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Photoshop version 25.1.0
Minor concern with behavior of working on Smart Object.
After selecting a Smart Object Layer
On Menu Bar Layer
Smart Object
"Convert to Smart Object" is still an active choice?
If it is already a Smart Object, why is it still active?
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You can have nested smart objects.
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Should this not create another Smart Object layer? How do you know which Smart Object layer you are working from?
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They will be sitting inside each other, like an onion.
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Appreciate the response. However, still not grasping the value if you are able to know which Smart Object layer you are working on. At least for me, I need to research this some more to see the added value of just nesting a Smart Object on another Smart Object with no changes into the another Smart Object. Seems like you may be increasing the file size uncessarily.
In any case appreciate answering the question.
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D Fosse
W/o trying to keep kicking the can down the road on the initial inquiry. May want to pass this along to the programming team as minor correction in next update. The reason being in programming the object (Convert to Smart Object) should close since it exectuded the code once it was selected. If something changes on the layer this called a dirty event IOW something changed which reactivates the action. Fails to pass a logic test if you have a single Smart Object and do absolutely nothing and then select Convert to Smart Object multiple times with no actions occuring.
Again minor change.
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May want to pass this along to the programming team as minor correction in next update. The reason being in programming the object (Convert to Smart Object) should close since it exectuded the code once it was selected.
By @westdr1dw
We are just end-users like you.
If you were willing to use a script to create a Smart Object (such as via a keyboard shortcut), then the script could conditionally skip over converting a SO to a SO.
Conditionally convert to Smart Object
#target photoshop
if (activeDocument.activeLayer.kind === LayerKind.SMARTOBJECT) {
// Do nothing if already a SO
} else {
// Convert to a SO
executeAction(stringIDToTypeID("newPlacedLayer"), undefined, DialogModes.NO);
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There are many good reasons for nesting smart objects. Maybe you have a masked adjustment on it. Nesting should always be an option regardless. I really can't see a big problem here.
If you're not doing anythng to the smart object, there's no reason to nest. So don't do it. You really can't modify every command to cover every possible user action.
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@westdr1dw this is behaving as planned. You can have a Smart Object with layer styles and smart filters applied as such:
You can then convert that into another new smart object wrapping all those items into a new Smart Object.
I'm moving this to discussions as this is not a bug.
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Kevin whatever action you wish to take is fine. However, the example you provide is not the action I addressed. Let's build on your example. Once this is wrapped into a Smart Object why would you need to continue to click on the Convert to Smart Object if nothing else changes?
The best way to describe what I am referring; A mouse click on a program Start button. Proper response is the application opens. You don't continue to click on the button bc the code executes to tell the app to open. Continious clicking does absolutely nothing.
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Once this is wrapped into a Smart Object why would you need to continue to click on the Convert to Smart Object if nothing else changes?
By @westdr1dw
Indeed. Why would you do that?
Again, it's completely unrealistic to use resources to code modifications and qualifiers into all commands, just because someone might do something with it that doesn't really accomplish anything. Photoshop is full of possible actions that don't really accomplish anything.
It's even full of possible actions that will destroy and delete data! If the engineers were going to spend their time coding active barriers to all these possible actions, they wouldn't have time for anything else. And the application would quickly bloat and become unmanageable.
Photoshop provides the tools, not hand-holding. It's your own responsibility to learn the tools and understand what they do.
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Why are you being so abrasive? No one is asking for hand holding. The concern was brought up as a potential oversight. Adobe Photoshop is an awesome application. Appreciate if you would not
post flaming comments to do anything to cause negativity towards the application.
Let's end this post and just remove the entire string if you have not already done so.
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OK, let me rephrase. I see that sounded a bit harsher than I intended, sorry about that. But I stand by my opinion, and it's hard to do that without sounding insistent 😉
You're asking that the engineers spend time and resources on correcting this, which you see as a problem. That's where I disagree. I don't see this as a problem, and I think the engineers should spend their resources elsewhere. There's bigger fish to fry. This is just one of those things you don't do because there's no point in doing it. And there are many of those.
So I'll stop now, I've made my point. BTW I'm not a moderator here, and even if I were, I wouldn't dream of removing a thread just because someone said something I disagree with 😉
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This may help you with understanding the process software development. The initial posting stated minor change request. Therefore, not a priority. I believe most development teams work from a priortity listing. However, they would develop a list of changes over time. They may not get to the minor change for a year or more. Having served on a couple different panels on enterprise level projects in the past I have an understanding of the process.
The reason for the request to remove the thread was to not show individuals posting flaming comments. I would not want poster to have reservations on posting questions, concerns, or suggestions having their comments being met with a flaming response.
Thanks D and have a nice weekend.
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Did not see the code someone provided.
This really addresses the exact routine I expected
if (activeDocument.activeLayer.kind === LayerKind.SMARTOBJECT) { // Do nothing if already a SO } else { // Convert to a SO
"If already a SO do Nothing we would normally turn this off since it is already a Smart Object clicking the Convert to SO does nothing.
Really appreciate the information provided.