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Printing image through photoshop leaves white lines.

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Feb 06, 2024 Feb 06, 2024

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I've been struggling with printing a decent version of this particular print. Printing it through Photoshop results in a very slow and faulty printing process: The printer seems to pause for 2 seconds after each individual horizontal layer of ink it puts down, which results in visible horizontal printing lines on the final print. 


Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 12.59.21.png


Going around this by first saving the file as a PDF with High Quality Print Settings gets rid of the lines, however the coloursare a lot more washed out and do not match the original print. (See colour comparison below)


Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 12.59.33.png


I've tried both letting Photoshop, and the Printer manage colours. Tried with Saturation, Relative Colormetric and Perceptual with the same result.


Is there a way to fix this? Or is there a way to save the file as a PDF without getting the washed out colours? Saving it through  the 'Press Qualtity' option seems to fix the preview colours, but the printed out colours are still washed out.


This has been doing my head in, please somebody help 😞


Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 12.53.12.png







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Feb 06, 2024 Feb 06, 2024

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Not sure what the banding is, usually on inkjets its the head getting clogged, you should be able to print a test pattern from the canon driver window to determine if this is the case. Keep doing cleaning cycles until you get a good test pattern.

If you have an issue with the head and you cant clean it back to life,  if you set the quality to max (so its printing at higher resolution) sometimes the banding will go away or be less noticable at least. Lower quality settings always tend show up any blocked nozzles issues more on our epson anyway. Think canons have the print head as part of the ink cartridge dont they?, so if you put new ink in you get a new print head . Check youve got the right media type set in print driver as well.

Re colour management, you need to disable any colour management in the canon printer driver, and set the photoshop print dialoge window you have posted to "photoshop manages colour" perceptal or relative, and chose the correct profile for your media from the list . You must only have one colour managment process active, if both are on it will give strange results.

I always struggle with pdf colour management, Id stick to tiffs or psd files, find the colour management a bit  more straight forward than pdfs. You might have to reassign the original colour profile of the document once youve opened it. Stick to RGB files as well with an inkjet printer. 





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Feb 06, 2024 Feb 06, 2024

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@Gixxxa75 strange that, I'm taking it that you’ve tested back and forth and Photoshop is the only application causing this problem?

In Apple's 'System Settings / Printer and scanner' (where you would ADD a printer) do you have "AirPrint" selected? It can be better to set the printer to "use" the driver in it's own name there, rather than Airprint. 

eg for an Epson 4900 is would look like this:

Screenshot 2022-02-03 at 09.40.58.jpg



Perhaps try a thorough reset of Photoshop preferences?

(read this entire post before acting please)

Resetting restores Photoshop's internal preferences, which are saved when Photoshop closes.

If they become corrupt then various issues can occur.


Here’s some info on how to do that:


Manually removing preferences files is the most complete method for restoring Photoshop to its default state: 



Manually removing preferences files is the most complete method for restoring Photoshop to its default state. This method ensures all preferences and any user presets which may be causing a problem are not loaded.

  1. Quit Photoshop.

  2. Navigate to Photoshop's Preferences folder.
    macOS: Users/[user name]/Library/Preferences/Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings
    Windows: Users/[user name]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop [version]/Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings

    Note: The user Library folder is hidden by default on macOS. To access files in the hidden user Library folder, see How to access hidden user library files.
  3. Drag the entire Adobe Photoshop [Version] Settings folder to the desktop or somewhere safe for a back-up of your settings

  4. Open Photoshop.

     New preferences files will be created in their original location.



Note re macOS: The user Library folder is hidden by default.

To access files in the hidden user Library folder, see here for how to access hidden user library files.



Unexpected behaviour may indicate damaged preferences. Restoring preferences to their default settings is a good idea when trying to troubleshoot unexpected behaviours in Photoshop. check out the video



Learn how to access and modify Photoshop preferences and customise per your frequent workflows



And here’s an earlier forum discussion as an aid to understanding



You may want to backup your settings and custom presets, brushes & actions before restoring Photoshop's preferences.

Here is general info about that:  https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/preferences.html#BackupPhotoshoppreferences



Before you reset your preferences

in case of future issues, I suggest you make a copy as Adobe may need one to check problematic references. 

Quit Photoshop.
Go to Photoshop's Preferences folder

Preferences file locations: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/kb/preference-file-names-locations-photoshop.html\

  [on MacOS see: Users/[user name]/Library/Preferences/Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings

  Note for those on macOS: - be aware that the user Library folder is hidden by default on macOS.


  In the Finder, open the “Go” menu whilst holding down the Option (Alt) key.

  Library will now appear in the list - below the current user's “home” directory. ]


Now you can drag the entire Adobe Photoshop [Version] Settings folder to the desktop or somewhere safe as a back-up of your settings.



Note for those on macOS:

Preference preservation is affected by macOS permissions,

you’ll need to allow Photoshop ‘Full Disk Access’ in your Mac OS Preferences/Security and Privacy


If that doesn't fix the issue:

Go to Preferences > Performance... and uncheck Multithreaded Compositing - and restart Photoshop.

Still hanging? 

Go to Preferences > Performance... click Advanced Settings... and uncheck "GPU Compositing" - then restart Photoshop. 

Do you still have problems?


Here's a link from Myra Ferguson specificially for troubleshooting Photoshop if it crashes on launch (which includes resetting preferences) Troubleshoot crash or freeze in Photoshop





It may even be time to reinstall Photoshop.


It’s recommended that you use the Adobe CC cleaner tool to remove all traces first.

(See above about preserving preferences though! It’s worth preserving them unless they are corrupted.)



Uninstall Photoshop BUT make sure to choose the option “Yes, remove app preference”.


Once that process finishes, start the installation process and look into the “Advanced Options”. Uncheck “Import previous settings and preferences” and choose to “Remove old versions”.


I hope this helps

neil barstow, colourmanagement net  - adobe forum volunteer - co-author: 'getting colour right'

google me "neil barstow colourmanagement" for lots of free articles on colour management

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Engaged ,
Feb 06, 2024 Feb 06, 2024

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@NB, colourmanagement , no problem here.





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