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Photoshop Crashing On Print

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May 12, 2023 May 12, 2023

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I have been having this issue with my newest printer for a while now, and it wasn't as big of a deal until my old printer finally died. Now, I have to use the new one all the time, and I can print one file, and then when I go to print the next, Photoshop crashes every single time. I run an small business so this is hindering my work so much as I print dozens of files a day. 


This never happened with my older printer. I have done everything I can think of. Uninstalled and Reinstalled the printer and the driver (manually)—uninstalled Photoshop. I am constantly deleting the entire preference folder. I've stopped and restarted the spooler. Nothing works. Just crashing on print every single time and no holding down the space bar before selecting print also does not work. 


Is there any fix to this problem in Windows? It has been an ongoing issue for years now. 







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Community Expert ,
May 12, 2023 May 12, 2023

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Is there an update for the printer driver?

What model printer?





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May 12, 2023 May 12, 2023

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It is an Epson ET-2760. Entirely up to date, I removed the printer and drivers and then reinstalled those manually from the most recent drivers directly from Epson. I also tried an ET-8500, and it caused the same issues. 


This has been an ongoing issue for a couple years now with new printers and photoshop. I have been using Photoshop for 20+ years and I have never seen so many crashes. 





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May 12, 2023 May 12, 2023

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Perhaps contact Epson support and see if they have any suggestions?





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May 12, 2023 May 12, 2023

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I have tried that, but seeing how the issue is strictly related to Photoshop, they had no answers. The printer works as it should with everything else. 





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May 12, 2023 May 12, 2023

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Quit Photoshop if running.

Relaunch Photoshop and open the file that you want to print.

Press the Spacebar on your keyboard before you click File > Print. This process resets printer preferences that have been written into the image. 


See: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/kb/troubleshoot-printing-problems.html

Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management/pluralsight"





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May 12, 2023 May 12, 2023

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Thanks for the tip. However, as stated in my original post, holding down the space bar when selecting print does not fix the problem.





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May 12, 2023 May 12, 2023

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You could try running the Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool to remove all traces of Adobe software before reinstalling it (yet again):  https://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/kb/cc-cleaner-tool-installation-problems.html

Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management/pluralsight"





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New Here ,
May 13, 2023 May 13, 2023

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Even after running this and removing absolutely everything, it still will only let me print one file and when I go to print another, it instantly crashes until I delete the Photoshop preferences. 





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May 13, 2023 May 13, 2023

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So deleting the preference file does consistently fix the issues once?


Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management/pluralsight"





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May 13, 2023 May 13, 2023

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Yes, which isn't exactly a solution. There is no reason the preferences file should be causing a crash after I print one file. I can open a file, print that, open another, and it crashes and will continue to crash until the preference file is deleted.





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May 13, 2023 May 13, 2023

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Absolutely not a solution. I'm wondering what's going on to keep corrupting that file.

Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management/pluralsight"





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May 14, 2023 May 14, 2023

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I have no idea, and for the 20+ years I have used Photoshop, I have never had an issue until the past 2-3 years in which I have been dreading my old printers needing to be replaced (which were also Epson) because every new printer has issues and causes the crash. 






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May 14, 2023 May 14, 2023

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I have no idea, and for the 20+ years I have used Photoshop, I have never had an issue until the past 2-3 years in which I have been dreading my old printers needing to be replaced (which were also Epson) because every new printer has issues and causes the crash. 


By @stacyw45621347

Which is why it seems there is some software conflict (or hardware issue) with this system. 

What if you try working in Safe Mode?



Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management/pluralsight"





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New Here ,
May 14, 2023 May 14, 2023

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Photoshop has specifically had this issue for years, yes. It's been well documented everywhere, and there is still nothing that Adobe has done to solve the problem. The printers work fine in other Adobe programs, and everywhere else, it is strictly a Photoshop issue that seems directly connected to the preferences becoming corrupt after opening and printing a file. 





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May 14, 2023 May 14, 2023

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Photoshop has specifically had this issue for years, yes. 

By @stacyw45621347

For you yes, OK. Not for me. Not for the vast majority of users. It has not been well documented everywhere. 

Now why are you affected? 

What's wrong with your system that corrupts the preference file and what are you going to do the fix it?

With perhaps outside help.

You've provided crash reports to Adobe? You've tried a clean install of the OS, had your hardware thoroughly checked?

Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management/pluralsight"





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New Here ,
May 15, 2023 May 15, 2023

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I see this same issue come up over and over and it has been this way for years. Yes, everything has been redone. OS, Printers, Adobe. Yes, crash reports have been submitted, but nothing ever comes of them. I provide all the info and contact info, and Adobe never reaches out with any further information. 


It's a Photoshop issue. There are no issues with anything else. Only Photoshop, even other Adobe programs run  just fine.





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May 15, 2023 May 15, 2023

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I see this same issue come up over and over and it has been this way for years.

By @stacyw45621347

I've never had Photoshop crash when printing, I have three Epson printers (P800/3880/ET4700). 

Some users have had Photoshop crash for a number of reasons. They are outlines. 

But this is moot! You came here for help. 

You've told us "This never happened with my older printer" so you might consider the issue is this newer printer (why?)

You were asked if you tried with a new, clean user: no answer. 

Have you tried a clean install of the OS, then an install of JUST Photoshop and the printer driver?

Have you tried differing print protocols (your printer can work via USB or wireless)? 

Can you tell us why your system corrupts the preference file, when many of us have gone years if not decades without ever having to delete the preferences?  

Of course, you can just keep crashing and be very certain it's Adobe and Photoshop, despite the massive user base and the number of such reports in comparison are tiny! 

Do you want to get to the bottom of this and print? Or do you want to suggest this is solely an Adobe bug, despite your admittance your older printer didn't crash Photoshop? 

I'm happy to move on, trying to help others with problems they will attempt to fix. Your call. 


You say you supplied Crash Reports, how did you do so? Save and supply one here (or upload it to something like Dropbox). Adobe does reply when they get a crash report, but you seem pretty certain they did get it, and then tell us, Adobe never reaches out. Do you have actual confirmation from Adobe; they did get the reports, yes or no? 

Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management/pluralsight"





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New Here ,
May 16, 2023 May 16, 2023

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Safe Mode, New User, neither work.

Re-Installing the operating system didn't work. 

I have sent the crash report every time the box pops up. 





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May 16, 2023 May 16, 2023

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[2023-05-15_19-47-26][30976][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate hostInfo access soon. Please use HostInfoController instead.
[2023-05-15_19-47-26][30976][Warn] [general] Host should provide base paths for persistent and temporary storage for 1P plugins in uxp initialization!
[2023-05-15_19-47-26][30976][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate hostInfo access soon. Please use HostInfoController instead.
[2023-05-15_19-47-26][30976][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate hostInfo access soon. Please use HostInfoController instead.
[2023-05-15_19-47-26][30976][Info] [general] Instead of the WebView2 runtime in the system, UXP will use the WebView2 runtime in the folder: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Microsoft\EdgeWebView\
[2023-05-15_19-47-26][30976][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate hostInfo access soon. Please use HostInfoController instead.
[2023-05-15_19-47-26][30976][Default] [general] UXP DevTools: Sending Notification that UXP is Dev Ready
[2023-05-15_19-47-26][30976][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.ccx.comments-webview : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species
[2023-05-15_19-47-26][30976][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.ccx.comments-webview : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species
[2023-05-15_19-47-26][30976][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.ccx.timeline : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species
[2023-05-15_19-47-26][30976][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.ccx.timeline : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species
[2023-05-15_19-47-26][30976][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.photoshop-material-filters : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species
[2023-05-15_19-47-26][30976][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.photoshop-material-filters : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species
[2023-05-15_19-47-26][30976][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.pluginspanel : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species
[2023-05-15_19-47-26][30976][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.pluginspanel : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species
[2023-05-15_19-47-26][30976][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.cclibrariespanel : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species
[2023-05-15_19-47-26][30976][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.cclibrariespanel : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species
[2023-05-15_19-47-26][30976][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.cclibrariespanel : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species
[2023-05-15_19-47-26][30976][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.cclibrariespanel : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][30976][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead.
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][30976][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead.
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][30976][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead.
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][30976][Warn] [general] Please call HostInfoController::instance()->initialize() when the app is initializing.
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][30976][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead.
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][30976][Warn] [general] Please call HostInfoController::instance()->initialize() when the app is initializing.
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][30976][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead.
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][30976][Warn] [general] Please call HostInfoController::instance()->initialize() when the app is initializing.
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][30976][Info] upic::Upic version 2.6.0 is initialized
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][30976][Info] upic::Failed to read plugin info file: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\UXP\PluginsInfo\v1\PS.json
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][30976][Info] upic::Failed to read plugin info file: C:\Users\stacy\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\UXP\PluginsInfo\v1\PS.json
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][30976][Info] upic::Loading plugins from system fallback plugins folder: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\UXP\Plugins\External
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][30976][Info] upic::Loading plugins from user fallback plugins folder: C:\Users\stacy\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\UXP\Plugins\External
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][30976][Info] upic::Loading plugins from hybrid fallback plugins folder: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\UXP\Plugins\stacy\External
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][30976][Info] upic::Number of plugins added from system's fallback: 0
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][30976][Info] upic::Number of plugins added from user's fallback: 0
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][30976][Info] upic::Number of plugins added from hybrid's fallback: 0
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][30976][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.cclibrariespanel : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][30976][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.cclibrariespanel : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][30976][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.ccx.comments-webview : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][30976][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.ccx.comments-webview : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][30976][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate UxpIsland::setAllowWebView (a.k.a., torq_uxp_island_alpaca_ref::set_allow_web_view) soon as WebView can be loaded in any container from UXP-6.4 onwards
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][3748][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead.
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][30976][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.ccx.timeline : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][30976][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.ccx.timeline : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][22680][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead.
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][30976][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.photoshop-material-filters : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][30976][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.photoshop-material-filters : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][30976][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.pluginspanel : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][30976][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.pluginspanel : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][3748][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead.
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 489 PERF - Start Screen Init start
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][3748][Default] [console] [HS][StartScreen] CCX Start v6.6.0.46
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 491 PERF - Sophia Init start
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 495 PERF - Ututs Init start
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 496 PERF - IMS Init start
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 497 PERF - IMS.updateUserProfile start
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 497 message: Fetching NGL Profile. Awaiting Response.
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 497 PERF - Fetching NGL Profile. Awaiting Response.
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 499 PERF - Locale Init start
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 519 PERF - MainStore Init start
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 529 PERF - Platform init start
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 530 PERF - Photoshop Init start
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 531 PERF - Shared Settings Init start
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 532 message: Received NGL Profile.
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 532 PERF - Received NGL Profile.
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 540 message: Fetching Home data
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 540 PERF - Fetching Home data
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][3748][Default] [console] [HS][SophiaBase] Calling CCX Process for Home data.
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 542 message: Fetching Utut data
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 542 PERF - Fetching Utut data
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][3748][Default] [console] [HS][SophiaBase] Calling CCX Process for Utut data.
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][3748][Default] [console] [HS][SharedSettings] Making Settings Request
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 48 message: IMS.updateUserProfile
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 545 PERF - IMS.updateUserProfile done: 48
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 14 message: Shared Settings Init
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 545 PERF - Shared Settings Init done: 14
[2023-05-15_19-47-27][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 546 PERF - IMS.updateAccessToken start
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead.
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead.
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 1466 message: Updated access token
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1466 PERF - Updated access token
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 920 message: IMS.updateAccessToken
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1466 PERF - IMS.updateAccessToken done: 920
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 971 message: IMS Init
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1467 PERF - IMS Init done: 971
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][SharedSettings] Received Settings Get Response
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][SharedSettings] Making Settings Request
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 1473 message: Received Home CCXP response
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1473 PERF - Received Home CCXP response
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][SharedSettings] Making Settings Request
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 1475 message: Received Utut CCXP response
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1475 PERF - Received Utut CCXP response
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][SharedSettings] Received Settings Get Response
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][SharedSettings] Received Settings Get Response
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 989 message: Locale Init
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1488 PERF - Locale Init done: 989
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 1491 message: Loaded JSON Data: Utut
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1491 PERF - Loaded JSON Data: Utut
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 1492 message: Parsed JSON file for Utut
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1492 PERF - Parsed JSON file for Utut
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][SophiaBase] Received fresh data from CCXProcess for Utut with path C:\Users\stacy\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\learn\PHXS-24.4.1-en_US-165f8cbf-8fe0-4dc5-a627-48c88d4c3063.json
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 1492 message: Finished parsing CCXP data for Utut
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1492 PERF - Finished parsing CCXP data for Utut
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][SophiaBase] Setting data to the cache for Utut
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][SophiaBase] Surface data {"surface":"CCX_Start_3.1_Tutorials","campaignId":44824}
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][SophiaBase] Surface data {"surface":"CCX_Start_3.1_Tutorials","campaignId":44824}
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][SophiaBase] Surface data {"surface":"CCX_Start_3.1_Tutorials","campaignId":44935}
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][SophiaBase] Surface data {"surface":"LCM_LEARN_PANEL","campaignId":48390}
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 1005 message: Ututs Init
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1500 PERF - Ututs Init done: 1005
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 1501 message: Loaded JSON Data: Home
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1501 PERF - Loaded JSON Data: Home
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 1501 message: Parsed JSON file for Home
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1501 PERF - Parsed JSON file for Home
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][SophiaBase] Received fresh data from CCXProcess for Home with path C:\Users\stacy\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\data\PHXS-24.4.1-en_US-05d19c43-ea85-41e7-9fed-d11c867bc210.json
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 1502 message: Finished parsing CCXP data for Home
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1502 PERF - Finished parsing CCXP data for Home
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][SophiaBase] Setting data to the cache for Home
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][SophiaBase] Surface data {"surface":"CCX_Start_4.0_Whats_New","campaignId":54789,"url":"https://odin.adobe.com/content/dam/ccfirstmile/PHSP/en_US/componentWhatsNewToastal/Ps--Whats-New-EN-..."}
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][SophiaBase] Surface data {"surface":"CCX_Start_4.0_Home","campaignId":44935,"url":"https://odin.adobe.com/content/dam/ccfirstmile/PHSP/en_US/experienceHomeMx19/Ps-Home-Max-2020-Photo-..."}
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Ututs] User has 15 web tutorials
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 1032 message: Sophia Init
[2023-05-15_19-47-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1523 PERF - Sophia Init done: 1032
[2023-05-15_19-47-29][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 1967 message: UI Ready
[2023-05-15_19-47-29][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1967 PERF - UI Ready
[2023-05-15_19-47-29][30976][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead.
[2023-05-15_19-47-29][30976][Warn] [general] Please call HostInfoController::instance()->initialize() when the app is initializing.
[2023-05-15_19-47-29][32224][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead.
[2023-05-15_19-47-29][30976][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead.
[2023-05-15_19-47-29][30976][Warn] [general] Please call HostInfoController::instance()->initialize() when the app is initializing.
[2023-05-15_19-47-29][30976][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead.
[2023-05-15_19-47-29][30976][Warn] [general] Please call HostInfoController::instance()->initialize() when the app is initializing.
[2023-05-15_19-47-29][3748][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead.
[2023-05-15_19-47-29][3748][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead.
[2023-05-15_19-47-30][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 2181 message: MainStore Init
[2023-05-15_19-47-30][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 2700 PERF - MainStore Init done: 2181
[2023-05-15_19-47-30][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Photoshop] PS: Recent files provided. No. of items = 0
[2023-05-15_19-47-30][3748][Warn] [console] [CDO] @CCX/ccx-cdo/Stylesheets.ts | @CCX/ccx-cdo/theme/Core.css |
@CCX/ccx-cdo/theme/CCXHomeScreen/Themes.css will soon be deprecated.
[2023-05-15_19-47-30][3748][Default] [console] 2991 PERF - Launch CCXProcess start
[2023-05-15_19-47-30][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 2463 message: Platform init
[2023-05-15_19-47-30][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 2992 PERF - Platform init done: 2463
[2023-05-15_19-47-30][30976][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead.
[2023-05-15_19-47-30][30976][Warn] [general] Please call HostInfoController::instance()->initialize() when the app is initializing.
[2023-05-15_19-47-30][30976][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead.
[2023-05-15_19-47-30][30976][Warn] [general] Please call HostInfoController::instance()->initialize() when the app is initializing.
[2023-05-15_19-47-30][30976][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead.
[2023-05-15_19-47-30][30976][Warn] [general] Please call HostInfoController::instance()->initialize() when the app is initializing.
[2023-05-15_19-47-30][30976][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead.
[2023-05-15_19-47-30][30976][Warn] [general] Please call HostInfoController::instance()->initialize() when the app is initializing.
[2023-05-15_19-47-30][3748][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead.
[2023-05-15_19-47-30][15328][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead.
[2023-05-15_19-47-30][28248][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead.
[2023-05-15_19-47-30][3748][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead.
[2023-05-15_19-47-30][3748][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead.
[2023-05-15_19-47-30][32224][Info] [console] TOKEN: Initial fetch fired
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][32224][Info] [console] [Request] https://cai-identity.adobe.io/profiles/6799E18C553696AB0A4C98A6@AdobeID/connected_accounts/v2 [object Object]
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][32224][Info] [console] [Request] https://cai-identity.adobe.io/identities/v1 [object Object]
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Default] [console] [DP] Templates are not initialized yet!
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Default] [console] [DP] Bucket::createContentModuleStoresForSectionOrder we already have a store for undefined
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Default] [console] [DP] Bucket::createContentModuleStoresForSectionOrder we already have a store for undefined
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Default] [console] [DP] Bucket::createContentModuleStoresForSectionOrder we already have a store for undefined
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Default] [console] [DP] ====> onHistoryAdded() [object Object]
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][32224][Info] [console] [Request] https://cai-identity.adobe.io/identities/did:adobe:f9dac5611aa51ba88c2787a6cef03e49ca0771a93874fcc93... [object Object]
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (U)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (H)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (Mr)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (Fr)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (zd)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (Od)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (Kd)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (op)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (lp)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (Lp)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (Yp)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (oc)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (pc)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (cc)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (Qm)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (YN)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (b_)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (x_)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (k_)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (Wg)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (Kg)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (Pb)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (vb)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (V)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (I)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (O)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (G)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (K)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class ($)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (O)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (ae)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (Ue)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (be)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (D)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (O)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (je)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (Oe)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (He)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (We)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (a)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (st)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (mt)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (Nt)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (ft)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (jt)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (Lt)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Warn] [console] The provided component class (Lb)
has already been declared as an observer component.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 3909 message: Photoshop Init
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 4439 PERF - Photoshop Init done: 3909
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Default] [console] [HS][LicenseChiclet] NGL: Showing no chiclet.
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Default] [console] [DocumentStore-1] QuotaStore.fetch - Waiting for initialization to complete
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Default] [console] [initCDOStores-1] ACPLModel.applicationAssetContext is already present
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Default] [console] [DocumentStore-1] SAMSyncingAssets - Waiting for initialization to complete
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][30976][Info] [general] WebView2BrowserVersion: 92.0.902.84
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 4534 message: Interactive Ready
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 4534 PERF - Interactive Ready
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Default] [console] [DocumentStore-2] QuotaStore.fetch - Waiting for initialization to complete
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Default] [console] [initCDOStores-1] ACPLModel.applicationAssetContext is already present
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Default] [console] [DocumentStore-2] SAMSyncingAssets - Waiting for initialization to complete
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Default] [console] [DocumentStore-2] preFetchDocuments - Waiting for initialization to complete
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Default] [console] User intent container: undefined
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Default] [console] User intent container: undefined
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Default] [console] User intent container: undefined
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Default] [console] User intent container: undefined
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Default] [console] User intent container: undefined
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Default] [console] User intent container: undefined
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 4177 message: Start Screen Init
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 4666 PERF - Start Screen Init done: 4177
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Default] [console] [DocumentStore-1] QuotaStore.fetch - Initialization complete
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Default] [console] [DocumentStore-1] SAMSyncingAssets - Initialization complete
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Default] [console] [DocumentStore-2] QuotaStore.fetch - Initialization complete
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Default] [console] [DocumentStore-2] SAMSyncingAssets - Initialization complete
[2023-05-15_19-47-31][3748][Default] [console] [DocumentStore-2] preFetchDocuments - Initialization complete
[2023-05-15_19-47-32][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 4689 PERF - Late Loads start
[2023-05-15_19-47-32][3748][Default] [console] 5160 PERF - Launch CCXProcess done: 2169
[2023-05-15_19-47-32][3748][Default] [console] [QuotaStore-1] quota available
[2023-05-15_19-47-32][3748][Default] [console] [QuotaStore-2] quota available
[2023-05-15_19-47-32][3748][Warn] [console] createSharedAssetModel() is deprecated - call the asynchronous initializeSharedAssetModel() instead.
[2023-05-15_19-47-32][3748][Warn] [console] createSharedAssetModel() is deprecated - call the asynchronous initializeSharedAssetModel() instead.
[2023-05-15_19-47-33][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Photoshop] PS: Home screen visibility set to visible without back button.
[2023-05-15_19-47-33][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Analytics] analytics.ingest: (prod) active
[2023-05-15_19-47-36][3748][Error] [console] [DP] Invalid locale meta information for CuratedContent
[2023-05-15_19-47-36][30976][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead.
[2023-05-15_19-47-36][30976][Warn] [general] Please call HostInfoController::instance()->initialize() when the app is initializing.
[2023-05-15_19-47-36][25700][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead.
[2023-05-15_19-47-37][25700][Default] [console] (0) ccxp manifest update started ...
[2023-05-15_19-47-37][25700][Error] [console] Headless mode has no photoshopAction. So should not reach here in headless mode.
[2023-05-15_19-47-37][25700][Info] [console] Including internal filters... (12)
[2023-05-15_19-47-37][25700][Default] [console] (1) getWorkingManifest:: setting to pluginManifest 47.001
[2023-05-15_19-47-37][25700][Default] [console] Download store initialized!
[2023-05-15_19-47-37][25700][Default] [console] active filters set
[2023-05-15_19-47-56][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Photoshop] getVmStatus resolved after retry=44 and timeout=400
[2023-05-15_19-47-56][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Photoshop] VM is available: 10884218880
[2023-05-15_19-47-56][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 29212 message: Fetching Home data
[2023-05-15_19-47-56][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 29212 PERF - Fetching Home data
[2023-05-15_19-47-56][3748][Default] [console] [HS][SophiaBase] Calling CCX Process for Home data.
[2023-05-15_19-47-56][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Photoshop] Ps: VMStatusResolved. VmStatus is already available 10884218880
[2023-05-15_19-47-56][3748][Default] [console] [HS][SharedSettings] Making Settings Request
[2023-05-15_19-47-56][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 29235 message: Received Home CCXP response
[2023-05-15_19-47-56][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 29235 PERF - Received Home CCXP response
[2023-05-15_19-47-56][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 29237 message: Loaded JSON Data: Home
[2023-05-15_19-47-56][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 29237 PERF - Loaded JSON Data: Home
[2023-05-15_19-47-56][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 29238 message: Parsed JSON file for Home
[2023-05-15_19-47-56][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 29238 PERF - Parsed JSON file for Home
[2023-05-15_19-47-56][3748][Default] [console] [HS][SophiaBase] Received fresh data from CCXProcess for Home with path C:\Users\stacy\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\data\PHXS-24.4.1-en_US-05d19c43-ea85-41e7-9fed-d11c867bc210.json
[2023-05-15_19-47-56][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 29238 message: Finished parsing CCXP data for Home
[2023-05-15_19-47-56][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 29238 PERF - Finished parsing CCXP data for Home
[2023-05-15_19-47-56][3748][Default] [console] [HS][SophiaBase] Setting data to the cache for Home
[2023-05-15_19-47-56][3748][Default] [console] [HS][SophiaBase] Surface data {"surface":"CCX_Start_4.0_Whats_New","campaignId":54789,"url":"https://odin.adobe.com/content/dam/ccfirstmile/PHSP/en_US/componentWhatsNewToastal/Ps--Whats-New-EN-..."}
[2023-05-15_19-47-56][3748][Default] [console] [HS][SophiaBase] Surface data {"surface":"CCX_Start_4.0_Home","campaignId":44935,"url":"https://odin.adobe.com/content/dam/ccfirstmile/PHSP/en_US/experienceHomeMx19/Ps-Home-Max-2020-Photo-..."}
[2023-05-15_19-47-56][3748][Default] [console] [HS][SharedSettings] Received Settings Get Response
[2023-05-15_19-47-56][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 24552 message: Late Loads
[2023-05-15_19-47-56][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 29241 PERF - Late Loads done: 24552
[2023-05-15_19-47-56][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 29242 message: All done
[2023-05-15_19-47-56][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 29242 PERF - All done
[2023-05-15_19-48-06][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Photoshop] PS: Home screen visibility changed to invisible with back button.
[2023-05-15_19-48-06][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Photoshop] PS: Recent list changed. No of items = 1
[2023-05-15_19-48-07][3748][Error] [console] [DP] SELECT called with no target name [object Object]
[2023-05-15_19-48-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Photoshop] PS: Home screen visibility changed to visible without back button.
[2023-05-15_19-48-28][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Photoshop] PS: Recent list changed. No of items = 1
[2023-05-15_19-48-58][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Photoshop] PS: Home screen visibility changed to invisible with back button.
[2023-05-15_19-48-58][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Photoshop] PS: Recent list changed. No of items = 2
[2023-05-15_19-49-22][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Photoshop] PS: Home screen visibility changed to visible without back button.
[2023-05-15_19-49-22][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Photoshop] PS: Recent list changed. No of items = 2
[2023-05-15_19-49-30][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Photoshop] PS: Home screen visibility changed to invisible with back button.
[2023-05-15_19-49-30][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Photoshop] PS: Recent list changed. No of items = 3
[2023-05-15_19-49-54][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Photoshop] PS: Home screen visibility changed to visible without back button.
[2023-05-15_19-49-54][3748][Default] [console] [HS][Photoshop] PS: Recent list changed. No of items = 3
[2023-05-15_19-50-31][3748][Default] [console] [QuotaStore-1] quota available
[2023-05-15_19-52-31][30976][Debug] upic::PluginSourceManager Termination started





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May 16, 2023 May 16, 2023

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Safe Mode, New User, neither work.

Re-Installing the operating system didn't work. 

I have sent the crash report every time the box pops up. 

By @stacyw45621347

That strongly points to a hardware issue: likely bad RAM.

Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management/pluralsight"





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Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn more
community guidelines
New Here ,
May 16, 2023 May 16, 2023

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It's a 2 year old system that runs great asides from this print issue. It's also been looked over and tested and nothing indicated the ram is bad. 





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Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn more
community guidelines
May 16, 2023 May 16, 2023

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It's a 2 year old system that runs great asides from this print issue. It's also been looked over and tested and nothing indicated the ram is bad. 

By @stacyw45621347

Photoshop is hugely RAM-sensitive. Every open document needs 3X to 5X the size in RAM (or scratch disk). 

Adobe may use the crash log to tell you the real issue here, but again, a significant issue is that your system corrupts the preference file every time after rebuilding.  

If you create (or downsample) an image to print that's tiny, say 500K, can you print it more than once? 

Anyway, you need to get the crash log to Adobe at this point:


Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management/pluralsight"





Community guidelines
Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn more
community guidelines
New Here ,
May 20, 2023 May 20, 2023

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Nope, the size of files does not matter, small or large it does not matter. 


I'll continue to send reports. 





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New Here ,
May 20, 2023 May 20, 2023

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Is there any other way to send a crash report to adobe or contact them? Half the time, the program shuts down, and the box never pops up to send the report. When it does, I always send a report, but compared to the number of times it crashes, that's only a handful of times, and I have never received a response. 





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