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Dutch translations could be improved, for instance 'Lightness' really, really is not 'Helderheid'

Community Beginner ,
Dec 22, 2021 Dec 22, 2021

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In some areas Photoshop elements have not (yet) or have been badly translated. Things are fine and easy to understand as I explain them to students who mostly install the native English version but when they install the Dutch version instead they can find elements that have not yet been translated, or that are not correctly translated. Bummer.

The 'Hue / Saturation' window panel contains the sliders for 'Hue', 'Saturation', and 'Lightness'.

I always explain that 'Lightness' is not the same as 'Brightness' and show students examples to understand, and let them use the 'Lightness' slider to the max to make it all clear, then comparing with other adjustments to let it all sink in.

However, in the Dutch version the 'Lightness' has been translated as 'Helderheid' which in turn means 'Brightness'. This is a whole different animal which is more about purity and chroma. 'Lightness' should be translated as 'Lichtheid'. Please Adobe make this so 🙂  Brightness is not Lightness, therefore Brightness should be 'Helderheid' in Dutch, and Lightness should be 'Lichtheid'. 

Idea No status
macOS , Windows






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