the UXP version works correctly. 


This means we are fixing bugs in the tool. But by "bug" I don't just mean things that create crashes and errors, but also where things aren't working as we intended them. Such as the issue discussed here. How it was supposed to work is to clip to visible pixels, not to a mask. While this behavior has been benefitial and workflows were built around it, it was never there intentionally. The loophole in the code that allowed this to work was breaking things elsewhere and had to be fixed. Since this was not there on purpose, we didn't even know that we were removing an entire workflow from our users. 


What we need to do now is investigate how to add this back in as an actual feature, there with intent and not an accident. This of course means determining the design, such as whether there is a check box or some other means of turning this on or off, along with other considerations. 




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Community Expert ,
Nov 24, 2021 Nov 24, 2021

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Brett, thank you for the straightforward explanation. I really hope that the reimplementation of the unexpected feature will be implemented soon, as it does not seem comfortable to run back and forth between Rosetta and native code.




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Community Expert ,
Dec 02, 2021 Dec 02, 2021

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There is another discussion on the topic: https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-discussions/export-ignores-vector-mask/m-p/125594...

I wonder if this discussion shouldn't be turned either into a bug report, or feature requests, as , even if unwanted, there is a regression for the users. 




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Community Beginner ,
Aug 26, 2021 Aug 26, 2021

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If there is any transparent pixel it will be turned into white pixel.




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Community Expert ,
Sep 21, 2021 Sep 21, 2021

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posted in wrong thread




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Community Expert ,
Sep 22, 2021 Sep 22, 2021

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Hopefully the following script will suffice as a short term work-around. An action can also do similar. I also agree that this is a step backwards, not forwards and that having to come up with work-arounds is far from ideal.


Transparency Bounding Pixels.jsx
Stephen Marsh
Version 1, 22nd September 2021
Adds a 1% white pixel to the upper left and lower right corners of the open document
Note: Assumes that the active layer is a raster layer can be filled!

Export As now crops to contents instead of using the mask

#target photoshop

if (documents.length) {

    // Main script
    function main() {
        var origRuler = app.preferences.rulerUnits;
        app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;

        var docWidth = app.activeDocument.width.value;
        var docHeight = app.activeDocument.height.value;

        setSelection(0, 0, 1, 1);

        setSelection(docHeight - 1, docWidth - 1, docHeight, docWidth);

        app.preferences.rulerUnits = origRuler;

    app.activeDocument.suspendHistory("Run script", "main()");

    /*********** Functions ***********/

    function setSelection(top, left, bottom, right) {
        var s2t = function (s) {
            return app.stringIDToTypeID(s);
        var descriptor = new ActionDescriptor();
        var descriptor2 = new ActionDescriptor();
        var reference = new ActionReference();
        reference.putProperty(s2t("channel"), s2t("selection"));
        descriptor.putReference(s2t("null"), reference);
        descriptor2.putUnitDouble(s2t("top"), s2t("pixelsUnit"), top);
        descriptor2.putUnitDouble(s2t("left"), s2t("pixelsUnit"), left);
        descriptor2.putUnitDouble(s2t("bottom"), s2t("pixelsUnit"), bottom);
        descriptor2.putUnitDouble(s2t("right"), s2t("pixelsUnit"), right);
        descriptor.putObject(s2t("to"), s2t("rectangle"), descriptor2);
        executeAction(s2t("set"), descriptor, DialogModes.NO);

    function whiteFill(fillOpacity) {
        var idfill = stringIDToTypeID("fill");
        var desc279 = new ActionDescriptor();
        var idusing = stringIDToTypeID("using");
        var idfillContents = stringIDToTypeID("fillContents");
        var idwhite = stringIDToTypeID("white");
        desc279.putEnumerated(idusing, idfillContents, idwhite);
        var idopacity = stringIDToTypeID("opacity");
        var idpercentUnit = stringIDToTypeID("percentUnit");
        desc279.putUnitDouble(idopacity, idpercentUnit, fillOpacity);
        var idmode = stringIDToTypeID("mode");
        var idblendMode = stringIDToTypeID("blendMode");
        var idnormal = stringIDToTypeID("normal");
        desc279.putEnumerated(idmode, idblendMode, idnormal);
        executeAction(idfill, desc279, DialogModes.NO);

} else {
    alert('There are no documents open.');






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New Here ,
Nov 22, 2021 Nov 22, 2021

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Hello there,
There are some problems with exporting layers as png.
Before PNGs were saved with the mask area, but now they are exported cropped.
Working on Macbook m1, I don't have this problem on my another laptop- Macboo pro i9 late 2019
Have you faced such a problem?
Screenshot 2021-11-22 at 15.15.png




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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 22, 2021 Nov 22, 2021

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Hi there,


We're sorry about the trouble with Photoshop. Would you mind telling us the version of Photoshop you're using?

Since when have you been facing this issue? Which color mode you are into? Are you getting any errors?


What happens when you click on "Quick Export as PNG"?

Try resetting the preferences of Photoshop: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/preferences.html

Backup the preferences prior to resetting by:https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/preferences.html#BackupPhotoshoppreferences


Let us know if that helps.








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New Here ,
Nov 23, 2021 Nov 23, 2021

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I don't remember exactly when it happened. But there is a feeling that after I connected the Wacom Cintiq to the laptop. (I used it for a week, I'm not sure if it could somehow affect photoshop)
There is no errors. Color settings in attachment.
I've been resetting and reinstalling photoshop already.
Photoshop version 23.0.1
macOs Big Sur 11.5.1
Macbook Air M1 (2020)

I think I found a pattern.
If mask crosses over layer content png exports as it should but if layer content is inside mask area and not touching mask borders then layer exports just cropped in his original form.
I hope I am clear and the problem is understandable. Since I am not a native english speaker.




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Community Expert ,
Nov 23, 2021 Nov 23, 2021

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I'm merging this to a thread on the topic.

Pinging @Brett N @BrettN 




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Engaged ,
Dec 02, 2021 Dec 02, 2021

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In previous versions if i wanted to export for example multiple images in different places on a 300x600 area of the project/and later on png i would just give them all mask that covers entire project and export. With new version they behave like if there would be no mask and are being closely cropped by the exporter. This way i am losing information on the exact places they should be on for example on my 300x600 html.

Thats a downgrade.

(just as removing the JPG compression slider and turning it into few predefined steps - why dumbing down the proffesional software? Most of us arent amateurs that wants simple toys - we want control - the more, the better).




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Mentor ,
Dec 02, 2021 Dec 02, 2021

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Yes, they decided to finally fix a "bug" that's been around for at least 6 years and which long ago became a feature that so many professional users depend on.




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Engaged ,
Dec 03, 2021 Dec 03, 2021

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I hope they will revert that change, cause i had to install older PS version just to be able to continue my work.




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Explorer ,
Dec 17, 2021 Dec 17, 2021

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Hello, I upgraded to vers 23.1 and now miss this feature:
When using "export as" or [cmd + shift + .] I used to be able to control the exported layer's dimensions via masks. If a mask was applied and active, the exported layer took on the masks size. This way I could easily control wether my exported assets got some transparent padding or not.
  • Masks allow me to adjust the asset size independet from my canvas size. I'm spared from opening new documents or cropping my canvas.
  • Masks have established well working functionality. They are easy and quick to adjust. 
  • Masks can be applied to several layers just per alt+drag which is handy for assets that will act in relation to each other's position in-game. I can uniformise some assets without affecting other layers. 
Now "export as" wants to export my assets cut out sharply with no surrounding transparency at all times, wether a mask is applied or not. 
The flexibility is gone and affects my job workflow heavily. I am requesting to please patch in the older functionality, thank you. 😞 





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Dec 17, 2021 Dec 17, 2021

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Show by inserting resultant files how that worked and how it's now.




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