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Photoshop won't open or create new documents, works breifly after full windows restart.

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Apr 20, 2012 Apr 20, 2012

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Hi everyone,

I am having an issues with photoshop becoming unresponsive. After about 10 minutes Photoshop will not open or create a document.

I've spent hours trying to fix this with no results. I've spent time on Nvidia's forums and tried downgrading the driver back to 275.33 with the same results. I've disabled opengl in photoshop with the same results. This error occurs on both CS5 and CS6 versions of photoshop. I've tried reinstalling photoshop (not removing and reinstalling, just reinstalling).

I can't tell if it's a photoshop issue or a Nvidia issue. I've read countless threads on this forum and can't find any help. Please help.

I've made this video to show you the issues. Thank you for your help

Video of issue - http://screencast.com/t/kG1YgmQ7 

Windows 7 x64

Nvidia GTX 275 v296.10

12gb DD3 Ram

Adobe Photoshop CS5/CS6






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Jun 26, 2012 Jun 26, 2012

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I thought I had fixed the problem by unistalling GoToMeeting, unfortunatly not. Any new ideas would be appreciated as my work has been slowed to a crawl by this for the last 6 months





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Jun 26, 2012 Jun 26, 2012

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OK, read back through the posts about the sorts of things that could cause this - and then eliminate them and see which of them might be causing the problem on your system.





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Jun 27, 2012 Jun 27, 2012

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I have even more info regarding this. The same issue came back for me shortly after uninstalling the MSI Afternurner/Kombuster. I tried 2 different models of Nvidia cards and even reformatted my PC. With absolutely nothing installed on my PC except Anti-Virus. Chipset/Graphics drivers, and Adobe CS4/5/6 I STILL had the problem....

(and yes the problem occured on all three versions of CS listed)

My resolution after 3 weeks of troubleshooting:

My Logitech Wireless keyboard was causing the program to crash when I used keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl-C,V,N,J, etc etc... every crash I experienced was because of the wireless keyboard. I figured this out only after remoting into my computer from another location and seeing that the issue went away.

Installing the current Logitech drivers did NOT help.

I am back to a basic corded Microsoft keyboard right now but I havent had a problem in over a week.





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Jun 27, 2012 Jun 27, 2012

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Thanks for letting us know. We'll add that to our tech support documentation.





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Jun 27, 2012 Jun 27, 2012

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Hi Mitch. This is very interesting since I too have a Wireless Logitech Keyboard and Mouse. A few questions:

What model Logitech Keyboard, Mouse, and Setpoint drivers were you using?

Have you had this issue since you installed the keyboard and mouse, or was there a point when it worked with the Logitech setup.

Did you try to just remove Logitech Setpoint drivers and run the keyboard with the Windows drivers?

Thank you for your help. If you have infact solved this I will make sure to send a 6pack your way!





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Jun 30, 2012 Jun 30, 2012

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Hi everyone,

I got the same problem as you guys here. After a windows restart, Photoshop was full functional for up to 30min or (in some cases) until I woke up my computer from standby. After that, things got increasingly confusing. First I could neither create a new file, nor open an existing. Sometimes even creating new layers wasn't possible.

After having done various efforts (complete reinstallation of my CS4 Design Standard, removal of logitech setpoint, trying different video drives and cards (all AMD), etc) I eventually managed to solve the problem by removing flashplayer. Unfortunately I can't tell you the exact version, but it must have been the latest 11.3 release for firefox.

Hopefully that helps you as well, until Adobe releases a fixed version





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Community Beginner ,
Jul 26, 2012 Jul 26, 2012

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Well Chris (Adobe Staff) and others. I have more bad news to report. I eventually got so despondent with how this Photoshop issue was crippling my productivity that I completely reformatted my C:\ Drive and reinstalled Windows 7 Ultimate x64.

The issue persists.

I wanted to walk you through my install so you know how minimal my OS setup was when the error reappeared.

First Install Windows 7 Ultimate x64

2nd Eset Smart Security (Anti Virus/Firewall)

Microsoft Office Pro Plus 2010

Adobe CS6 Photoshop x64 / Illustrator x64


Flash Player

With that short steup, and no plugins or other 3rd party software, I still have the issue on a clean install. Same exact symptoms. I really don’t know what to do. This has really been the bane of my existence for the better part of a year and over both cs5 and cs6





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Jul 26, 2012 Jul 26, 2012

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Not sure how flexible you are to reinstalling again, but if you try starting over I'd sure see if it works between each and every installation of additional software. 

How invested are you in that Eset software?  We didn't discuss that before.  Have you tried alternatives, e.g., Avast! antivirus?






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Jul 26, 2012 Jul 26, 2012

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I'm a whole lot less commited to Eset than I am agreeable to reinstalling my OS again. A couple notes. I have CS5 installed on my laptop that runs Windows Professional X64. My Laptop run almost the same software setup with a couple differences. 1) It's a laptop so I don't use an external keyboard and mouse; On my desktop I use a wireless Logitech Wave keyboard with a wireless Logitech Laser Mouse 2) My Latop runs Win 7 Professional; my desktop run Ultimate

Keep in mind that CS5 worked for almost a full year flawlessly with my current desktop setup until a couple months into this year. Something must have changed. My next step is to try a diffrent keyboard in the hopes that post 26 was on to something. I'll let you know.





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Jul 26, 2012 Jul 26, 2012

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I havent had a single issue with PS on my computer since I changed out my Logitech wireless keyboard. I hope this works for you as well.

I have gone so far as to reinstall all of the other applications I felt were the issue and PS still works great as long as my keyboard stays wired.

Best of luck.





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May 15, 2013 May 15, 2013

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I don't know if you are still having troubles with your Photoshop but if you are I have something that may help. I was having the same problems and I just solved them. Do a search in your Local Disk for Photoshop. Delete everything that has to do with Photoshop and reinstall. This resets your prefrences and fixed the problem for me.





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May 15, 2013 May 15, 2013

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IanYT wrote:

…Do a search in your Local Disk for Photoshop. Delete everything that has to do with Photoshop and reinstall. This resets your prefrences and fixed the problem for me.

This is probably the worst advice and most egregious piece of misinformation I've read in this forum in the last ten years.

You can indeed trash any preferences files, but to unistall applications components this way is a big no-no. To uninstall the application, ALWAYS use the Adobe Uninstaller, followed by the applicable version of the Abode CS Clean Tool.

NEVER drag Adobe application components to the trash—ever.

But it is not necessary to unistall Photoshop to reset the Photoshop preferences:

To re-create the preferences files for Photoshop, start the application while holding down Ctrl+Alt+Shift (Windows) or Command+Option+Shift (Mac OS). Then, click Yes to the message, "Delete the Adobe Photoshop Settings file?"

Mac OS

Important: Apple made the user library folder hidden by default with the release of Mac OS X 10.7. If you need access to files in the hidden library folder to perform Adobe-related troubleshooting, see How to access hidden user library files.





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May 22, 2013 May 22, 2013

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I had a similar set of issues with photoshop cs6 on new install of Windows 7. After a reboot of the machine photoshop worked fine the first time but if reloaded, Photoshop wouldn't create a new file or open an existing file. I could drag an image in from Mini-Bridge but it would not save. I would have to either keep Photoshop open or reboot the machine any time I wanted to use Photoshop.

In my case this was not a preferences issue, GPU issue, nor even a photoshop issue. It was a permissions issue between Photoshop and the OS (Windows 7 64bit). With 7 and now with 8, Windows sometimes doesn't give you all the permissions it is supposed to when you set up the first user (an administrator by default) and using the "Run as Administrator options doesn't correct this.

To fix the problem I simply created a new user as an administrator and migrated my preferences and other setting over to the new user. The new user was given full permissions and Photoshop works just fine now.





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Jun 02, 2013 Jun 02, 2013

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I am having the exact problem, but where as ya'll are having the problem with photoshop cs6 amd cs5, I am haveing the problem with Elements 7. I also have Windows 7. I also do not us a Mac. I have an Acer. I am not high tech enough to understand how to fix it, or even go about finding the problem, but I figured I would share that it's with other Photoshop versions too.





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Jun 03, 2013 Jun 03, 2013

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If it is permissions based like my issue was, then try setting up a new user as an administrator. This link on Microsoft's website should help (http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows7/create-a-user-account).

If that solves the problem then you can either switch between users any time you want to use Photoshop, or transfer your user settings from the old account to the new one. The the tutorial here (http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/11470-windows-easy-transfer-transfer-computers.html) should work. Just do all the steps on the same computer even though some of the prompts Windows will give you reference an "old computer" and a "new computer." Once you have the setting transferred you can either just ignore the old profile or delet it.





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Jun 03, 2013 Jun 03, 2013

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So I sloved this issue about 6 months ago for myself (although it's clear this thread has gotten a bit off the OP issue). For me it was one of the most bizzare fixes I have ever got to work, and also the simplest. I had to replace my Logitech Keyboard. There must have been something conflicting between the keyboard and the Nvidia GPU.

Anyway I completly reformated my system, fresh installed CS6 and was still having the issue. At that point I knew it was hardware. And after months of replacing just about everything the last thing I replaced with the keyboard and that fixed it.

So weird I know but try it.





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Jun 03, 2013 Jun 03, 2013

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I am glad my fix worked for you OP. Sorry I never really got back with you about models of keyboards...I must have missed that post completely.

As long as Adobe has added this to their troubleshooting documentation then we have helped solve a very troubling error.

I have used all sorts of wired keyboards with my computer since I first figured this out and everything has been great. I have not attempted using my old wireless setup again, but if I did I am pretty sure the issue would return.

If you have this issue plug in a wired keyboard and mouse, reboot your system and try again. If you have done that and are still having problems then feel free to post.





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Oct 02, 2013 Oct 02, 2013

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I solved the problem. It was the keyboard.

unplugging the keyboard everything works very well.

That's incredible.

thanks to you.





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Sep 06, 2015 Sep 06, 2015

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  I can also confirm that for awhile Photoshop CS6 2014 will work perfect fine, but suddenly refuses to work in the middle of working on a project, nothing will save, none of the effects work, Photoshop completely ceases all functionality. Opening and closing it, reseting preferences do not work. Restarting the computer does not help. Reinstalling it will help for a bit, but after a few uses it will all of a sudden break again.

  The only thing that actually works for me is unplugging my Logitech G15 keyboard from my computer and continuing to work with a virtual keyboard, Photoshop does not need closed at all and resumes all functionality as soon as I did this.

This happens on both windows 7 x64 as well as windows 10 x64.

I have tried both 32 bit and 64 bit versions of Photoshop. I have 8 GB of RAM and an I5 CPU. My graphics card is an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti.

  I'm not really asking for help since the issue has been in several versions of Photoshop and has been around for a few years it seems, it would be incredibly nice to have a Verify Integrity option for Photoshop since it seems to corrupt very easily. Also troubleshooting why a Logitech keyboard breaks an incredibly expensive piece of software would make a lot of sense to me.





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Oct 13, 2013 Oct 13, 2013

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Hey I have recently started having tis probelm with my version of Cs2
and im on a Laptop so i cant fix the keybored and mouse like others have.I have a AMD Vision A6
quad Core AMD radeon graphics card on windows 7 (im a compleste and utter computer nood sorry guys) - its been working fine for ages, but in the last week just wont load stuff up





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Apr 26, 2014 Apr 26, 2014

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Sorry for opening this again. I started having this problem out of nowhere a week ago. I tried everything in this thread and in many other threads regarding this issue (on other forums), and nothing completely solved it. However, I kind of confimred that it's related to OS permissions/users, at least in my case. The Windows permission could have changed suddenly after one of those overnight Windows Updates that might have happened recently.

Here are more details in point form:

- I have Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit with SP1 and the latest updates installed, i7 3.4ghz,  16GB, NVidia GForce GTX 560 Ti, dual monitors.

- I'm using CS2, but after the issue started happening I downloaded CC trial to see if it will solve my issue, but it was showing exactly the same issue, which tells me that it probably spans all version from CS2 to CC. 
- The issue happens after running Photoshop for a while (sometimes 5 mins). I can't create/open/save files. The open and create dialogs show up but when I press the OK or Save the dialog closes but nothing happens. Also when applying a transform (CTRL+T) I see the transform box and the small square handles but I can't move them.

Here is the interesting part, after the issue started happening I tried creating a new admin-user, now everytime the issue happens on my main user, I switch to the new user, and it works there. However, after a while, the new user shows the same symptoms too.
Restarting, solves the problem, and I continue working on the main user until this happens again (I'm not running anything else after restarting), then I switch to the new user and work for a little bit more, then it happens again, after which I do another restart and so on.

I'm a programmer myself, and from reading all the reported issues and how people solved them (keyboard, default printer, creating new user, etc) it seems to me that the issue is the same but could be caused by different things causing the same kind of centeral point of failure to trigger.

Regardless of how many people get this to happen, and whether it's rare or not , it's an obvious fact that it is happening and has been happening for a while for some people (again doesn't matter how many). It might not be a direct bug in PS, and could be OS related issue, but my guess is that it's something that could be easily fixed/changed inside PS to avoid the problem, or at least Adobe could give a more clear answer on how to solve it on the user side.







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Apr 30, 2014 Apr 30, 2014

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Just bumping this up. I still need a solution or a work around, I'm restarting Windows every 20 minutes or so now, and it's getting really annoying. Is there some permission thing I need to disable in Windows? anyone from the PS programming team could answer here?  

I gave a detailed description of the problem above. Should I open a new thread for it? 





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Apr 30, 2014 Apr 30, 2014

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It's hard for fellow users to advise on a problem like this when we have not had the experience ourselves.

It sounds a bit like something in your system is using up resources needed by the Graphic Data Interface.  I'd be sure I knew what every program installed and starting up does and why it's there.  A good program for checking what's running is Autoruns by Mark Russinovich.






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Apr 30, 2014 Apr 30, 2014

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I installed GDI Viewer, and as you could see in the attached image, nothing suspecios is running, and the GDI resources don't look bad. I don't think it's the GDI.





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Apr 30, 2014 Apr 30, 2014

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You're not showing nearly everything that's running there.






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