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Having an issue with the new update. Finally, I am seeing my extension name update when a new one is selected in the save as dialog box... however I am still having an issue with saving over original files. If I make changes to a file then try to save over the .png file it keeps saving as filename-copy.png. I am not able to unselect the "Save as a copy" box. Anyone else?
[subject edited for clarity]
This bug introduced by Apple with macOS Catalina has been resolved with 22.4.
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I haven't had time to read through the whole thread (shows how long this has been going on for!) But have Adobe actually made any response?
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Just updated to Catalina and this behavour is driving me crazy. And it does not seem 100% conistsent. I just saved 12 PSD files, all exactly the same type of content, some correctly saved over the existing jpeg and some saved a copy.
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This is not fixed. This is a work around. When will we get an actual fix???
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Hey guys I bit the bullet and updated to Big Sur--figured it can't get worse right? Well it's only been a day or 2 but so far save as jpeg is finally not saving a copy! I discovered by just using my regular workflow so maybe there are still glitches but that was such a big one for me and if it's actually working it's a major relief.
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Hey that sounds hopeful at least!
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As long as BigSur doesn't brick your mac!
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After reading this i upgraded to Big Sur and so far so good 🙂
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Not working here on Big Sur still saving as a copy 😞
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I updated to Big Sur just for this but it is still saving as copy.
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I was WRONG WRONG WRONG. I must have been mistaken becasue this stupid issue is not fixed at all. Sorry to get your hopes up guys.
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I was having the same annoying problem, but seem to have figured it out on my laptop.
I typically use the keyboard shortcut 'Option/Command/S' to make my 'save as' command, which doesnt let me unclick the 'Save As Copy' box, and I have to manually delete the word 'copy' in the filename. This also leads to issues when trying to batch out a bunch of images.
BUT, if I use 'Shift/Command/S', I dont have the problem. Also, instead of using a keyboard shortcut and going to File>Save As> seems to fix the problem for me.
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Having the same problem here, absolutely not solved, insane that such a simple bug still hasn't been taken care of. Please do your job.
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Myabe it's purely anecdotal but it seems to me every update is about adding in shortcuts for amatuers to churn out pro level work without needing any skill or training. And these cheats are costing us in basic basic BASIC long term functions like saving freaking jpegs not as a copy!!!!
Does Adobe even listen? Do they care? They're have been at least 6 or more updates since 2019 and I see more bells & whistles and zero bug fixes.
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i just stopped updating they dont care about the day to day users
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Overwriting finally works for me after updating to Big Sur. I've never been able to get this to work, despite trying the various fixes suggested here.
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not worth upgrading anymore with apple or with adobe. i need to keep my workstation operational and way too many issues to deal with the last batch of upgrades that didnt work. APPLE USER SINCE 1988
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Just updates my Mac to Big Sur.
Any file i want to save will be saved as a Copy ('filename Kopie.jpg'), even if I click the 'replace' option. All permissions on the files and in the .library folder are correct, so the above recommanded solution will not work.
Also, saving .psd files, Photoshop leaves weired files like 'Adobe Photoshop 234523452345' that use up lots of disc space. It seems that there is no proper clean-up after processing.
Instead of periodicly updating the UI which just results in cofusing users, Adobe should make sure the basic stuff is working. This is really not satisfying!
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i can't believe this is still an issue haha what is even going on.
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it is NOT SOLVED but still an issue in BIG SUR, and Photoshop 22.1.1 did not solve the bug!
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Looks like Adobe changed it so you have to use the File > Export > Export As...then pick jpg it will then actually replace your jpg without making a copy.
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Updated to the newest photoshop 2021. This was frustrating me very much, working with a PSD file and wanting to save over and replace an existing jpg, and it would even prompt me "do you want to replace it" click "yes" saves it as a copy. I had no idea it was saving as a copy, so I would go to my InDesign file to update links, but nothing was getting updated. I finally went into the folder to see it had a copy in the file name so that's why it would not update. I figured out that using the File > Export > Export As...then pic jpg and export will actually export the jpg and save over your previous jpg. The export window is quite slow, way slower than my old way the save as an option. Just bizarre to change that after so many years of it being one way...reminds me of the change of the shift transform tool last year, another bizarre update.
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Why... Why add extra steps...?
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I know, makes no sense! Why break a good thing.
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Kindly try File > Export As > JPEG instead of File > Save As > JEPG.
Hope this helps.
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Sorry but, NO!!!
I have been using the Same Work Flow for 3 years now...
Just like the re-size shift issue...
Fix it!!!