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Save As does not save in original folder

Enthusiast ,
Sep 03, 2021 Sep 03, 2021

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This is one of those "has this ALWAYS been this way" questions.

Photoshop 22.5 on a PC.

In the Preferences I have the following file handling settings:


I open an image from Lightroom, fiddle with it, hit Save As, and it wants to save the output in some place that has NOTHING to do with where the image was when it got to Photoshop...

Yes, I've played with the prefs.  Didn't seem to matter.  Yes, I've updated Photoshop.  Didn't matter.  Yes, I've rebooted the system.  Didn't matter.

Is there a preference I need to change? 

Am I crazy or before this NEW, screwy "Save As" and "legacy Save As" change something?





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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Jul 21, 2022 Jul 21, 2022

It is a 'Golden Rule' in Lightroom-Classic that if you send a file to Ps by [Edit-In] then a [Save] in Ps is the only reliable way that the new file is saved with the source file (and included in the LrC catalog).

With any other choice (eg. [Save As] ) then the Filename and destination folder are 'in your hands'. LrC is no longer 'in control'.




Nov 27, 2022 Nov 27, 2022

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why in the world are you using Save As instead of just Save?

By @Earth Oliver


User error! 

Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management/pluralsight"




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 27, 2022 Nov 27, 2022

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First.. I explained quite clearly why I am not "using jut Save". But I'll explain it again, just for Earth Oliver: ZIP compression does not work correctly when it is selected in LR and editing is done in PS. You test this for yourself, quite easily: 1 Set your prferences for ZIP compression when using Edit in Photoshop 20xx. 2 Edit a photo and use Save. 3 Check the file size. 4 Edit the same photo and use Save As. Note that ZIP is not selected by default. 5. Select ZIP and save (as). 6 Check the file size.


I don't know about anyone else, but (aside from Adobe actually fixing these bugs) I'd rather take a few extra clicks each time I edit in PS than spend more money (not to mention cloud backup bandwidth) on smaller lossless files.

Second... I and others have explained quite clearly that this is NOT a discussion about "PS pref for Save As location". So I'll explain it again ,just for Earth Oliver: This is a dicussion about the LR>PS benavior for Save vs Save As location. One more time... Ps only workflow is one thing. LR>PS workflow is entirely different.


Third... all of this does not matter. Turns out I was entirely wrong about fixing this problem by resetting the warning dialogs. I am nearly certain this was what changed the behavior in the first place because I noticed it right away, but it does NOT go back to working as desired afterward. I was just in the same folder editing multiple images. As soon as I started working in a different folder, I found out it's still broken.




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 27, 2022 Nov 27, 2022

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Wow... posts can't be edited or deleted?! I'd love to remove my answer since I was wrong. But instead this entire thread will be a waste of everyone's time for eternity. Sorry, folks! My heart was in the right place.




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Nov 27, 2022 Nov 27, 2022

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Wow... posts can't be edited or deleted?! I'd love to remove my answer since I was wrong. But instead this entire thread will be a waste of everyone's time for eternity. Sorry, folks! My heart was in the right place.

By @Dobovedo


Yes, they can be edited, but not for community beginners. 

A Moderator can both edit and delete a post. 

Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management/pluralsight"




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Nov 27, 2022 Nov 27, 2022

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First.. I explained quite clearly why I am not "using jut Save". But I'll explain it again, just for Earth Oliver: ZIP compression does not work correctly when it is selected in LR and editing is done in PS. You test this for yourself, quite easily: 1 Set your prferences for ZIP compression when using Edit in Photoshop 20xx. 2 Edit a photo and use Save. 3 Check the file size. 4 Edit the same photo and use Save As. Note that ZIP is not selected by default. 5. Select ZIP and save (as). 6 Check the file size.

By @Dobovedo


Don't use "jus" Save As anytime in the round trip from LR to PS and back. That's simply wrong! Use Save


Next, on this end, Save TIFF with ZIP produces a slightly smaller TIFF than without. So it is doing something; the two TIFFs are not identical. 


Second... I and others have explained quite clearly that this is NOT a discussion about "PS pref for Save As location". So I'll explain it again ,just for Earth Oliver: This is a dicussion about the LR>PS benavior for Save vs Save As location.

By @Dobovedo


With the round trip from LR, the location saved will be correct if the user follows the correct way to save. Period

This is the question: "I open an image from Lightroom, fiddle with it, hit Save As, and it wants to save the output in some place that has NOTHING to do with where the image was when it got to Photoshop..."


It does matter if you are following the OP's issue and are here to help that users save the image correctly. 


The reason "it wants to save the output in some place that has NOTHING to do with where the image was when it got to Photoshop" is due to this users error in how to work with each product properly. 

Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management/pluralsight"




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Explorer ,
Feb 11, 2024 Feb 11, 2024

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This is another example, I am sorry to say a very common example, of the misuse of Save As. There are only two occasions that Save As should be used 1. Save a copy of an existing opened file in a different location 2. Save an existing opened file with a different name. You don't even need Save As when saving a new file, if the program detects that the file does not have a name and a default location then just going to Save automatically opens the Save As dialogue box. Overusing Save As also leads to issues with overwriting files and losing files in a different location than expected. Sorry if this sounds like a rant but as an ex-teacher of IT, CS and Photoshop the misuse of Save As caused me many problems, including contradicting other non-IT teachers who always said to use Save As, even when they messed up because of using it.




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Community Expert ,
Feb 11, 2024 Feb 11, 2024

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Yes, good point actually.


There's just one wrench in the machine if you use Lightroom. The "edit in" script is a little overzealous, so that even after you have saved the PSD to a different location from Photoshop, it will continue to "save" the file to the original raw file folder, using the original raw file name with the -Edit suffix. At this point, it should honor the new name and new location, but doesn't.


The only way to get out of this loop is to close Lightroom to kill the script.


So for this reason alone, I have made it a habit to always use Save As instead of Save, so that I know subsequent incremental saving goes to the correct new folder.


But in principle, I agree with @SHP Photography  .




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Explorer ,
Feb 11, 2024 Feb 11, 2024

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Interesting, not a situation I have come across as I currently have always wanted to save back to the original folder. I either edit the original or open the file's finder location and carry out a finder copy and paste.

But I can envision occasions where I may do what you mentions, so I will bare your comments in mind




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Feb 12, 2024 Feb 12, 2024

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I ONLY use Save in the lr->ps dance to make an in-progress backup.

However, I do not want the finished PSD file in the same folder (or actually even on the same drive) as my RAW images. So when I'm done, Save As onto the drive holding my finished photos. I do a quick backup by dragging the proxy icon to my backup folder (on yet another drive) then proceed to generate smaller copies, Instagram-formatted images, etc.

It all works fine because I know what the hell I'm doing.




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Explorer ,
Feb 12, 2024 Feb 12, 2024

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Exactly how, and what for, SaveAs should be used




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Participant ,
Jul 14, 2024 Jul 14, 2024

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For D Fosse, SHP and Lumigraphics.  

I have read your statements.  Please enlighten me, how I am doing this all wrong. 

1. I open an image in LR. edit it and then click 'edit in PS'.  Should I take it to PS in a different manner?

2. perform my edits.  Click Save As to name the name the image. I will keep the psd format.  I will also create a JPG for a web site and I will also create a web sized image to share.  I want to keep it in the original folder and then I will copy it to another external drive.  PS saves these in a some other folder, not the one I took it from.   I then have to scroll to find the folder I want to keep it in.  If I don't pay attention, then I will miss where it saved it and then end up scrolling to search for it.  Very time comsuming. 

If I just hit Save, then it saves it as numbers with edit.psd on the end.  I don't want to keep my images as series of numbers.  What is the better way of doing this since Save as to orignal folder doesn't do that what is says?

I have been doing it this way for years and the last 3 yrs, it's been a struggle. 




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Community Expert ,
Jul 14, 2024 Jul 14, 2024

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If you rename, it's a new file. If you save out to a different format than you set in Lr Preferences, it's a new file.


So you have to use Save As and therefore also specify a save location.




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Participant ,
Jul 14, 2024 Jul 14, 2024

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So edit in PS is the only forward way to PS and the Save As check box is useless.  

Thank you.




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Community Expert ,
Jul 14, 2024 Jul 14, 2024

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OK, re-reading my reply I realized that's not entirely correct. With "Save As to original folder" checked, Save As should go back to the folder the file is coming from - as long as you've opened the file directly from disk into Photoshop, not via Lightroom.


I think your problem here is the "Edit In Photoshop" script from Lightroom. That sets all the parameters in the script, specified in Lightroom Preferences, and overrides the native Photoshop behavior. It's designed to use Save, which sends the file as specified back to the original folder.


If you use Save As, you go "off script", and you're expected to specify a save location.


None of this has ever bothered me, I use Save As precisely to specify a new save location, and I have the PS Preferences checkbox deliberately off. So I need to realign my thinking to other workflows.




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