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Having an issue with the new update. Finally, I am seeing my extension name update when a new one is selected in the save as dialog box... however I am still having an issue with saving over original files. If I make changes to a file then try to save over the .png file it keeps saving as filename-copy.png. I am not able to unselect the "Save as a copy" box. Anyone else?
[subject edited for clarity]
This bug introduced by Apple with macOS Catalina has been resolved with 22.4.
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I updated to Adobe Photoshop Version: 21.1.2 and the problem is still here.
I am not sure if I am going to downgrade to Mojave, but thank you, that is obviously the only solution we have at the moment. I hope Adobe ist working with Apple on this.
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It seems this issue has been going on for months. I didn't want to wait for Adobe to come up with a solution (I'm in the midst of working with hundreds of images). It took me a couple hours to downgrade to Mojave (backing up, erase/install and downloading back all of my programs). To me it was worth it cause I can't spend time correcting image names, etc. I wish Apple and Adobe could work together more to make sure the updates always jive.
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The only way i found to overwrite a JPEG is to assign your "Quick Export as JPG" in your preferences.
It works perfectly that way and save me a lot of precious time.
This manipulation reinforce the issue we are facing. When it comes to "save as" selecting "jpeg' format your file will automatically be saved as a copy. However if you do the same manipulation via "quick export" (or even "Save for Web"), the overwriting is made.
I wish this incoherence will be solved as soon as possible in order to save time to everyone.
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Very long time user and I am having a related problem. I work on a regular .psd file and save periodically as I go. It seems to accumulate a series of numbered copies of the file in the original folder. filename 1.psd, filename 2.psd, filename 3.psd, etc. instead of simply saving over the old version. I'm using iCloud for cloud storage instead of the creative cloud if that helps. Why is this happening? Is this the same problem people are describing in this thread? It seems related. Maddening.
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I don't, unfortunately, have a solution for JPG files, but this bug also happens when trying to overwrite TIFF files on Catalina through Save As. I've found a fix for that: In the Save As dialog, after you choose TIF from the drop down, DON'T uncheck the Layers box. Instead, just click SAVE and when the TIFF OPTIONS box appears, select "Discard Layers and Save a Copy" from the Layer Compression section. This will successfully overwrite a previous TIFF file of the same name and give you a flat TIFF file with no "Copy" added.
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I also have this problem. It drives me insane. I'm a storyboard artist and the whole point of my job is to finish boards fast and efficently. The extra added time of replacing boards hurts my work preformance. Someone needs to address and fix this issue.
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Also having the same issue, I even went back to the previous version of Photoshop. Still happens in MacOS Catalina 10.15.3 in Photoshop 2019 - Very frustrating - However using the renamer tool in finder saves time... (select files > right-click > rename files).
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I'm having the same issue, Adobe please fix!
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Is this ever going to get fixed? I'm having the same issue on my iMac. It won't overwrite jpegs or png's. Seems like a ridiculous issue to even bring up. All we are asking for is to be able to overwrite earlier versions of our files instead of it making a copy.
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MacOS Catalina 10.15.5
Photoshop 21.2.0
This has been happening in the last few releases of Photoshop on Mac OS Catalina. AND IS STILL IN THE LATEST 21.2.0 RELEASE.
All the Photoshop professionals who work on Mac and keep their computers up-to-date that I've talked to, are having this exact same issue and are also super frustrated. It forces uneccessary productivity and workflow problems on everyone.
Why would I want to uknowingly save a copy when I have explicitly pressed the button to "REPLACE" the file?
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I can't believe this--Adobe just released a bunch of updates including for Photoshop and the problem has not been solved!!! This is insane. It's one of the most basic functions of working in Photoshop that just about every user, professional and amateur, relies on and has so for decades. All Adobe's efforts need to be directed at fixing this very serious bug.
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Been following this thread for MONTHS. Every macOS update and Photoshop update brings hope, and disappointment. How loud do we need to shout?
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Just adding my voice to the limitless crowd, pleading for a fix or at least a response saying no fix will be available so that we can move on to permanent workarounds. The Illustrator group did address the same problem and that program is now overwriting files when I use Save As -- as I intend, as it indicates it will, and as it by all rights should.
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Same happening with me, its been happening for months now.
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Same issue here.
Love it when I google an issue and find a thread with a bunch of other people having that problem, but there is no solution! Thanks Adobe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I chatted with an Adobe specialist and was told "it is designed this way"
Whyyyyy Adobe, WHYYYYYYY
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Not only the same problem but the same problem since LAST YEAR. And it's like you're speaking another language when you talk to them. Even showing SCREEN SHOTS apparently doesn't help. WHY.
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Since Adobe switched to Cloud their tech support has been abysmal. I am positive they are using some generic call center and their "techs" are just telemarketers since none of them have a clue what they are talking about.
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Hey Courtney,
What I do as a workaround is to use 'export as' option, in that case, the file gets overwritten.
File > Export > Export As or ⌥⇧⌘W.
I had the same issue when I upgraded to Catalina.
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same problem here, it keeps saving my file as a new copy which is frustrating and i can see this has been an issue since last year and Adobe is still not fixing it?
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This is an absolute shambles – such a complete waste of time and leading to many errors in filing for millions of users. What the hell is happening? Saving and overwriting has been fine since the dawn of Photoshop, why take this most basic of functions alway from us all??
Honestly, this is BEYOND frustrating.
For God's sake Adobe, fix this most basic of issues so we can all got back to our
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in CC photoshop under Preferences / File Handling you can SAVE AS to ORIGINAL FOLDER i also reinstalled both CC and photoshop
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I looked into this but that box was already checked and I assume it's automatic as I have never had to do this before in my 3 decades of using Photoshop. It's really outrageous that this is still an issue. No one is asking for a new trick we all just want it to go back to the original way it worked! Argh!
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not soloved. Just because Adobe is aware of the issue, doesn't make it "solved".
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This problem started occuring on my Mac after an Adobe update and not Catalina. The Save function now behaves as a complicated "Save As" function. The Save As doesn't let you save in your working format as the natural first option. Time is money and this is wasting our time.