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Photoshop 2020 running slow

Community Beginner ,
Nov 06, 2019 Nov 06, 2019

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My Adobe Photoshop auto-updated for me this morning (yay!) but as I have been using it throughout the day, it has started to lag. At this point I wasn't even able to make a selection without having to wait 10 minutes (approximately) before it was ready to move on to the next step. Is there a reason it's running so slow?




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Community Expert ,
Nov 06, 2019 Nov 06, 2019

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Can you post any information about your Machine, OS version, device drivers etc. At least post  your PS 2020 help system info.Adobe claim is performance has been improved.





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Nov 06, 2019 Nov 06, 2019

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I had started to type my question before a meeting, but hadn't realized it hadn't posted until after the meeting (an hour later). I should have checked to see if it was running any better before posting. It appears to be running smoothly now. Thanks!


... or it had, briefly. I have reverted back to the 2019 version for now. It's too maddening trying to work with Photoshop 2020 until all the problems are solved.




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New Here ,
Dec 08, 2019 Dec 08, 2019

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Well mine does not. I had both 2019 still installed and a seprate 2020 (dont ask how, I have no idea how). 2020 is useless. Its so slow & imposible to make the slightest change to any layer. The wheel of death basicly. I alwasy had to manually open in 2019 or I could not do any work. I accedently uninstalled 2019 thinking it was 2020. Now I cant do work. Why am I paying $$$$$$$ for an applicaiton that is non working. I have restarted and turned off my Imac ( about 6 months old - UTD). 


Can it be fixed or I have to wait for more people to complain or Adobe to fix the bug??? I should get a prorated refund untill they fix this issues. I cant use PS 2020 the way I was able to with 2019. I paid for CC 95% for the reason to use PS to do work. 


Anyone found a solution?




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 17, 2019 Dec 17, 2019

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If you have a MAC or WPC try Corel products. They are pretty good and have way better service and support. For me it's way better working than 2019 or 2020. But there are more awesome products out there, just don't go with Adobe.




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Community Beginner ,
Jan 15, 2020 Jan 15, 2020

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For heaven's sake, JJMack. It's bad enough that this forum is basically a place Adobe shunts people in hopes that they'll become frustrated and go away- but now suddenly WE'RE responsible for trouble-shooting Adobe's problems?
Enough of us are having this problem that it's fairly obvious that we're not making this us.  Photoshop 2020 has performance problems that make it unusable.  You'd think Adobe would want to know about something like that, and would want to do something to fix it.  

It seems to me that it's Adobe's responsibility to find out why this is happening, not me.  I bought the product, I expect it to work. 




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Explorer ,
Feb 08, 2020 Feb 08, 2020

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I have contacted support yesterday after giving up and trying to find a solution myself for weeks. Was waiting in chat for nearly an hour and no help in sight. It was already after 2 am so decided to stop waiting and send another message asking them to open a case for me and I would get back to it first thing in the morning. Yes, a case was opened but closed right away with the reason " disconnected".


That was my third attempt getting through to support within a year and I never had a ny luck. How long are we suppose to wait for someone to answer a chat?!? ...and it's the only contct option, apart from calls.


Really not happy about their support!


Anyways, rant over! Have a great day! J




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Contributor ,
Jul 01, 2020 Jul 01, 2020

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go to this thread and tell them what you're are experiencing and hit the "me too" button the top





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New Here ,
Sep 13, 2020 Sep 13, 2020

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I have tried almost anything. Reinstalled the whole system, Windows 10, reinstalled all Adobe programs several times, and it's still a HUGE problem.
Photoshop is lagging, and it "freezes" in startup. The Home screen shows up without too much waiting - but then it's not fun any more. To open an image from Lightroom the whole process just stops for an eternity - and then the image shows up in Photoshop.
It would be rather sad if I hade to change to Affinity Photo to be able to process my images. But I have been trying everything - and I'm starting to be really tired of this problem...




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Community Beginner ,
Sep 23, 2020 Sep 23, 2020

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I have the same problems. Photoshop is sooooo slow. Its so frustrating.




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Community Beginner ,
Jan 17, 2020 Jan 17, 2020

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The problem is I think with the cache or something. When I first start Photoshop 2020 it works fine, maybe a little laggy but doable. But after a little while the beachball of death appears everytime you try to do anything at all. Even resizing, or saving, or a simple brushstroke, takes at least a minute or 2 to finish. I have to restrt Photoshop and start all over again.

CPU will go to 100%. It just can't be my iMac, maybe I should upgrade to the latest OSX that's the one thing I haven't tried yet. With 4,2GHz i7, 24GB of Ram and a Radeon Pro 580 8 GB you should think my iMac is meeting the specs.

The most frustrating thing is, that Adobe just doesn't aknowledge there is an issue, while so many people are experiencing it. Crazy...




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Explorer ,
Feb 01, 2020 Feb 01, 2020

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Absolutely, 2020 is almost unusable. That beach ball is almost a permanent fixture 

I have 2017 MBP that was specced to the max when I purchased it but it seems to be unable to cope with this upgrade. 




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Explorer ,
Feb 08, 2020 Feb 08, 2020

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It's not your PC, pretty sure! I had no issues with 2019 whatsoever but 2020 is a pain in the neck. My PC is a beast and everything is flying on it, apart from Photoshop 2020. *eyeroll




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New Here ,
Mar 03, 2020 Mar 03, 2020

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Yeah I been having this trouble and thought it was my computer 🤯 it really slows down work at the worst time!! I'm just going to go back to a older version 




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Contributor ,
Jul 01, 2020 Jul 01, 2020

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go to this thread and tell them what you're are experiencing and hit the "me too" button the top





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Explorer ,
Feb 01, 2020 Feb 01, 2020

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I'm an art director for videogames, and pretty much my whole department as well as my home computer have been getting this issue and we are all PC, Nvidia or AMD varying amounts of Ram and hard drive configurations, Most with Cinitq Wacom interface devices- and it all seems to get the same bugs. It seems to be most exacerbated by actions such as using the color picker, or color pallette and trying to make a mark or making a selection, especially with the polygonal lasso tool Those two things can crash or halt photoshop. 




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New Here ,
Mar 11, 2020 Mar 11, 2020

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First post and just felt I have to chime in on this.

Windows 10 (1903 build 18362.719), Ryzen 5 1600, 16GB RAM, nVidia GTX1060 6GB (drivers v442.50), all Photoshop PSD files are opened/saved on SSD.

This computer is not a poor computer at all.


I use Photoshop CC only (no other CC products) along with GIMP 2.10 for game engine related texturing processes (lots of layering, coloring, alpha/masking, and filtering techniques)


Per Adobe: Stable Release - 2020 (21.1.0) February 20, 2020

So I guess it may be time to update to the latest. Some nice features present in this new version so why not....right?


Rant...and COMPLAINT!

I have been running Photoshop CC 2018 (CS0 prior 🙂 ) and it has been very stable and fast.

Just hit the update button this morning on PS CC 2020 and it is a complete and utter dog. I did not like/appreciated the UI changes as well. Why break/change something that was just about perfect? What happens with v2020 is after about 5 minutes it starts to slow down (chug). Saving files takes foooorrrrreeeevvvveeeerrrrr and these are NATIVE PSD files. Since I usually work on 500mb+ files v2020 takes 13.3 minutes to open a file now that is 563mb and it basically hangs at ~56% when opening files larger than 1gb. PS CC 2018 DID NOT have this issue! Okay...still buggy...time to uninstall this and return to PS CC 2018.


Well, wrong, now v2018 ALSO is behaving in the SAME fashion! Okay F$#%*&G uninstall all of the updates (including Adobe Creative Cloud App), restart the computer, Install PS CC 2018 all over again........F$#%*&G......still BROKEN and acting the SAME!


So I have been running Photoshop CS0 for ~15yrs with zero issues outside of not being able to do various tasks that are made super easy in the later CC versions....so purchased a sub in 2017 and have been on PS CC 2018 for about 2 years with zero issues. Now I cannot even use v2018 since something in Adobe's Updating Procedure completely wrecked my v2018 version as well.


Shame on me for updating! I guess that is where the blame is going to be placed. So 7 hours today of searching and reading fixes for Photoshop CC #### saving files slowly, opening files slowly/hanging, and slowing down over time...none of those worked. A full day of productivity down the hole. Worse yet I have no solution for tomorrow! I guess I can try v2019 and see if it works since others are saying v2019 is actually still working.


While searching for fixes I have seen many complaints about 2019 as well, which is why I never updated to v2019 since v2018 was doing everything I needed and is (was) flawless.


End Rant....Complaint.


Bottom line is....QC and Fix your release(s)


Edit Add:

PS CC 2019 works a little better than 2020 but saving a 26.6mb file takes 2m36s (various a few seconds between saves). Opening the file takes ~30sec. And as expected a 1.2gb files hangs the program.


However! I opened a couple of files that I know have not been opened in v2020 (or v2019 now) and a 1.12gb (a backup of the new file) file opens in ~3secs!! A 712mb file in less than 3secs!! 202mb in less than 3secs!! So my guess is v2020 (v2019...seems okay...don't know since I just installed it but has worked well on any Non-2020 version files...which is most of mine. Just a few to fix.) has messed with the PSD (and likely other files) formats or something that is causing issues. Just as a curious setting I disabled PSD/PSB Compression and when SAVING the 26.6mb file PS flags a cannot save file that is larger than 2gb => on a file that is 26.6mb => 1.33% the file size limit!


So obviously PS CC 2020 is handling files incorrectly internally and likely other resources not being used properly. Again....fix your program Adobe.




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Explorer ,
Dec 26, 2020 Dec 26, 2020

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Once you updated to v21.1 your sentence was cast, not going back.  When you went back did the new version of ACR stay updated?  You can't revert ACR and that seems to be where the problem is buried.




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Participant ,
Aug 27, 2020 Aug 27, 2020

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I was an early tester of V2 later V3 (eventually became friends with Knoll on AOL); paid for my copies or was gifted to my by Adobe folks. In all 30 yrs dealing with PS, I have never seen an update as bad as this. I warned some Adobe folks in '93 that a subscription model could set up the problem I and millions of others are now having: a paid app that fails to run correctly. Btw, am a seasoned hard as nails software tester; so I know a thing or two about testing. For many of us, Adobe failed to test well and for many, many months failed to address the problem; many of us called over and over again trying to figure out what the fu*k is going on. I got inconsistent responses from support (did tech support too); which none really fixed the performace problems. I think Adobe owes us a free year at least for the BS we endured. At best I strongly suggest a class action suit for fraud; which many can provide lots and lots of evidence.

However, when I bought a new 2019 iMac a few weeks ago with a SSD drive and a 3.6 cpu and 2gb vram, suddenly PS worked like it was before 11.6.2019! Getting PS to work correctly should not require anyone to buy a new iMac!! I was told repeatedly by support Adobe did a lot of under the hood changes in the code which effected proformance; really we are supposed to be unpaid testers for the new code. I now think Adobe was trying to pull a fast one on us by preparing for big sur and apple chips and be damned the installed base who struggled with the changes (please prove me wrong). 

I swear because I care: FUçK ADOBE; You failed us.




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Community Expert ,
Aug 27, 2020 Aug 27, 2020

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Why are you addressing me. User here try to help the best we can. We do not work for Adobe therefore we can not fix Photoshop bugs we are the same sinking boat that your in. We can only help you work around Adobe bugs if we know of one and help you when you are having problem doing something.


I have been using Photoshop since PS version 3.  Adobe  Support has never been good  and  IMO CS6 when release was the worst release I have ever seen. After 5 month Adobe released the first CS6 Update that fixed 506 core issues and I could use CS6 for the first time. It still had many bugs but did not crash as much.   


Adobe management has not manage to put in place good processes for developing and testing code.  As Photoshop continues to grow I expect that it will continue to go down hill.  I would like to see user like you  Address Adobe  and not rant here.  Rant on Adobe Management there is where the problem  they are doing a bad job.  They have good programmers the programmers need good leadership.





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Explorer ,
Aug 28, 2020 Aug 28, 2020

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JJMack Hi - Thanks for posting!  I feel the need to clarify something  > Initially, I wrote HERE because I didn't know where else to write!  I had tried ADOBE Tech Support in India and was told by a Supervisor that it was MY computer that had the problem because HE was using the most recent BR & PS and it worked on HIS machine therefore nothing was wrong with ADOBE anything.    Hmmmm.  Something kinda insensitive & I might add...  downright wrong...  for a Tech Support Supervisor to say.


I've long since given up trying to go thru to ADOBE Technical Support.  Those poor folks cannot fix what cannot BE fixed at the present time.


I do most appreciate the assistance you as a volunteer user give to the rest of us SO >>>  IF YOU HAVE A DIRECT LINE OR E-MAIL ADDRESS OF ANYONE IN ADOBE who gives a S__t  AND CAN AND WILL DO SOMETHING TO RESOLVE >>> all of THIS > PLEASE POST IT HERE FOR ALL OF US TO USE!

Every time someone posts an idea for a fix I try it.  Some work for a bit and then PS and BR fail again.  Other 'fixes' are not applicable to my set up or machine.  Yesterday I got so frustrated with BR not working and PS freezing up I acually downloaded the July updates for both. 


OMG!  Neither update 'fixed' the lagging, the freezing, the slow chugging, the wonky pixilations et alia ad nauseum!   With those two updates I discovered that they would NOT interface with each other!!!   SO, I went backwards to BR which only sort of works.   As for PS, I am still trying to get it to work regardless of update. 


My computer is up to date in all it's hardware AND software.  DELL has combed thru this machine 3x at great cost to me because of my internet connection and it is NOT MY MACHINE that has the problem!  


ADOBE Bridge & ADOBE Photoshop are the ONLY apps that are such failures.  EVERY OTHER app/program I use on a daily basis WORKS.  I boot up the machine, open an app and IT WORKS.  I do not have to spend half an hour or more fiddling with any of them the way I have to with BR & PS just to get them to talk to each other. 


What ADOBE HAS GOT TO DO is seperate out BR & PS and build them all over again.  Once and for all AS STAND ALONE FOR Windows, As a STAND ALONE for MAC. And a different ones for Any other kind of computer phone tablet etc... There are waay too many cooks messing with the recipe to use a bad metaphore.  It's like they've added Lime Juice to Milk and expect it not to curdle. 




None of us (with the exception of a troll or two) wants to waste any more time on this.  We just want to work the program(s)...






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Community Expert ,
Aug 28, 2020 Aug 28, 2020

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You would be my insider you stated your friends with Knoll.





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Explorer ,
Dec 26, 2020 Dec 26, 2020

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When you reverted back your BR and PS, did ACR revert?  Mine didn't when I tried the same process.  I'm really thinking that's the problem as you really weren't able to totally revert...




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Community Expert ,
Dec 26, 2020 Dec 26, 2020

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After CS6 ACR is and Indepentant  plug-in. Any ACR version can be used with Any version of Photoshop.  Adobe camera raw plug in installers 


You would need to save the different  versions.x  of each ACR Version yourself.    I would think the only the latest   ACR.X would be installed  Via Creative Cloud Desktop application.





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Explorer ,
Dec 26, 2020 Dec 26, 2020

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I wasn't clear...if the upgraded version of ACR is remaining in the left seat, it will control the Photoshop post.




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