Here is a SitRep:
-Successfully eliminated the video card as an issue; we tried cards from different vendors (all from the Adobes safe cards list), and made sure we loaded the latest drivers. So its definitely NOT the video card (at least in my case). We even flashed the motherboard and tried both video cards again, just in case its a combination of a motherboard driver/video card in the system. Still slow.
-As suggested by the guy at the shop (he said he fixed someone elses issue this way), I installed a new power supply as the previous one was somewhat on the wimpy side. By somewhat I mean a LOT, and by wimpy I mean it was crap; it was a surprise the machine was even running (and to think the shop actually sold this computer with all the hardware and not put a power supply that can run it???). It did solve the problem of my pocked hard drives not having enough juice to power up from USB. Now theyre running faster then a chicken through Ethiopia. However, CS4 is still slow.
-Ran a heavy cocktail of virus checks. I was surprised to discover that 13 viruses were identified, especially given the fact this was a 10 day old Windows installation and I have Kaspersky running on it. However, it turned out that some of those viruses werent viruses, but bona-fide system files operating some of the add-on hardware (like my monitor calibrator). I had an erronious detection and a premature deletion. And now that hardware doesnt work. SC4 still slow.
-Reimaged my hard drive to an early installation state. Updated the drivers, installed CS4 - nada! Slow as usual. The only thing that speeds it up is lowering the resolution; then it runs fine. But I want my pixels back, dammit.
-Now, the only thing I never tried was to completely reformat the hard drive, install Vista, load the drivers, update and then install CS4 ONLY. The thing is that my computer didnt ship with a restore CD; instead it has that factory partition thing HP puts on with a ton of crapware. So I got myself a copy of Vista 64 Home Premium (what I got with the machine in a first place) and Im installing it now. Once its done, Ill load the latest video card driver, update Vista and install Photoshop.
If that doesnt fix the issue, Ill start pulling out my RAM modules, one by one, and look into that.
If that doesnt work, Ill start pulling my hair, one by one, and see if that works. If not, then teeth, then eyeballs, etc, etc
Now, Im determined to at least locate the source of the problem. I may not be able to fix it, but Ill find what the culprit is cause I want to tell Adobe so they can fix it. It smells like motherboard teen spirit right now, but Ill know for sure once I tried everything else. If you guys have any suggestions on what else I might try that I havent thunk of, I wanna hear about it. So keep posting; I get the replies to my phone and I read them all.