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Thinking of buying from eBay?

Community Expert ,
Feb 15, 2008 Feb 15, 2008

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Edited October 23, 2008

The original article that this post referred to has expired but there's still quite a bit of good information in this thread.

The point is that eBay software is a risky purchase with much of it illegally pirated.





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New Here ,
Feb 21, 2008 Feb 21, 2008

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Will the beta version still work at all? Seems Adobe would disable it with their online registration. I run a photography business and would love to upgrade my photoshop but don't want to be out of money buying some bootleg or beta stuff.




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Community Expert ,
Feb 21, 2008 Feb 21, 2008

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> but don't want to be out of money buying some bootleg or beta stuff.

Then buy from legitimate resellers or directly from Adobe.





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New Here ,
Jun 06, 2010 Jun 06, 2010

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I was really planning to buy from eBay but thought I could ask or search first on forums if it's OK to buy. I guess not. I'm a bit late to purchase Photoshop CS2 right now but I just want the older version since the new one costs really expensive. And I was planning to buy 8 pieces of CS2 for our business. I don't now if it is still available in Adobe Stores. Or is it still available n online stores like amazon.com or in adobe? Licensed and brand new CS2...





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Jun 06, 2010 Jun 06, 2010

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If you have browsed the messages on this thread you will have discovered that buying from eBay is not a good idea.

Also, CS2 is so old there will be virtually no legitimate copies available, especially in quantity.

Have you checked the price of a multi-seat licence for your business?




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New Here ,
Jun 06, 2010 Jun 06, 2010

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I know that's why I changed my mind after reading the posts. I was just wondering and hoping that there are still older versions available in Adobe. I did check about multi-seat license but it doesn't apply on 8 computers only. If I really can't find CS2 then I guess I'll have to stick with CS4 or CS5. Or can I ask for any suggestions?

Thanks much.




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Feb 21, 2008 Feb 21, 2008

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>Will the beta version still work at all?

no. not without modifications to your system.




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Feb 21, 2008 Feb 21, 2008

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>and would love to upgrade my photoshop but don't want to be out of money buying some bootleg or beta stuff.

so buy it.

from a legit reseller, not from some fell of the back of a truck operation.

is that how you do all your business? then why would you consider doing it like that in this case, especially assuming that if you run a photog business, photoshop would seem to be a pretty critical componant of your operations?




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Feb 24, 2008 Feb 24, 2008

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It's not a photo of his screen at all... it's an image hosted on www.dphotojournal.com.

Considering the quantity he has for sale (and has sold), I'd be pretty wary of these. They're selling at less than £200.




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Enthusiast ,
Feb 24, 2008 Feb 24, 2008

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The ebay auction/sale link Jeff posted has been removed. Someone clued ebay in as to what was going on, presumably.




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New Here ,
Feb 28, 2008 Feb 28, 2008

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This just posted on Ars Technica today:





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New Here ,
Mar 22, 2008 Mar 22, 2008

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Definitely not. Go to a reputable dealer and know that what you are getting is genuine. I am lucky that I'm a teacher and so bought the production suite as an educator about 1/3 the regular price. Also adobe have deals for peole in full time education/stuidents. Check it out as adobe will ship you the genuine product fopr next to nothing. Even cheaper as a student than the pirated ebay stuff.




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New Here ,
Mar 28, 2008 Mar 28, 2008

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Dave, wouldn't you consider amazon.com a "legit reseller?" I know of one person who purchased Photoshop from a private seller on Amazon.com She installed and registered the program through Adobe, everything went fine. 9 months later, she decided to sell it and contacted Adobe to find out how to transfer ownership. Adobe told her the program was a pirate copy and neither Adobe or Amazon would do a single thing about it since it was 9 months ago. This woman bought the program in good faith, paid good money for it, used it for 9 months and then she finds out it is a pirate copy. When it registers without a hitch how on earth is she supposed to know it is a pirate copy.<br />Jane Anderson<br /><br /><<<<<dave milbut - 9:27am Feb 21, 08 PST (#16 of 20) <br /><br />and would love to upgrade my photoshop but don't want to be out of money buying some bootleg or beta stuff. <br />so buy it. <br /><br />from a legit reseller, not from some fell of the back of a truck operation. <br /><br />is that how you do all your business? then why would you consider doing it like that in this case, especially assuming that if you run a photog business, photoshop would seem to be a pretty critical componant of your operations? >>>>>




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Mar 28, 2008 Mar 28, 2008

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> Dave, wouldn't you consider amazon.com a "legit reseller

hi jane, yes. amazon's great. it's the amazon resellers that i wouldn't buy from (ok, i sometimes buy used books from them for ~99 cents! 🙂 )

as long as you're buying DIRECT from amazon, not a 3rd party, you'll have no problems.

>I know of one person who purchased Photoshop from a private seller on Amazon.com

right. "private seller" is the key phrase there.

I've had nothing but great service from amazon over the years and recommend them to anyone who'll listen. :)

>hen it registers without a hitch how on earth is she supposed to know it is a pirate copy.

that's a good point. i don't know. credit card company, better business buereu? amazon? (even if they couldn't refund, they should at least go after the seller if he's still active).

sometimes you just get screwed, i guess. you can lessen the chances of that i suppose, but my working assumption is if you think the deal is too good to be true, it probably is. for instance, if your friend saves $100 dollars over the "regular" "buy from amazon" price by going with a reseller, then i don't know what to tell you except why would she think she could get a legit copy for $100 less than anyone else? does she think she's special and that she deserves a $100 discount? ;)

in other words, and to be blunt (sorry) she felt like she was "getting over" by getting the app for less than regular price. everyone says, a good deal is a good deal, right? sometimes that pays off, and sometimes the seller "gets over" on the buyer and is long gone before they're even aware of it.

caveat emptor.




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New Here ,
Oct 15, 2009 Oct 15, 2009

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People can be so incredibly stupid! When they get the deal they don't care who got screwed in the process. The whole picture changes when they themselves get screwed. Serves them right!!




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New Here ,
Oct 16, 2009 Oct 16, 2009

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If you were directing your insults at me, I am not stupid.  I buy very expensive & high quality items based on a lot of research, don't judge a person and shoot off the hip cut downs.  You surely are an immature individual.




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Oct 16, 2009 Oct 16, 2009

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artsy woman wrote:

You surely are an immature individual.

Before you get your panties in a knot, you should check to whom bwalkerinc was replying. It was not you. Immaturity is all around us. Let's tame it.

And, yes, it does seem odd that you are getting defensive with someone who was not attacking you... especially after you acknolwedged that you were indeed a 'sucker'.

If you are truly a fan of research, you may do well to learn how to restore your own system after the trouble you had.




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New Here ,
Oct 16, 2009 Oct 16, 2009

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You also are too quick to judge people I see.  I am a humble person to call myself a sucker in a single incidence, but I do not care for people who jump onto forums to insult others, hence the reply to the one person who balked.  I think this forum is a place for people to discuss and warn other about the dangers of buying Adobe Photoshop software on eBay.  I had a one incident experience in such a matter and was telling a story to forewarn others about the consequences.  I really care about how others might get taken and thought my story would help.  I take offense when someone starts calling people stupid and that they deserve to get screwed.  Then you jump in and defend the caustic person, that makes no sense.  It's why I don't go into forums much, everybody thinks they know more than the other and sooner or later it gets ugly between people.  I have better things to do with my day than bicker, good bye and I wish you all luck.

I have resolved my computer dilemma with much research and getting in touch with knowledgeable computer technicians, thank-you.




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Oct 16, 2009 Oct 16, 2009

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Artsy, you may want to relax and tame the paranoia. I'm in no hurry to assess your nonsense.

I (and I am sure others) thank you for sharing an example of a bad buying experience on eBay to warn others. And I'm sure we all thank you for illustrating how it helps to be better informed.




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New Here ,
Oct 17, 2009 Oct 17, 2009

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Buying a less expensive version of anything doesn't mean the purchaser is trying to cheat anyone, if Adobe sells to resellers then no one is getting cheated...right? Looking for a less expensive product that is being sold ligitimately is what this country is built on.




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Enthusiast ,
Mar 28, 2008 Mar 28, 2008

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You're also safe buying from any of a number of legitimate companies that sell through Amazon (as well as their own sites), such as J & R.




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New Here ,
Mar 28, 2008 Mar 28, 2008

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Now wait just one minute here. First of all I did not mention what price she paid. She bought from Amazon because like you and like me, Amazon offers "nothing but great service" as you say. Well let's see - does she think she is special? No. Does she deserve a $100 discount? I did not even say the price she paid. Do NOT put words in my mouth. She bought from Amazon because she wanted to buy from a reputable place.

I was not aware that "private parties" are allowed to use Amazon to screw Amazon's customers. And obviously she was not either. caveat emptor my eye, Amazon brags about their resellers and how if it is not right, then they will fix it. Well they sure did. Now that I know, I will never buy from Amazon again, and I have bought a lot. But this woman didn't know.

All of your barbs are failing to address the issue. Adobe accepted the serial number when she registered it. 9 months later, when she wanted to sell the program, Adobe told her it was a pirate copy. "Sometimes you just get screwed." THAT is your solution to this mess?
Jane Anderson

dave milbut - 8:27pm Mar 28, 08 PST (#22 of 23) Edited: 28-Mar-2008 at 08:30pm

right. "private seller" is the key phrase there.

I've had nothing but great service from amazon over the years and recommend them to anyone who'll listen.

sometimes you just get screwed, i guess. you can lessen the chances of that i suppose, but my working assumption is if you think the deal is too good to be true, it probably is. for instance, if your friend saves $100 dollars over the "regular" "buy from amazon" price by going with a reseller, then i don't know what to tell you except why would she think she could get a legit copy for $100 less than anyone else? does she think she's special and that she deserves a $100 discount?

in other words, and to be blunt (sorry) she felt like she was "getting over" by getting the app for less than regular price. everyone says, a good deal is a good deal, right? sometimes that pays off, and sometimes the seller "gets over" on the buyer and is long gone before they're even aware of it.

caveat emptor.




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Mar 29, 2008 Mar 29, 2008

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Jane, you are not talking to Adobe here, just some users trying to pass on information.

Don't shoot the messenger!

It's a hard world out there and we have seen dozens of people complaining here about software that turns out to be pirated. All we can do is try and warn others.

I'm sure Amazon have covered their backside with some small print about the legitimacy of resellers, but that doesn't help people who didn't notice it.

Dave is right CAVEAT EMPTOR!




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New Here ,
Mar 29, 2008 Mar 29, 2008

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You will have to excuse me, I am a newbie to this Adobe forum, and was not expecting the members here to be rude. I can see people who have purchased a pirated copy of Adobe programs would be "stuck" with it.

However - this program sailed through the registration process without a hitch. It was only 9 months later that Adobe decided this copy was pirated. If Adobe won't own up to their shoddy business practices of changing their mind months later, then I would be very leery of BUYING any Adobe product. And I think as others discover just what is going on with Adobe, they just might start feeling the same way.
Jane Anderson




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Mar 29, 2008 Mar 29, 2008

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> ... was not expecting the members here to be rude.

You should see it when we do real rude! :)




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Mar 29, 2008 Mar 29, 2008

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Adobe do not confirm valid serials over the phone. Some of the 'customer services' agents have been found to confirm if a serial is _registered_ or not, which is not the same as confirm if the serial is legal or valid. Just because it activates does not mean that it is legal, or belongs to that particular product build.

Amazon is reputable - a question mark hangs over some of the third party sellers on there - especially since some of them are effectively using Amazons product description of the legal product to shift illegal product. :(




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