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Change multiple objects colour using variable

New Here ,
Sep 08, 2021 Sep 08, 2021

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Dear community,


I was designing some project using some main colours and I see some not so comfrtable things... Changing main colour in many objects is for a long time, so why not to use one central colour (variable) to change all of the same colours.


So, what do I mean?


Imagine having one more field in color picker, where can I write down the variable name, or create a new variable for a project. This field will have a biggest priority in a color picker, so if I change the variable, Photoshop will automatically change the hex and other data in the color picker.



I create a variable --white: #ffffff

Then in a colour picker I write down in variable input field it's name: --white

Photoshop will automatically change the colour hex to #ffffff and other data for this hex as normally.

Then I think, #ffffff is not good shade of white for me, so I change the variable hex to something else like --white: #fbfcf8

Photoshop will automatically change all objects colour using --white variable to the new hex, so you don't have to change it manually.


Hope this will interest you and we will see this fine function in a new version of Photoshop! 


Have a nice day and thank you for your time and reading. I will be happy for a support!



Idea No status
macOS , Windows






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