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Paste on multiple layers at once?

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Jul 16, 2020 Jul 16, 2020

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Is it possible to paste something on mutliple layers that you selected at once?

Actions and scripting , Windows




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Jul 16, 2020 Jul 16, 2020

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I often use the keyboard shortcut (Command/Control + ~) to cycle through open files within Photoshop. The great thing is that when the last file is the active document, the keyboard shortcut will jump you to the first image.




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Jul 17, 2020 Jul 17, 2020

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Uh, sorry I missed the point, it is about open documents not layers.


Ctrl + Tab will select next tab as already explained while Ctrl + Shift + Tab selects previous tab. You can aso click on two arrows on the right side of tab list and to select first or any other open document.

2020-07-17_10-02-51.jpgexpand image


Not sure what exactly you want but there are multiple ways to select bottom most image in the Layers stack without clicking on each layer separately. One way is using keyboard shortcut Alt + , (comma) while Alt + . (period) will select top most layer. You can scroll down and manually select bottom most layer, to record action to select bottom most layer or even to fully automate and instruct photoshop to play action on Open Document event https://www.designeasy.co/2018/06/how-to-automate-boring-tasks-using.html




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Jul 17, 2020 Jul 17, 2020

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Maybe I'm doing something wrong but the problem is that if I do this and click the first image as soon as I close that image it goes back to the last open image, which is the bottom file. That is why I click each one so that when I finish an image and go to the next it is in order and I'm not continually hopping to that last image. 

You know when you are in finder/file explorer and you can sort things by name a-z or z-a etc I'm basically looking for a way to change my image from z-a into a-z if that makes any sense at all! 




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Community Beginner ,
May 20, 2023 May 20, 2023

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Hi! I'm looking for the solution for the same problem - if I open 50 images at the same time, Photoshop opens each of them but the last one is what I see first, etc.
I also tried Ctrl + tab and if I click the first image, it jumps back on the last. Did you find out how to solve this problem? I can see posts / videos about reversing layers but I don't want layers, I only need to reverse the opened files... If you got the answer, can you please describe how to do it?




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May 20, 2023 May 20, 2023

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Please explain what you mean with screenshots. 

What does »the last one« mean exactly – the last one you clicked in the Finder (temporally), the alpabetically last one, …? 

What difference does it make in your workflow which image is frontmost after opening a bunch of images?




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Community Beginner ,
May 21, 2023 May 21, 2023

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Thanks for your quick reply.

We went on holiday and I wanted to edit the pictures with Photoshop. My camera exports the images to my PC day by day, so I have about 100 pictures per directory. I also like to write on some pictures, what they show (historical buildings or special natural places) and when the PS opens 10 images of the same building in "reversed" order, it'd be silly to write on the last one the name of the site. Also, I remember better "in order" what we did in the morning, noon, afternoon.
The images are made with my camera so their names are always "DSC_number"

Ancsi090929978672s34m_0-1684652438791.pngexpand image

If I select all files in one drectory (one day), PS opens them from the beginning, but it means I get the latest (from the evening) at the top, and I don't know how many there were about the same site.

Ancsi090929978672s34m_1-1684652641102.pngexpand imageAncsi090929978672s34m_2-1684652718091.pngexpand image
Do you know what I mean? So when I edit and close the "top image" (#01437) I get the 01436, then 01435, etc., so I don't know which one was the first of the same site. As sometimes I only just click on "auto level" and save the image, it'd take a lot more of time to open then one by one.
I hope you can see now why I would need that PS shows me the images in "correct order".






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May 21, 2023 May 21, 2023

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A new topic would have been better. This is about file open order, not layer order.


Photoshop's open dialog can sort and affect opening order. You can also use Adobe Bridge to open files in order. Finally you can use a Photoshop script to open files in order/reverse order.




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Community Beginner ,
May 21, 2023 May 21, 2023

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Hi Stephen,

my problem is also about file open order, not layer order. That's why I thought to ask the person who posted this 3 years ago.
I have 100 files in one directory, not 100 layers... Unfortunately I don't know Adobe Bridge, but I'll check it out if it can solve the problem of opening files in order.




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May 21, 2023 May 21, 2023

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Ok, you're right, the topic title is incorrect.


Have you looked at my previous posts further down the page under this threaded reply?




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Community Beginner ,
May 21, 2023 May 21, 2023

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Hey Stephen,
I've looked at your previous posts indeed... Unfortunately the Ctrl + tab (+shift) shortcut doesn't work (as I've written in the post, I can click 50 times to get to the first file but as soon as I save & close it, it shows the last one again). As for "filtered by case-insensitive file extension" it seems great if you're an informatician or software-maker.. 🙂  I have no idea how to get to the place to change these lines. The "Adobe scripts" link doesn't help me neither... 😞 But I'll try to find an expert who can help me with it. Thanks to you too!




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May 21, 2023 May 21, 2023

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May 21, 2023 May 21, 2023

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Have you had time to install and test Bridge yet? 


When you say »write in some pictures« do you mean you add metadata or do you add a Type Layer or …?

Re-saving jpgs in Photoshop will lead to increased damage due to the lossy compression being re-applied. 




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Community Beginner ,
May 21, 2023 May 21, 2023

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I haven't tested Bridge yet but I read about it and it seems to do the work.


As for write a text on the picture, it's indeed adding a type layer :

Ancsi090929978672s34m_0-1684675867779.pngexpand image

I know I can't change anything on the image after writing, but I save it as a jpg and leave the original psd file, so I can get back to the original at any time. I know that the file would be damaged but they're only for our souvenirs, not for an exposition, so it's OK.
Thanks for the tips.




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New Here ,
Jan 07, 2025 Jan 07, 2025

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Hello all, I just saw this thread and realised that I probably have the answer. No need for Bridge, or scripts etc. Following is a procedure to illustrate how I do it. Here goes (BTW I'm running Windows 10):


1. Create a set of files in any folder, named as follows (they can be any filetype; I'm just using TIFF for this example):



2. Click on View in the folders menu bar, and select Details. Sort by Ascending Name, by toggling the little chevron above the Name column until it points upwards. 01.tif should now be the first entry, and 09.tif the last.


3. Click on 01.tif, then while holding the Shift key down, click on 09.tif. All nine files should now be selected.


4. Click and hold on 01.tif and drag&drop the selected files onto a PhotoShop shortcut on your desktop. [For the purpose of this exercise I'm assuming that you have a shortcut on your desktop which points to Photoshop.exe.]


5. PhotoShop opens the files in the following order:



09.tif will be the last window opened, and it appears on top of the other windows. If you click on the 'Window' menu item, the filenames displayed are as follows:

1 01.tif
2 02.tif
08 08.tif
09 09.tif


6. Now, quit PhotoShop and repeat step 2, except that this time you sort by Descending Name, with the little chevron above the Name column pointing downwards. 09.tif should be the first entry, and 01.tif the last.


7. Click and hold on 01.tif and drag&drop the selected files onto the PhotoShop shortcut on your desktop.


8. This time, PhotoShop opens the files in reverse order:



01.tif will be the last window opened, so it appears on top of the other windows. If you click on the 'Window' menu item, the files displayed are as follows:

1 09.tif
2 08.tif
08 08.tif
09 01.tif


I hope this is useful. I think it will solve Ancsi090929978672s34m's problem, at least.


Oh and I should say, I would support Stephen Marsh's call to have this tipped into a new topic. It has morphed into something that has nothing to do with layer management.

All the best - Brett RC.




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Advisor ,
Jan 09, 2025 Jan 09, 2025

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We spoke about this method earlier. However, when using batch, you assign a folder  and this won't work. There is something funky going around when using batch on a folder.




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Dec 29, 2023 Dec 29, 2023

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It is actually a workflow in Photoshop, it seems. When you close a new selected document, no matter where in the order it was during opening, Photoshop will still go to the order in which it opened the documents.


IE: if you open documents in order of 1 ~ 10 and you select Doc named 3 and than close that document. Photoshop will jump to Document 10. Because that was the last document opened. 

If you want to keep order while working and closing documents. Like @Stephen Marsh  showed you. Open de the documents in reversed order. You dont actually need a script for this.

However, it seems when we use Batch, this has some weird effect on the order of documents we open.




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Jan 25, 2022 Jan 25, 2022

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Is Michael Bullo other account?




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Jul 17, 2020 Jul 17, 2020

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A Script like load files into a stack  has an interactive files selection dialog where you cam select files from all over the place from many folder one many disk.  Once  you done with your selections the script start and creates a document withe layers containing the composite images of your selected files.


The point is such a script could open the files in any order you want if there is some logical order.   If the select you want to process is something simple  like all the  images in a folder or all the psd files in a folder the section process  would be as simpler select folder dialog.  The script  would get the list of file and open in the reverse order process the list from the end to the beginning.





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Jul 17, 2020 Jul 17, 2020

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Something like this which will open all files in a given directory, filtered by case-insensitive file extension... 


Opening images in reverse order
var inputFolder = Folder.selectDialog("Please select the folder to open the images in reverse order:");
for (i = !(fileList = Folder(inputFolder).getFiles(/\.(jpg|jpeg|tif|tiff|bmp|png|eps|psd|psb|gif|tga)$/i).sort().reverse());
    i < fileList.length;)




Using .reverse() will load the files such as:






(003 at the first left tab, 002 in the middle, 001 on the right tab which should be the first doc open/visible).


One can remove the .reverse() after the .sort() if required for the opposite order.


I'm not sure how to call the open dialog for interactive manual selection of only certain files, perhaps somebody that knows can post the code.





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Jul 20, 2020 Jul 20, 2020

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P.S. At least on the Mac OS, the sort-order of files is maintained from the file/open dialog window when manually sorting and selecting the files to open... So no need for a script to get the required files open in the order you need!


a-z-sort.pngexpand image

z-a-sort.pngexpand image


EDIT: The File > Open window works the same on MS Windows too!




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Jan 25, 2022 Jan 25, 2022

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I'm not sure how to call the open dialog for interactive manual selection of only certain files, perhaps somebody that knows can post the code.


I just stumbled over this old post as it was bumped... To answer my own question:


var openDialog = stringIDToTypeID( "open" );
executeAction(openDialog, undefined, DialogModes.ALL);




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Advisor ,
Dec 29, 2023 Dec 29, 2023

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You would need to use a custom script for this.


Im kinda baffled why most to all answers above are almost all about something completely different. I see stuff about opening documents. Is this forum getting totally mingled or what?!




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Dec 29, 2023 Dec 29, 2023

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You would need to use a custom script for this.


Im kinda baffled why most to all answers above are almost all about something completely different. I see stuff about opening documents. Is this forum getting totally mingled or what?!

By schroef

How attentively have you perused this thread (that was started in 2020 by the way) before offering your critique? 




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Advisor ,
Dec 29, 2023 Dec 29, 2023

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Yes, it starts with someone asking about copy/pasting on all selected layers and then suddenly its about opening images and tab-order. I scrolled up and down making sure it showed correctly



Have you checked the initial question of this post? Not sure why you attack me about this


Perhaps you see something different, but this is what i see
ps-thread.pngexpand image




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