Adobe Employee
Adobe Employee
‎Mar 03, 2025
04:31 PM
"Hide Layers" is the option you are looking for in the right-click menu
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‎Mar 03, 2025
04:29 PM
1 Upvote
Additional methods:
View > Fit on Screen
if you have the Zoom tool selected, click the "Fit Screen" button in the Options bar at the top
double-click the Hand tool in the tools panel
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‎Feb 27, 2025
04:49 PM
1 Upvote
Thanks for the details. I don't know the full details, since this is not something from my team, but I'm not sure we're working with Kakadu. I've logged a ticket and we'll see what more we can find out.
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‎Feb 26, 2025
05:12 PM
1 Upvote
I found the same behavior so I started playing around with it. I have made a couple observations:
Files which are exactly 3 pixels high see this issue, fewer or greater numbers of rows do not see this. What it does is create 3 black pixels in the bottom row, starting from the right. With wider images, those pixels would not overlap any content on the left
Files which are 5 or greater pixels wide also see this issue, but it only creates two pixels in the bottom right. Wider than 5 and the 2 pixels are still just attached to the far right edge
If the image is 3x5, you get 3 pixels
I don't see anything happening like this at larger sized files or other formats
What use are these files for?
Does your file need to be this small?
Does it have to be JPEG2000?
Are you seeing similar issues outside of Preview?
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‎Feb 25, 2025
04:45 PM
If you click the Auto button and the settings are already what Auto would do, then it resets everything back to 0. So, if you clicked Auto and changed one or more of the Light settings, click Auto twice. The first click reapplies the Auto, and the second resets.
I'm curious about what your friend showed you. The options are the same between Win and Mac. My guess is they've installed an additional plug-in if they are seeing some extra functionality
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‎Feb 25, 2025
04:14 PM
1 Upvote
Some of the New Document presets have Safe Margins built in. I don't remember which ones exactly, but the ones in "Film & Video" category certainly do. And Photoshop remembers the last settings you used. So you likely used one of these presets in the past and Photoshop defaults to that when creating a new document. You'd just have to figure out which one you used previously on the work computer and create a new file with the same preset on the home computer to get things to match.
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‎Feb 25, 2025
12:37 PM
You probably need to address the (literal) underlying issue. There is a message that says you do not meet the minimum system requirements or you are running your browser in a potentially restrictive mode. Either of these could cause an error to occur.
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‎Feb 24, 2025
11:34 AM
1 Upvote
Looking at the file provided, I do not see the behavior described when changing the settings in Inner Shadow. Instead, I see the behavior comes from having "Center" selected as the Elements Source in the Inner Glow settings. Changing this to the "Edge" option works in the way I assume is expected.
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‎Feb 21, 2025
10:56 AM
The keyboard shortcut is simply the bracket keys (no modifiers): [ to go left, ] to go right
Just for fun: the period (.) and comma (,) keys will cycle through the gradient presets
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‎Feb 21, 2025
10:34 AM
Since the error is also occuring in the Creative Cloud desktop app, I'm moving this discussion to the Creative Cloud Services forum
Google Translate:
For days I've been getting this error in PS when trying to open the libraries: An error occurred while initializing Creative Cloud Libraries. It also appears when I open the creative cloud application.
I have followed the steps in these links several times, but I can't fix it.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled the 2 programs, but the error persists. Any ideas?
Thank you so much
Mac OS Ventura 13.7.4
PS 25
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‎Feb 21, 2025
10:05 AM
A Google Drive link should work fine. If you need to send it to me directly, my email is bnemecek AT adobe DOT com.
In terms of support, we only really cover the current version and one version back. You can continue to operate 22 on your system for as long as you like, but we won't make updates to it and there is always a chance that updating your OS or something else on your system may cause things to become incompatible.
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‎Feb 21, 2025
09:31 AM
I see the behavior you are talking about and verified it's been around since the beginning (we first added the option to "Convert Warp Anchor Point" in PS2022). I'll let the team know.
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‎Feb 18, 2025
03:06 PM
1 Upvote
Which tool are you currently using in Select and Mask? Is that Quick Select? Refine Edge? Something else? My guess is you are simply using the wrong tool for what you are trying to accomplish.
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‎Feb 18, 2025
02:53 PM
1 Upvote
Shift+CTRL+Z is the Redo command. You can use this only after you have already undone (CTRL+Z) an action. This is used to "undo" an undo. Check your History panel to verify there are greyed out history states below your currently selected state. Use this shortcut to navigate those steps.
If the Remove Tool stops working until you restart the application, the most likely cause is the system running out of memory for Photoshop. Closing and reopening the application clears out the temporary memory Photoshop has been holding on to, which can accumulate over time as you use memory intensive features. Check your current Performance settings in the Photoshop Preferences and make sure that you have plenty of free hard drive which is much greater than that setting (2 to 3 times is a decent rule of thumb, but more is always better). You can also check Task Manager to see what the current memory usage is.
Remove Background isn't a generative AI tool. It is just a Quick Action, which is a single button press to perform multiple steps. In this case it performs: Select > Subject, Inverse Selection, and applies a layer mask. None of this creates with AI and would thus not trigger Community Guideline messaging. Are you using some other feature instead? Like Generate Background? Would you be able to post a screen shot of what you are trying to use the generative function on so understand why it might report an issue?
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‎Feb 18, 2025
01:47 PM
How solid or dotted a brush stroke appears is controlled by the Spacing setting in the Brush Tip Shape section of the Brush settings panel. Reducing this value causes each brush tip shape to overlap the previous one more readily. I'm guessing the angle settings are interacting with the rotation in an unexpected way here. What is the Angle value? Maybe aligning the brush angle to the canvas angle is making the spacing more apparent than usual.
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‎Feb 18, 2025
01:24 PM
This is working on my end as well.
Try switching back to All Classes and then clicking each of the buttons at the top on and then off to see how things change. Maybe something is stuck in a weird state be we can't see it.
Also, check the More Fonts section. It has additional filters on the left column, do these work?
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‎Feb 18, 2025
01:11 PM
Moving to Lightroom forums
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‎Feb 18, 2025
11:55 AM
Thanks for the update. Interesting to known that it works in 22.1. Would be good to figure out in which version of PS things changed. We could examine what changes may have occurred during that time which might have impacted this area of the application. Would you be able to provide a file I could test on my end? In give me some stats I could use to build my own?
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‎Feb 14, 2025
02:34 PM
Just tried the Spring 2024 brushes in Photoshop 2025 as well as 2019, just to make sure there were no compatibility issues. The .ABR format should work across most any version of Photoshop. Make sure the files size is right (22,475 kb for this particular one) because if the file failed to download properly, that could lead to this error. Also, make sure you didn't rename the file so that it lost the .ABR extension, otherwise Photoshop will assume it is an image file and give you an error. Also, how are you attempting to import the brushes? There are a few different ways and I want to make sure I'm testing the way you are.
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‎Feb 14, 2025
02:27 PM
While we do have controls to hide the New Layer option in menus, there is no way to customize which buttons appear in panels such as Layers. If you are missing these and resetting preferences (which may cause this sort of behavior through corruption) doesn't help, I'd guess you are on a controlled machine. You mention working with IT, so I'm guessing you are in a corporate, government, or educational environment. This feature may have been taken away at some higher level and, if that is the case, this may not be something we would be able to help you with from this end.
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‎Feb 14, 2025
02:04 PM
If you hover over the Targeted tool for the Hue/Saturation Adjustment in the Properties panel, you get this tooltip: "Click and drag in image to modify saturation. Ctrl+Click to modify Hue". So using a modifier key to affect Hue instead of Saturation is already in there. Alt/Option makes the value change in smaller increments while Shift changes the slider in larger increments. Unfortuantely, we're out of modifier keys at this point, so there isn't anything left for modifying Lightness.
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‎Feb 14, 2025
09:10 AM
Yes, just copy and paste it here as a response.
While bad memory modules are a possible cause, they are highly unlikely and incredibly difficult to prove. Basically, you'd have to physically replace the modules and verify the behavior no longer occurs. So we generally don't suggest something like that. It would be easier to simply verify the procedure on an entirely different machine.
Instead, what I'm suggesting is what you are attempting will simply take a long time for Photoshop to process and your OS is losing patience. You mention you are entering 2500 as the value, which is really low. What is the starting number? Are you decreasing to a smaller file? Are there a lot of layers in the file? If so, are you able to flatten it first and then resize?
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‎Feb 13, 2025
04:43 PM
1 Upvote
I'm not seeing the same behavior on my end. My guess is there is some sort of non-default setting of some sort interfering here. A screen shot when the behavior occurs may help. One thing that is likely to fix it would be resetting the preferences to return you to defaults.
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‎Feb 13, 2025
04:25 PM
1 Upvote
The rule of thumb is that if disabling the GPU and related features helps address an issue, the first thing you should do is update your video card drivers. Visit your manufacturer's website, download the latest compatible with your device, and install. Then retry Photoshop.
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‎Feb 13, 2025
04:20 PM
1 Upvote
Hello! I'm not sure I'm following along with your request here. I'm not sure what curves and clipping masks might have in common when placing an image. Can you provide more details on what you are trying to accomplish? Screen shots might help
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‎Feb 13, 2025
12:49 PM
Still haven't found your crash report on my end. Sometimes it takes a little while, so I gave it a couple days, but still nothing. Not sure why though.
However, thanks for posting the Mac reporter as well. It says that Photoshop is hanging (becoming unresponsive) rather than crashing. The last screen shot says you force quit, which as far as the application is concerned is a crash and will often cause a crash report to appear. So, even if the crash report would come through, it likely wouldn't tell us much other than the app was force quit.
Our best information may just be in the Mac report. But a hang is pretty common when dealing with large amounts of information being processed and the OS may not know that it simply has to wait longer than it normally expects before reporting to you. Send that full report the next time it appears and lets see if there is useful information in it.
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‎Feb 11, 2025
01:42 PM
You may have purchased the font from another vendor, but it is a font which is available to you through your Creative Cloud subscription at no extra cost. The fonts in the Adobe Fonts library come from many different creators, not just fonts we have produced. So it should be the exact same font as the one you have from Emigre. It would be interesting to see if our version works and it may be a very simple solution.
But no, our licensing would not interfere with your font from a different vendor, it would be using a completely different licensing model. While they would be the same font, the rest of the file would be different, it's licensing data would not be looking to us for resolution. Also, if you don't install the font from us, there is no way for ours to conflict with yours.
It sounds like you've already followed the steps in
I tried getting the font from another source and it is working for me there as well. From this source, I did notice that there is a mix of OpenType and TrueType formats. What format are the files you are working with? Is it a mix, or are they all the same?
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‎Feb 10, 2025
05:32 PM
You can't use the Line tool to make dashed lines. Simply use the Pen tool instead.
I can provide a very detailed explanation about why this is the case, if you like. The short answer is that the stroke setting doesn't play well with the nature of the Shape object created by the Line tool.
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‎Feb 10, 2025
01:44 PM
How did you install the fonts? I just installed via Adobe Fonts and it works on my end. I have 8 total fonts available, 4 each across two families (Narrow and Wide). I notice that the font is named "Tarzana Nar OT" on my end, while it is "TarzanaNarrow" on yours. That seems like you are acquiring the fonts from a different source. Maybe you just need to uninstall and reinstall the fonts?
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‎Feb 10, 2025
12:59 PM
I tried looking up your crash report but didn't find any. Are you using a different email when submitting the report than you use for your account here on the forums?
Based on the information provided, it just seems that you are pushing beyond the memory capabilities of the environment. This could mean that you need a larger hard drive, more RAM, fewer applications running in the background, etc. Without more information, I can't be more definite. Can you provide your system info report from Photoshop's Help menu? That would at least let us better understand your environment. What can you tell us about the files you are working with other than they are PSB? How many layers? What are the pixel dimensions (when you start, before trying to change Image Size)? What is the size of the file on disk? What is the file size once it has been opened?
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