Something for the Weekend - Part 188 - Scottish drama
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Thanks to all who took part in our previous tower challenge.
This weekend I take you to a wild part of Scotland. This small mound of land is Ard Neakie on Loch Eriboll, a sea loch on the north coast. It really is a remote, and impressive part of the world and this weekend's challenge is for you to show us what drama might unfold there.
The “rules”:
* Use one of the starter images as at least part of your own image entry.
* Anything goes, as long as it meets the forum rules on decency, copyright etc
* Anyone, and everyone, is welcome to have a go, whether you are a complete beginner or a Photoshop expert. This is not just for our forum "regulars".
* There are no prizes apart from the chance to practice, show off, or bring a bit of humour and fun. Don't be shy, join in and have a go!
* The starter images are made available for you to use in this forum challenge only. Sorry to emphasise this, but the images are not for use elsewhere.
To download the image below, hover over the image and click on the circle with the arrows at the top right.
Then, when the image opens in its own window, right click and choose “Save Image As/Save Target As” (or similar depending on your browser).
When posting back your image – please use the blue reply button in this first post. If posting a comment on someone else’s entry then please use the grey reply button next to their image post.
Have fun.
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Euan, I remember when my Camera Club (which I have not been to for years) finally allowed digital images to be entered in the club's monthly photo competitions. It was a big deal and there was huge resistance from the old school members. PSNZ (Photographic Society of New Zealand) allowed up to 30% of National Exhibition (NATEX) entries to be computer generated — although that was never tested to my knowledge. composited elements had to have been taken by the entrant, which you would expect.
Years later there were still people who complained bitterly that it was unfair that some people used Photoshop when they did not even own a computer. Although, to be fair, It was seriously expensive owning a legit Photoshop license back then. So while we are discussing the use of AI in SFTW threads, imagine the issues it can cause in major photographic competitions and exhibitions? I know for certain sure that some people used to cheat in order to do well. This was especially so in Natural History class where you were not allowed to do more than minor adjustments of the kind you'd use Lightroom Classic for, and you were not allowed to have 'The Hand of Man' in the shot.
It's going to be irrisistable to use AI to some extent, and I don't want to be like the old fogies in my Camera Club who thought a digital photograph was the work of the devil.
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AI is certainly a game changer. Its quality, when examined closely, is not brilliant yet. No doubt it will get there soon though.
However to keep something of a challenge about these SFTW threads I need to think about what makes them challenging. I see no point in spending two or three days creating a 3D rendered scene for the resulting 'challenge' to be typing three or four words.
Maybe a tighter 'brief' would be appropriate. I don't have the answer at present. I welcome views though. 🙂
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I think what makes SFTW fun and interesting isn't just the execution, it's the imagination of the entry.
Then that imagineering can be instantiated either old school or new school - generative.
(Reminds me in a peripheral way of my old Japanese colleague who worked in procurement
from the Japanese market. He would ask visiting engineers: "are you an engineer or a changeineer")
In a sense, generative fill gives us the opportunity to reiterate endlessly to look for options.
A bit like in the video editing world where a number of takes are made and the editor
and or director selects the final option, a so called circle take.
It's also like the difference between scripted video and documentaries.
You might "shoot for the edit" as they say and just get the coverage you need.
In documentaries you might have hours and hours of footage to sift through to get a few minutes.
So, perhaps two versions: SFTW and alongside SFTWgen or somesuch.
Of course "I see no point in spending two or three days creating a 3D rendered scene for the resulting 'challenge' to be typing three or four words. " I can understand your frustration.
Soon though (examples already out there) 3D scenes / fils themselves will be generated from prompts. and many others
ps. my new job title: CPO 🙂
( Chief Prompt Officer )
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However to keep something of a challenge about these SFTW threads I need to think about what makes them challenging. I see no point in spending two or three days creating a 3D rendered scene for the resulting 'challenge' to be typing three or four words.
By davescm
When the only one who is challenged in a challenge is the creator and not the participants, it is certainly time to rethink things Dave. I do have to add that I love your photorealistic 3D rendered scenes and would not like to see you stop creating them.
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Since you asked for views @davescm, I'll give mine.
What you have created here is a community for people to interact with each other using an image as a prompt. I like that it is not about how creative you are or how technically advanced you work with the image. People can make very minor changes to the image or transform it significantly and both contributions are valued. I feel it won't be a very warm community space if entries were judged and deemed not worthy for not being imaginative enough.
With the thread open to anyone, you're bound to get a variety of attempts based on skill and imagination. I feel I am honouring the orginal image by making an attempt and putting an idea forward. I would not say the image becomes disrespectful if the time spent editing the image is deemed too short.
I understand that using AI can be seen as unimaginative and even lazy in effort. However, there is still some thinking behind what is changed. And it can open a discussion about things broader than the image - like childhood memories or common interests, which is part of the community side of this space.
So to the question of whether SFTW should have a tighter brief, you could probably guess my view. I not only see the value of being inclusive to all types of entries (considering copyight and decency of course), I also problems if you have too many rules and then it can start to feel exclusive and judgemental.
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I wasn't thinking of extra rules Dean, or in trying to value or devalue a creation method. It was about coming up with a starter brief that would present a challenge whichever method, traditional or AI, was used to fulfill it, but still be achievable to new users and experts alike.
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It just occurred to me that the starter brief could include an encouragement to mark entries using A(uxilliary)I, as we have already seen for Firefly in the first entry here as well as in entries in challenges elsewhere, similarly for Generative Fill and whatever else to come.
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Hi Jacob,
I am not really concerned about knowing whether AI or any other method/software was used in the making of an image. All methods and tools are valid if they get the wanted result (although it is interesting and sometimes educational to read about how some were created).
My thoughts are more about how to keep challenges.......well, challenging 🙂
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I quite understand, Dave.
I agree with the interesting and educational, and I quite like the Firefly marking at the bottom left ever since I saw it the first time. Hence the encouragement suggestion.
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You get the Firefly label from the web generated versions but not from generative fill in the Photoshop Beta.
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Ah, thank you, Dave; so no easy way for generative fill users.
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>My thoughts are more about how to keep challenges.......well, challenging.
Well 'challenging' is relative. What one person may find very simple, another may find difficult.
SFTW could always encourage people to try challenge themselves without any expectation of the level of challenge.
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Has Generative Fill just changed these threads forever? It's just become rediculously easy. It's like the Firefly Inpainting feature some of us had been waiting for, but taken to a WAY other level. This took me less than a minute, and most of that was waiting for the server
Another five minutes to add a road (stroked path with brush size set to fade) and back to GF to add a drawbridge and gate to the castle. I am not sure what to think of it? Is it dumbing down?
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Disneyland meets Eriboll Trevor. 🙂
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Here's my Generative Fill attempt. It took longer to put into the forum thread than it did to create.
Maybe I don't need to keep practicing reflections, shadows, and perspective after all. 😥
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Is that a pair of the famous mountain lions Jane ? 🙂
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the pride of Scotland!
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Ain't Generative Fill great?
Acrobate du PDF, InDesigner et Photoshopographe
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A rubbish dump associated with an urban development. Ain't that the truth !
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Acrobate du PDF, InDesigner et Photoshopographe
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I wonder why this one popped up on top of my threads... I thought it was the latest...
here is my very late creation. shudder!!!
scottish drama
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Late but a good addition.
We're now up to SFTW 191:
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Now that really would be a Scottish drama !! :-0