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I just updated to the mentioned version and the formats dropdown list only shows 3 formats: Photoshop (*.PSD;*.PDD;*.PSDT), *.PSB and TIFF (*.TIF;*.TIFF).
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If your file contains items that are not supported in your required format (e.g. layers or 16 bits/channel) then the file format is moved to the Save a Copy menu. This was driven by changes in the Mac Operating System, although the changes are applied to both Mac and Windows versions to keep the two aligned.
What's new in Photoshop
Hi All,
We appreciate your feedback on the recent “Save a Copy” change. To address your concerns, we have created two new options in Photoshop 22.4.2 that will enable both revert to the legacy “Save As” workflow and/or omit the addended “copy” when saving as a copy. These options can be found in the File Saving Options section under Preferences > File Handling.
To quickly summarize, you will now have the option to revert to the legacy “Save As” workflow (from before recent changes) on both macOS
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Hi all
You may already know that flatted file formats have been relocated from the "Save as" menu option to the "Save as Copy" option in Photoshop. To learn more about this workflow update, please refer to the following quick tip:
Or see this video tutorial link
Hope it helps,
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If you're using the latest version of Photoshop Save as a JPG has changed - use Save a Copy.
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Yes, as Derek said, everyone must use 'Save a Copy' now in order to save a PSD file as JPG.
It is a clunky, time-consuming, annoying workflow. Adobe made the change in order to accommodate Apple computer.
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Me too, I tried Save a Copy in File. It's strange so far. No need to make this change.
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Adobe did have to - read up about Apple in this forum.
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>>>No need to make this change.
There was on Macs. Photoshop Windows was similarly changed to ensure consistency in the UI.
Read all about it here:
I get why the change was made but it breaks decades of muscle memory for long-time users of Photoshop.
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After years of using save as, this latest change is the dumest move Adobe made. If you think about it the saves you do are copies!! I have to erase "copy" everytime because I don't want to see it. When I make multiple copies than it is described in the title such as "14x11-300" or "LUTs" etc.
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Apple removed the API that allowed Photoshop to strip "-copy" from the filename. With the new API, Photoshop is forced to finalize the filename before entering the Save dialog. That filename has to contain "-copy", because it is a copy. If it wasn't a copy, your original file would have to be overwritten as a flat 8 bit file to satisfy the jpeg specification.
This is not a bug or mistake, but a deliberate security policy from Apple. Adobe didn't do this because they wanted to, they did it because they had to. The old way wouldn't work anymore.
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Please refer to the link below.
EXPLAINED: What's all this fuss about Save, SaveAs and Save as Copy?
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I regualiry save files into PDF using photoshop, and for some reason the PDF option has disapeared from the dropdown box menu when I click save as. I have un installed and re installed and I am not due an update. Could anyone advise please?
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Use Save a Copy.
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So up until maybe 3 days ago PS would let me Save or Save As anything, now I am only getting PSD, TIFF and one other. I am on a Win 10 desktop, and I have uninstalled and reinstalled checked settings and cannot figure out why. I am a small business owner (only me) and this will grately impact my workflow.
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Adobe made this change to accommodate the Mac OS.
You are not alone in critizing this change.
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You can choose a different file format by selecting 'Save as copy'.
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An explanation of the change is at
Of course, the explanation doesn't make it any less painful for those who value their time.
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On Windows you can still use a script to save image file from a layered document. However, Adobe changed how Photoshop 22.4 Save As UI operates only PSB, PSD, Tiff and EXR files can be saved from a layered document.. You may have problems on a mac running macOS 10.1.5 or newer.
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This change is simply dumb! Stop fixing things that aren't broke.
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User here do not change Photoshop we do not work for Adobe.
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Please either make the new "save as copy" to save anything other than PSD/PSB/TIFF "feature" an option, or roll it back to how it's been for decades. Was this a feature people requested? what is the justification for this extra hoop to jump through? Maybe i'm not savvy enough to understand the reasoning. But, for me, as a videogame artist, i save thousands of individual assets all the time, forcing me to have to save copies, and then manually delete "copy" suffix from each file is insane to me.
I've seen multiple posts about this, and actually had to ggoogle this as i thoguht my computer, or workflow was the issue. I'm posting this in addition to other posts to increase visibility to make this new "feature" an option and not a permanent change.
There's a reason Ford doesnt just reverse the brake and gas pedal between models, because its pointless, and trying to teach every ford driver to learn a new way to drive for no obvious benefit would be seen as a strange move.
20+ year professional photoshop user.
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This is a forum for users to help each other. For suggestions you are better off posting here so that Adobe will review.
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Was this a feature people requested? what is the justification for this extra hoop to jump through?
If you've seen multiple posts about this then you're aware that this change was because of Apple changing the way the Save As dialog box works.
For more discussion and detail, see:
The reason for the change is explained here:
I'm posting this in addition to other posts to increase visibility to make this new "feature" an option and not a permanent change.
Not going to happen until Apple changes the operating system.
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This is BS, Windows is not Apple OS and they have the same 'feature'
They just hide themself into poors excuses once again.
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Rightly or wrongly this was done to make both systems similar.
This YouTube tutorial usefully explains the features of and when to use Save, Save As, Save a Copy and Export As.
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The "Save a Copy" is the stupidest work flow thing ever. It is absolute [removed by moderator]! I use templates which have long names that I then Save As X.jpg. This just adds additional effort and is STUPID [removed by moderator].
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Hey Y'all,
If any of you use AutoHotKey (AHK) I've written a script that seems to be pretty effective at removing the 'copy' text along with the space that comes before it. It script clears your clipboard and it might not work all the time, but it's working well for me in the few tests I've done today. I tried to make it save the clipboard, but I kept getting bugs with it where it would paste whatever you previously copied (as upposed to the corrected file name). If it doesn't work for you, you might need to add some pauses in there to slow down the script and give your computer the chance to catch up.
~^+s::GoSub, RemoveCopy
WinWait, Save a Copy
; ClipSaved := Clipboard
; Sleep, 500
Clipboard :=
Send, ^c
ClipWait, 1
FileDelete, %A_ScriptDir%\Script File Appends\BadFileName.txt
FileAppend, %Clipboard%, %A_ScriptDir%\Script File Appends\BadFileName.txt
FileRead, GoodFileName, %A_ScriptDir%\Script File Appends\BadFileName.txt
Clipboard := StrReplace(GoodFileName, " copy.",".",0)
; Sleep, 1000
Send, ^v
; Clipboard := Clipsaved
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Dearborn2020 wrote:
Hey Y'all,
If any of you use AutoHotKey (AHK) I've written a script that seems to be pretty effective at removing the 'copy' text along with the space that comes before it.
And on Mac, one can use a Folder Action or (better, more poweful but not free) Hazel.