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I just updated to the mentioned version and the formats dropdown list only shows 3 formats: Photoshop (*.PSD;*.PDD;*.PSDT), *.PSB and TIFF (*.TIF;*.TIFF).
If your file contains items that are not supported in your required format (e.g. layers or 16 bits/channel) then the file format is moved to the Save a Copy menu. This was driven by changes in the Mac Operating System, although the changes are applied to both Mac and Windows versions to keep the two aligned.
What's new in Photoshop
Hi All,
We appreciate your feedback on the recent “Save a Copy” change. To address your concerns, we have created two new options in Photoshop 22.4.2 that will enable both revert to the legacy “Save As” workflow and/or omit the addended “copy” when saving as a copy. These options can be found in the File Saving Options section under Preferences > File Handling.
To quickly summarize, you will now have the option to revert to the legacy “Save As” workflow (from before recent changes) on both macOS
...Hi all
You may already know that flatted file formats have been relocated from the "Save as" menu option to the "Save as Copy" option in Photoshop. To learn more about this workflow update, please refer to the following quick tip:
Or see this video tutorial link
Hope it helps,
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I got it to save your previously copied text to a .txt file, then put it back in the clipboard once the script is done. Hopefully it's not too buggy on y'alls end.
~^+s::GoSub, RemoveCopy
FileDelete, %A_ScriptDir%\Script File Appends\ClipboardAppend.txt
FileAppend, %Clipboard%, %A_ScriptDir%\Script File Appends\ClipboardAppend.txt
WinWait, Save a Copy
; ClipSaved := Clipboard
; Sleep, 500
Clipboard :=
Send, ^c
ClipWait, 1
FileDelete, %A_ScriptDir%\Script File Appends\BadFileName.txt
FileAppend, %Clipboard%, %A_ScriptDir%\Script File Appends\BadFileName.txt
FileRead, GoodFileName, %A_ScriptDir%\Script File Appends\BadFileName.txt
Clipboard := StrReplace(GoodFileName, " copy.",".",0)
; Sleep, 1000
Send, ^v
Sleep, 300
FileRead, ClipboardAppend, %A_ScriptDir%\Script File Appends\ClipboardAppend.txt
Clipboard := ClipboardAppend
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That is most stupid change they ever made.
Especially that save a copy is not pointing the same directory you have original file and adding stupid copy word to a tile name. That's clearly showing they don't have another problems (they think).
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I get that you and a million others don't like this, but the fact is that there is precisely zero Adobe can do about it.
Apple removed the API that allowed Photoshop to strip "-copy" from the filename. With the new API, Photoshop is forced to finalize the filename before entering the Save dialog. That filename has to contain "-copy", because it is a copy. If it wasn't a copy, your original file would have to be overwritten as a flat 8 bit file to satisfy the jpeg specification.
And no, Photoshop can't just write its own filename into the dialog. You can do that, an application cannot, not on its own. This is basic IT security.
This is not a bug or mistake, but a deliberate security policy from Apple. Microsoft may well follow suit and adopt the same policy.
As for the save path, I suspect it's the same issue - Photoshop now has a lot less control over what's in the Save dialog. I'll need to look a little more into this.
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It's not a copy - a copy is an identical file - not a flattened file or any changes to the structure.
I don't care what the reasons are behind it - but Adobe's solution is not working for lots of people.
Hopefully, they will listen to the feedback.
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You're missing the distinction here - the point isn't that the result is a copy. The point is that the original file has to be copied internally first, to produce a file that can be saved out as jpeg (flat, 8 bit etc).
"I don't care what the reasons are" effectively disqualifies any kind of rational discussion, don't you think?
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"I don't care what the reasons are behind it"
Perhaps then Eugene you should propose a better solution using the feedback link below which is monitored by developers :
Unfortunately - those developers do have to care about the reasons as, unless they write a new operating system, they have to work with the APIs of the OS.
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I already have.
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Eugene TysonI don't care what the reasons are behind it - but Adobe's solution is not working for lots of people.Hopefully, they will listen to the feedback.
I would suggest that you do not hold your breath waiting for that.
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It's up to everyone to make it a priority for Adobe.
The more people that hit the feedback on the feedback forums the more likely it will be moved up the list of things to look at and potentially fix.
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Eugene Tyson wrote:
It's up to everyone to make it a priority for Adobe.
The more people that hit the feedback on the feedback forums the more likely it will be moved up the list of things to look at and potentially fix.
What do you expect them to fix?
They can make an option to behave as it did in the past and with potential ill effect to the data you save; that OK?
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Fix it as implement a better solution than what they have.
We all know why this happened - we all agree it is why it happened - what we don't agree with is how Adobe addressed the issue - they need to make a better option. How they do that, I don't know.
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Eugene Tyson wrote:
Fix it as implement a better solution than what they have.
Go ahead, provide a specific example. One that does or doesn't possibly produce potential ill effect to the data you save, the reason the new option(s) exist. Clearly some feel Adobe didn't provide a 'better solution"; the floor is yours.
BTW, I provided one, but it is possible due to the Apple API's, my example will not work. But I tried.
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I already have. Why can't you let this go and simply understand what Adobe has provided as a solution is not working for a lot of people. Its not up to me to provide solutions to Adobe. That's not how it works. And challenging me is not welcomed either.
Let it go and understand that as valiant as the efforts were, it's not working.
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Eugene Tyson wrote:
Its not up to me to provide solutions to Adobe. That's not how it works.
Eugene Tyson wrote: How they do that, I don't know.
Right, got it, its up folky to just complain. And the solution that may be coming will likely result in more whining. That's how it works it seems.
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it's not working
By Eugene Tyson
It all boils down to this pesky little word "-copy", right? I mean, that's the whole difference. That's what bugs everybody, having to remove that. If it wasn't for that "-copy", this would be a non-issue.
Previously, Photoshop was able to remove it on its own. That is no longer allowed by the operating system. So we have to live with "-copy".
That is one thing we all just have to accept, whether we like it or not. So, given that - how, exactly, is it not working?
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D Fosse wrote:
it's not working
By Eugene Tyson
It all boils down to this pesky little word "-copy", right? I mean, that's the whole difference. That's what bugs everybody, having to remove that. If it wasn't for that "-copy", this would be a non-issue.
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Actually, there is one thing they could do: work a little more on the Quick Export option.
Specifically, priority one! - make it possible to embed the color profile. The fact that this isn't possible renders it totally useless right now.
Quick Export is not a solution as such, since you're limited to one preset file format, but it should ease the pain for those primarily using it for jpeg. That seems most of the people complaining here.
A regular Export is not an option. Loading a separate process will always be slower than grabbing your keyboard and deleting five characters from the file name. So that's out. But Quick Export might work, mapped to a keyboard shortcut. But they need to finish the job they started.
I've posted this as a feature request over on feedback.
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D Fosse wrote:
Actually, there is one thing they could do: work a little more on the Quick Export option.
Specifically, priority one! - make it possible to embed the color profile. The fact that this isn't possible renders it totally useless right now.
If that's not a bug, well it's now filed as a bug officially. There is zero reason why Adobe shouldn't always embed a profile.
There is really two issues here, both related to Export.
"Export As" shows a preview that isn't color managed. Just open a document in say ProPhoto RGB, even if you specify "Convert to sRGB", the preview is utterly wrong and ugly. And considering the ONLY profile I can select is sRGB, why provide this option? Just export as sRGB. Embed sRGB.
Embed Profile isn't sticky. But worse, there is zero reason to have such an option; why allow users to produce untagged, RGB mystery meat? Always tag. If someone is so determined to remove a 4K ICC profile, let them do this without Adobe's help.
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Right. But what actually happens with the preview in Export is that color management is turned on with the embed profile checkbox. Tick the box, and the preview changes to the correctly color managed version.
What bugs me is that the box isn't sticky. I agree that it really should be on by default - but at the very least let it stay checked once I do it. Even the old Save For Web did that.
This reluctance on Adobe's part to color manage anything related to web has baffled me for years. There's no sensible reason for it. For print, fine, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, all fine. But come to any application used for web work, and it's like pulling teeth.
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D Fosse wrote:
Right. But what actually happens with the preview in Export is that color management is turned on with the embed profile checkbox. Tick the box, and the preview changes to the correctly color managed version.
Not for me (not on the build I have). Either option looks wrong but yes, I do see a difference with or without the check box. Convert check box is really a mile off.
Here is the check box on for sRGB and the underlying image (ProPhoto RGB) is soft proofing as sRGB. Something is very wrong here:
I'm on a wide gamut display FWIW.
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But you don't have "embed color profile" checked. That's the one.
Oh, and give it a second or two to catch up. It can "hang" a little.
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D Fosse wrote:
But you don't have "embed color profile" checked. That's the one.
And why would that be necessary? The option to embed shouldn't affect the soft proof.
Just Convert check box should show sRGB preview (it doesn't) or without, the original (ProPhoto RGB) it doesn't. Seems very broken.
Plus, as you can see below, with that check box, the preview is still way off.
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I added to my post above that you may need to give it a few seconds. It can be a bit slow to kick in. But it works; at least it does here (I also have a wide gamut monitor so there' no mistaking it).
But yes, I agree; it shouldn't be necessary, the preview should always be the correctly color managed one. But that's the way it works. They've actually rolled two functions into one. In Save for Web, there is a separate "preview" rolldown - Export doesn't have that; instead they've included it in the "embed profile" checkbox. Check the box, and the profile gets embedded, plus the preview changes.
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D Fosse wrote:
I added to my post above that you may need to give it a few seconds. It can be a bit slow to kick in. But it works; at least it does here (I also have a wide gamut monitor so there' no mistaking it).
Nope, sorry. I see a circular update animation in the dialog, and again, no matter what option I use, how long I wait, the preview is just wrong. The Convert check box does update (and shows a wrong preview). The Embed does not update, no change in preview. But again, an official bug has been provided today, largely thanks to you focusing on this dialog which needs a LOT of work.
We may not be using the same builds (I can't say more 😉 ).
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OK. It still works correctly here, but the whole Export dialog is unfinished work, so I'm not surprised that there are still problems. It seems they just left for lunch one day, and never came back.
I still use Save For Web as long as it remains. Someone from Adobe, can't recall who, once said that it would remain until Export was finalized. The question is what they mean by "finalized".