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Pen tool Create Mask not working Photoshop

New Here ,
Jul 09, 2023 Jul 09, 2023

I want to make a path with my pen tool then turn it into a "make selection" with my prefered subject of the photo. But instead it "makes a selection" of my subject and selects the entire artboard as well.


This causes issues when toggling between black/white inside a mask.


Please someone help, I have re-installed photoshop and my work essentials. I'm not sure what changed (using MAC)


currently using version 24.4.1 , same issue with the newest version of 24.6


Screenshot-pen selection.pngexpand imageScreenshot-ISSUE-slects subject_artboard.pngexpand imageScreenshot-issue in black_white mask.pngexpand image



Actions and scripting , macOS , Windows
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correct answers 2 Correct answers

Community Expert , Jul 09, 2023 Jul 09, 2023

When using the Pen tool take a look in Options bar and choose Combine Shapes from Path operations as explained in the screenshot below (drop down menu).

path operations.jpgexpand image


Community Expert , Jul 09, 2023 Jul 09, 2023
  1. You can choose the path operation of a path freely. E.g. if it should add or subtract. Usually you want it to "Exclude Overlapping Shapes", but you likely have your set to Subtract (so it selects everything except what is inside the path).


Setting while using the Pen Tool:

JonasRogne_0-1688970197622.pngexpand image


Setting while having Path Selection Tool active:

JonasRogne_1-1688970217926.pngexpand image



That said, I want to point out some basic tips:

  1. You normally should not be make a selection from your path, but rather a vector mask. That way the path remains edit
Community Expert ,
Jul 09, 2023 Jul 09, 2023

When using the Pen tool take a look in Options bar and choose Combine Shapes from Path operations as explained in the screenshot below (drop down menu).

path operations.jpgexpand image


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New Here ,
Jul 10, 2023 Jul 10, 2023

Thanks so much!

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Community Expert ,
Jul 09, 2023 Jul 09, 2023

Could you please post screenshots with the pertinent Panels (Toolbar, Layers, Paths, Options Bar, …) visible? 

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Community Expert ,
Jul 09, 2023 Jul 09, 2023
  1. You can choose the path operation of a path freely. E.g. if it should add or subtract. Usually you want it to "Exclude Overlapping Shapes", but you likely have your set to Subtract (so it selects everything except what is inside the path).


Setting while using the Pen Tool:

JonasRogne_0-1688970197622.pngexpand image


Setting while having Path Selection Tool active:

JonasRogne_1-1688970217926.pngexpand image



That said, I want to point out some basic tips:

  1. You normally should not be make a selection from your path, but rather a vector mask. That way the path remains editable while being used as a mask. Use Layer > Vector Mask > Current Path... or Ctrl/Cmd-click the mask button in the layers panel.
  2. If you have a selection and it is inverted, go to Select > Inverse.
  3. If your have a layer mask and it is inverted, use Image > Adjustments > Invert, or just use the Invert button in the Properties panel.
  4. If an existing path in your vector mask is set to e.g. subtract instead of exclude, select the path with the direct selection tool, and set it to the correct operation on the options bar (add).
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