Photoshop for iPad does not have an Edit menu or Sky Replacement. You can open the image in Photoshop for Desktop to replace the sky, then open it again on your iPad.
Since your question is about Photoshop for iPad, I have moved this from the Photoshop forum where you posted to PS for Mobile.
~ Jane
EDIT: A half a year after this post was made, both the Photoshop for Mobile and the Feedback forums were combined with the Photoshop forum. This post is now in Ideas, which did not exist when this thread started.
Just because it isn't there, doesn't mean its not coming. They're constantly adding more features and if you suggest that feature, its possible it might get added later
I know I'm probably in the minority but if this feature was available for iPad I would no longer need a laptop. 1st world problems I know but I would still love to see it offered.
Working remote with the iPad Pro today and I found myself looking for the same feature. No Joy... Adobe hear us and help us out, it's a great desktop feature, make it happen on the iPad version, pretty please with sugar on top.
I believe there's a secret (or not so secret ) Apple contract developers must sign and follow that guards against apps that deminish laptop relevance. If it weren't for this missing feature my M1 MacBook would never leave the house. I certainly wouldn't be taking it on vacation with me.
I wouldn't think so,... Mac have to accelerate in their development as they've been to become a leader in their field. I believe photoshop need to sync their development between different platforms and packages. Users will become frustrated if highly used features are unavailable between their advertised packages which are claimed to be added-values to the customers.