Adobe Employee
Adobe Employee
‎Jan 10, 2025
02:22 PM
Since Photoshop doesn't install these types of items, I'm moving this over to the Acrobat forums
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‎Jan 10, 2025
02:20 PM
Just took a look at the file, and as @Trevor.Dennis says, it includes differen Smart Object layers for each of the box faces. Just double-click on them in the Layers panel and they'll open as a separate file. Then you can add your content to this other file and save. It will then update into the original template
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‎Jan 10, 2025
01:12 PM
Which plugin are you trying to install from the Creative Cloud? I can try it on my end
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‎Jan 08, 2025
12:25 PM
It sounds like your files are in the cloud but are not able to sync to your computer. This wouldn't be something we can fix on the Photoshop side, so I'm moving this post. Let's try Creative Cloud desktop, but it may end up being Creative Cloud Services which has better assistance for this type of issue.
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‎Jan 08, 2025
12:11 PM
Google translate:
Hello, I suddenly have a problem with Photoshop cc 2017.1.6. under Windows 11.
Everything worked fine until now and suddenly it is no longer possible to save or export a jpeg file as a jpeg file in another directory/partition.
No updates, including those from other programs, were installed
Whenever you see new unexpected behavior, the most likely solution is going to be resetting the application preferences. See:
If that doesn't work and you are able to save to other locations successfully, you may need to check the directory/partition that you are attempting to save to. There may be some permission, formatting, or communication issues which prevent Photoshop from working with that location.
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‎Jan 08, 2025
09:46 AM
Check the Creative Cloud Desktop app. Go to Files on the left, choose Your Files from the list, and find the file. First, note the icon in the lower right of the thumbnail. Is it a Green Checkmark or a Grey Cloud? If a Check, try right-clicking and going to Open In > Photoshop. If a Cloud, try right-clicking and choosing "Make availalbe offline always". Let me know the results.
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‎Jan 08, 2025
08:55 AM
Rosetta is an emulator. This requires more processing power to operate. Meaning, the main issue is you may experience reduced performance.
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‎Jan 07, 2025
06:01 PM
The default storage location for 3DLUTs is in the Photoshop application folder:
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop [VERSION]\Presets\3DLUTs
This is not a preference folder, so it does not transfer over to newer versions of Photoshop when you choose to copy settings. You'd have to manually copy yours over to new versions after installation.
The default directory for Abstract and Device Link profiles is another location:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Color Profiles
This location is universal to all versions of Photoshop. However, on Windows, Photoshop doesn't prepopulate these profiles into the drop-down menu as it does on Mac.
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‎Jan 07, 2025
05:13 PM
I'm not suggesting creating a LUT per layer. You can create preset Adjustment layers with whatever settings you want. This includes choosing Color Lookup and selecting a sepecific LUT. You then save this as a preset and you will have a thumbnail for that preset in your Adjustments panel. Then you simply hover your mouse cursor over that thumbnail and it will preview what the LUT does to your document without having to apply it. If you build one preset for each LUT, they are available "forever" (you can remove them, but they will remain until then). You can use them with any file, you just have to create them once. I haven't watched the whole video but this looks like one that demonstrates what I'm talking about:
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‎Jan 07, 2025
03:06 PM
Google translate:
Hello, I've been looking for a way to scroll through the effects of the LUTs instantly, on my color matching layer, but nothing works: each time I have to activate the LUTs to see it, so that I would like it to work like the slap merge options.
How to do it?
I use Photoshop 2024 on macos ventura 13.7.2
While you have the drop-down list of LUT's selected, you should be able to scroll through them with either the mouse wheel, the Up and Down Arrow keys, or with a trackpad (though I found this to be less reliable). If you are trying to see an instant preview by mousing over the option in the drop-down (like how Blend Modes works), this is not something which is currently possible. However, you can create Adjustments Presets for each of the LUT's you might normally use (or all of them) and you can mouse over these presets in the Adjustments panel to preview each available option. See:
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‎Jan 07, 2025
02:57 PM
1 Upvote
Google translate:
I noticed a problem with the brush tool when I use it to mask a layer, the tool does not apply the brush to the region I select, as if it were a "miss click". I recorded a video for reference:
It looks like you have a very large scatter setting on your Brush. Open your Brush Settings panel and see if "Scattering" is checked. You can uncheck it or select different settings. Or you can select a different Brush preset that doesn't use scattering
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‎Jan 07, 2025
02:54 PM
Based on the description, my first guess is Photoshop is struggling with your video card. Try turning off the GPU by going to Edit > Preferences > Performance and unchecking "Use Graphics Processor". Then reopen your file and try crop again. If this works, try updating your video card driver and re-enabling the GPU in Photoshop.
Also, try simply resetting the Crop tool: click the Crop tool icon in the tool options bar, in the preset drop-down click the Gear icon, select Reset Tool.
If neither of these work, try resetting the application preferences. See:
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‎Jan 07, 2025
02:47 PM
Google Translate:
Good morning,
I installed PS on an external drive, everything works fine.
However, I cannot access the plugins. The panel is inaccessible and the "external module" menu is completely disabled.
Anyone have any idea what the problem is?
Are you working with a Mac ARM device? If so, you'll probably need to run Photoshop in Rosetta mode in order to find what you are looking for. See the "Does your app need Rosetta?" section here:
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‎Jan 07, 2025
02:22 PM
1 Upvote
This is a Windows only issue and resetting preferences will not address it.
The good news is that it is already fixed in the latest prerelease build, meaning this will be fixed in the next update.
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‎Jan 07, 2025
02:11 PM
Good catch and thanks for the details. Since the integrated chipset relies on shared system resources to operate, having this extra instance to power a virtual display for the Meta Quest will use up more memory and processing. It makes sense then that the performance would be slowed down.
Unfortunately, there isn't a setting in Photoshop that can be used to ignore or prioritize certain display devices. Nor do I know of a way in the OS to force a particular application to ignore displays. I'd say to make sure the drivers are up to date, but I can't find any thing about them online (using the update drivers from Device Manager is unreliable because it gets the drivers based on information from Microsoft, not from the device manufacturer, so you rarely get anything that is actually up to date). I wonder if there is a way to configure the virtual display to use your actual video card rather than the chipset.
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‎Jan 07, 2025
12:30 PM
I see better definition on my end
What is your current screen resolution? Go to Apple menu > System Settings > Displays. You will probably have to go to Advanced and turn on "Show resolution as list" then click Done. What is the resolution that is selected? I'm using the default (for my machine) 1440x900
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‎Jan 07, 2025
09:15 AM
I'm seeing the same thing on my end. I'll look into it
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‎Jan 06, 2025
04:44 PM
1 Upvote
I'm not seeing the same on my end, but this does appear to be just incorrect rendering of the UI. Can you send your System Info report from the Help menu?
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‎Jan 06, 2025
04:35 PM
I'm not seeing any change in behavior on my end regarding "Auto-Nest Layers". The setting remains unchanged when I select different layers. Can you give me some exact steps to try to reproduce on my end?
But I do see your point that we should make this setting universal and not document dependent.
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‎Jan 06, 2025
02:55 PM
I've taken a look at the files, but don't see any strange behaviors on my end. But without the source video and audio files, I'm not going to run into the same problems you see.
The only thing that stands out for me is the file which doesn't work is about 5mb smaller than the one that does. They seem to be basically the same file, so it suggests something is missing. That is, the root of the issue may be an incomplete save in the old version which prevents the newer version from reading it completely. I'm not sure why the old version would be able to continue reading it though. I would suspect that it may have something to do with whether or not Maximize Compatibility was enabled. Not having it on shouldn't cause this kind of behavior, but it could help explain the size difference and the different behaviors between versions.
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‎Jan 06, 2025
02:43 PM
While harmless, it is certainly disconcerting. There isn't a setting in Photoshop that lets you do this on purpose. Most likely there is some issue with rendering this part of the UI. It may arrise from a conflict on the system. Can you send the System Info report from the Help menu? There may be clues in there.
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‎Jan 06, 2025
02:41 PM
Unfortunately, file corruption like this can happen in Photoshop or any application and is simply a vulnerablity of all computer technology. Any number of causes may be involved, from interference of a third-party application to an issue with the drive it is stored on.
While it may be possible to look at the file and determine what is wrong with it and possibly repair it in some cases, there is no way to determine why it happened. We'd have to see the machine state at the time of the occurance to even hope to understand what happened. If you want to share the files with us, we can take a look and see if they provide any useful information.
Hare are some steps you can take to help reduce the chances of file corruption:
Keep everything up to date: Photoshop, your OS, security software, hardware drivers, etc
Maintenance: perform disk scans, empty your trash/recycling bin, clear temp files
Only run what you need: turn off other applications which you aren't currently using, disable unnecessary background components, disable/unplug periphery devices which aren't in use
Send crash reports and log bugs: if you find that corruption like this occurs when you follow a particular set of steps, let us know the pattern so we can reproduce on our end and find a way to repair it for a future update
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‎Jan 06, 2025
01:27 PM
I've requested access to the file
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‎Jan 06, 2025
01:19 PM
Lighting Effects was recently removed from Photoshop as part of removing the 3D based features from the application. See:
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‎Jan 06, 2025
01:01 PM
The first thing to do is go to Photoshop > Settings (Preferences) > Performance and make sure "Use Graphics Processor" is checked. Having this setting on is what enables OpenGL. If it is already on, we'll want a System Info report to see the specs for your video card.
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‎Jan 06, 2025
12:52 PM
I don't have a Meta Quest to test anything, but my assumption is that Photoshop sees it as some sort of input and/or output device like a scanner or printer. It is likely trying to communicate with it in some way. Can you provide the System Info report from Photoshop's Help menu? Maybe the Meta Quest will appear in there and give us a clue as to what they may be doing together.
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‎Jan 06, 2025
12:06 PM
Photoshop, or any other application for that matter, has no control over File Type Associations. This is fully managed by the OS (Windows, Mac, etc). Since you are on Windows, the behavior you are seeing likely has its roots in the Registry (which is where these settings get stored). This can include new keys not being written correctly (or at all) or old keys not being removed or updated correctly. While the installation process should automatically update the Registry, many different things can interfere with this.
One of the most common is uninstalling an older version after installing the new version. While the install process created the correct keys, the uninstall process then removed them.
Additionally, things like anti-virus can block changes to the registry for any number of reasons, such as false-positives if your definitions are not fully up to date.
In most cases, a simply uninstall and reinstall of the application in question will fix things.
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‎Jan 06, 2025
10:42 AM
1 Upvote
When trying to decided whether to use Photoshop or After Effects, the main question is are you creating an animation/video or just a still image? If still, then Photoshop. The effect that you are seeing would be the result of a blur. There are several different types of blurs available under the Filters menu in Photoshop. A couple will create this type of effect.
The first is Radial Blur. You'll want to duplicate your text layer (or whatever conent you are working with) so that you have an unblurred copy on top to keep things solid. Then for the layer underneath, apply radial blur with a Method of Zoom and the Amount set to whatever creates the distance you are looking for. Unfortuantely, this is a really old piece of Photoshop, so you can't get a live preview of you settings, it will take some trial and error. I've found that the copy layer with the blur applied should also be moved and scaled down to really match the appearance in Star Trek.
The second option is Path Blur in the Blur Gallery. The Gallery blurs are the more modern ones with better controls, live preview, etc. The Speed setting is the same as Amount from Radial blur, adjust this to create the distance you are looking for. Also, turn off the Centered Blur option so that you don't have to move the layer to line things up. You'll want to create additional paths to make the tapered effect.
While Motion Blur seems like it would make sense, it creates a linear blur, so you don't get the tapered effect that creates prespective.
There is additional information available at the following links:
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‎Jan 06, 2025
09:49 AM
Does it seem to happen when saving a particular file, file type, or folder location? For example, do you still see the crash if you create a new, blank file and save it as JPG to your desktop?
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‎Jan 03, 2025
03:15 PM
What happens when you try? Is there an error message? Do you see the splash screen? Are you on Win or Mac?
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