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Since yesterday's update, can´t even open a jpg file. Always says: Could not complete your request because of a program error. I need to work.
{Moderator Note: Edited the thread title, PS-52603}
Hi all,
05/20 update: We have resolved another program error issue while dragging assets from libraries to the artboard in Photoshop 22.4.1 update. Could you please update Photoshop to the 22.4.1 version via the Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop app and let us know your feedback.
Here's how you update Photoshop to its latest version: Update Creative Cloud apps
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Hi Akash, I tried the way you explain it but the message keeps coming up when I try to open any image.
Hope you can help me again, sorry.
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Try disabling the Graphics Processor.
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Thank you so much John that was the problem.
But for future referencies, do you know why I had this and if there's a way to solve it with a mother board or something like that?
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Updating the graphcs driver seems to have solved it for many people.
The issue seems to have been introduced with the latest release of Photoshop 2021.
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I am not able to update to 2021 due to needing an OS update. I turned off graphics processer to no avail. I'm missing out on multiple Photoshop labs in Max trying to resolve this.
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A mí me pasaba lo mismo y la única manera que he tenido de solucionarlo es desactivando el procesador gráfico en las preferencias de PS
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Suite à la mise à jour effectuée aujourd'hui vers la nouvelle version Psp 2021, plus rien ne fonctionne ! Je ne peux ni ouvrir ni créer... ni fermer Photoshop ! Un message dingue apparaît : 'Impossible d'effectuer cette opération en raison d'une erreur de programme" !!
A L'AIDE !!!!!!!!!! J'ai plein de boulot à faire et j'ai bêtement supprimé la version antérieure avec la mise à jour !
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Desde la actualizacion de hoy a version 22.0.0 no puedo abrir ningun archivo, ni puedo cerrar el programa porque me sale un cartel informando " Could not complete your request because of a program error. "
Veo muchos reclamos, pagamos por el servicio, y tenemos que trabajar, cuando lo van a solucionar?
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Hola, desde que Photoshop se atualizó hace unos días a su última versión, he tenido un problema, el cual no me permite abrir ningún documento ni crear documentos nuevos, a penas le doy en crear documento y siempre me arroja el mismo problema: "No se ha podido cumplir porque ha habido un error de programa". Cabe mencionar que, antes de esta actualización, Ps corría perfectamente en mi equipo.
Les agradecería mucho me pudieran ayudar a solucionar este problema, ya que me estoy atrasando demasiado con mis proyectos y no encuentro solución.
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How can i fix this? Can't open anything...
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Beste allemaal,
Mijn hand tool werkt niet meer.
Krijg de melding: Kan uw verzoek niet uitvoeren vanwege een programmafout.
Adobe Photoshop CC 2021 al opnieuw geinstalleerd.
Hoe kan ik dit probleem oplossen?
Groeten Pepijn
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Hi there,
Sorry to hear that. Check out the list of known issues with Photoshop 22.0:
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Gostaria de um solução o mais rápido possivel pois meu tempo é dinheiro e eu não posso ficar olhando para tela do computador enquando meu photoshop fica dando erros.
Primeiro erro corresponde quando abro o photoshop o segundo e terceiro é quando tento abrir qualquer arquivo que estava trabalhando nele.
Estou sendo cobrado e preciso trabalhar.
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It's a known issue, more info
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Zodra ik photoshop open, krijg ik een foutmelding: Progammafout
Ik kan niet eens een afbeelding openen. Sterker nog, bij het afsluiten krijg ik de zelfde melding en het niet om af te sluiten. Dat moet met Ctrl-Alt-Delete.
Tot nu teen zie ik dat ik niet de enige ben, maar is er nog geen oplossing.
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It's a known issue, more info
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It's a known issue, more info
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Hi! What version of Photoshop are you using? Are you on Windows or Mac?
Here is a thread recently posted that might give you some answers if you have the same criteria:
Let us know if that helps or if you still have any questions.
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Thank you very much
The thread helped me, I disabled the graphic processor and it seems to be working
Thank you so much
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By disabling use graphic processor you will lose some functionality that requires a GPU, more info
See "Features that won't work without a GPU"
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I am attempting to use Photoshop 22.0.0, and am repeatedly getthing the error message "could not complete your request because of a progam error" when I attempt to open images.