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Caption and Text-Based Editing Keyboard Shortcut Notes and Questions

Community Expert ,
Apr 30, 2023 Apr 30, 2023

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Some of the new Text Panel navigation etc commands that can be assigned shortcuts are already available in the Release 23.3 version. They do not, of course, work. After answering a forum question about that, I took a close look at the keyboard options now available. I thought I had a few bugs to report, but, I now think any issues are just growing pains.... You guys are amazing!


Current version etc for these tests:

(Beta) v23.5.0.15
Windows v10.0.19045, RAM: 63.80 GB GB, CPUs (logical): 16


Here is an example of what may look wrong, but is actually correct. The Application level command "Edit selected caption text" used to work in the Timeline/Program Monitor and the Text Panel. It no longer works in the Text Panel, but that is because there are now many commands for the Text Panel, including one called "Edit Segment." "Edit Segment" is a Text Panel command and is assigned by default to the Enter key. "Edit selected caption text" is an Application level command, and is still unassigned by default. They both work just fine.


There are also still unassigned Application level commands for "Merge selected caption segments" and "Split caption segment under CTI." These still work in the Timeline. I don't recall if they used to work in the Text Panel, but they don't now. But there are now Text Panel commands "Merge Segments" (assigned by default to Alt+M) and "Split Segment" (assigned to Alt+S). The problem, since I am on Windows, is that these do work correctly. They DO merge or split, but they also bring up the Markers and Sequence menus respectively. In the current Beta default assignments, they are the only Alt+ letter combinations. Shft+Alt works no better; some letters that do not have Alt menu commands work okay. For now, I just assigned the same keystrokes I have assigned to the "Merge selected caption segments" [Ctrl+Alt+U] and "Split caption segment under CTI [Ctrl+Alt+Y]." These work correctly.


There are commands for the Source Monitor to enable Caption Stream and to choose one of up to 10 streams. The same commands existed back to CS6. Are these only legacy? Or do they have a current function?


Set All Source Caption To Gaps (Application), unassigned. What does this do?


Delete (Text Panel) is assigned to Alt+Backspace. I do not see any function other than the same as using the Delete key. How should it work?


Kudos on all the progress.


@TeresaDemel @nbechere @Kerstin Ebert 




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