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when attempting to open a photo in Photoshop on my HP Laptop, details below, the photo appears in the layers tab bottom right, but not in the workspace /desktop: It is a constant Black / White strobe. The desktop /workspace flashes Black and white
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8550U CPU @ 1.80GHz 1.99 GHz
Installed RAM 16.0 GB (15.9 GB usable)
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Edition Windows 10 Pro
Version 21H2
Installed on ā24/ā03/ā2021
OS build 19044.2604
Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.4190.0
Hi All,
Apologies for the flashing/strobing you're experiencing when opening files, this tends to affect older graphics cards (GPU) that don't support all of the aspects of DirectX 12.
For Windows:
For macOS:
We would like to find out if there are any of you on Windows for whom:
A. Use Older GPU Mode is Checked, and
B. Deactivate Native canvas is Unchecked, and
C. are still experiencing this strobing issue with a GPU that supports DirectX 12?
If so, could you please provide Photoshop's Help > System Info dialog text in this thread?
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Ich kann meine Bilder egal welches Dateiformat nicht Mehr bearbeiten. Sobald ich in PS ein Bild ƶffnen mƶchte, flackert dieses und es hƶrt nicht mehr auf. Die Funktionen KĆNNTE ich theoretisch nutzen, alle Bedienfelder funktionieren, aber ich sehe halt mein Bild nicht. Auf der rechten seite des Programms bekomme ich immerhin die einzelnen Ebenen angezeigt, kann die Ebene kopieren tec. Aber es kommt nicht das Bild.
Wenn ich nicht bald Hilfe bekomme, habe ich ein ernstes Problem!!!
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Try enabling "Deactivate Native Canvas" in General Preferences and restarting Photoshop; better?
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I have changed my SSD-M2 from original 128GB to 1TB on All-in-One HP Envy 27-b170na with integrated Intel graphics 630. I have cloned the original SSD and all works fine but Photoshop. I have re-installed it twice and it does not help.
Whenever I try to open any file - PSD, JPG etc - screen is flashing white and there is nothing I can do.
Has anybody experienced similar behaviour ? Is there a solution to it?
All other applications work fine and there is no problem.
WIll appreciate help.
Stash Staruch -UK
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Try going to Preferences >Technology Previews and check Deactivate Native Canvas. Then close and restart Photoshop.
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Hej Dave
Great thank from me also. I had the similar problem with the white flashing screen - and now it works again.
Kind regards, Marianne
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Hi Where do I locate "preference" using a PC, not MAC
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'Where do I locate "preference" using a PC, not MAC'
Menu - Edit > Preferences
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"Hi Where do I locate "preference" using a PC, not MAC:
For both; navigate to Photoshop's Preferences folder.
(macOS only) Open the Preferences folder in the Library folder**, and drag the Adobe Photoshop Settings folder to the Trash from the following path:
macOS: Users/[user name]/Library/Preferences/Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings
Windows: Users/[user name]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop [version]/Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings
Now you can drag the entire Adobe Photoshop [Version] Settings folder to the desktop or somewhere safe for a backup of your settings
**Note:The user Library folder is hidden by default on macOS. Hold down the Option key in the Finder when using the Go menu. The library will appear below the current user's home directory.
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Dave -THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your fastest possible reply.
It worked and I am most grateful.
Thank yoi.
Have a nice rest iof the day
Kind regards- Stash
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In photoshop go to Edit>Preferences>Technology Previews, check Deactiveate Native Canvas, then restart photoshop
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When I open a file, screen blinks like this and I cannot see my work.
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j'ai un soucis avec les nouvelles version (24.4.1 et 24.3) je les tƩlƩcharges et quand j'ouvre une photo mon ecran ce mets a clignoiter en noir et blanc !!!
j'ai du reinstaller la version 24.2.1
quelqu'un a une explication ou une solution svp
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In photoshop go to Edit>Preferences>Technology Previews, check Deactiveate Native Canvas, then restart photoshop
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Thanks you Jeff
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When I upload an image in photoshop, it just becomes a flashing light.
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In photoshop go to Edit>Preferences>Technology Previews, check Deactiveate Native Canvas, then restart photoshop
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I have updated to the latest Ps 24.4.1 but now when I load the screen flashes all the time, how can I stop this?
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open photoshop>edit>preferences>technology preview>check "disable native canvas"
then restart photoshop
<moved from cc desktop bugs>
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Estou com problemas no photoshop. Quando abri algum arquivo a tela do arquivo fica piscando e nao carrega a imagem que preciso trabalhar. Ja desisntalei a versĆ£o mais recente e troquei mas o problema persiste.
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I needed to substitute my PC HD and, so, had to reinstall all the apps. Although the Photoshop doensĀ“t work. When i try to open an archive, the screen starts to flicker and i cannot use this.
Who knows how to fix this problem?
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No matter what image I try to open, new or existing, the interface screen rapidly flickers black and white.
I have tried restarting and reinstalling to no avail.
Any ideas?
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open photoshop preferences>technology preview>check "disable native canvas"
restart photoshop
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Acabo de actualizar mi Photoshop y ahora el programa no abre archivos, y muestra en el area de trabajo una intermitencia entre un fondo blanco y negro.
video demostrando como se muestra mi photoshop
(El programa si arranca, el problema esta al abrir archivos, ya sean imagenes o .psd, tanto con archivos desde la nube como desde pc)
Version actual v 24.4.1, S.O. Windows 10 Home
Por favor ayuda
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Open Photoshop Preferences>Technology Preview>Check "Disable Native Canvas"
Restart Photoshop
<moved from CC Desktop bugs>