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Starting with Premiere Pro (Beta) version 25.0, build 32, all clips in the timeline have rounded corners!
Rounded corners in the timeline
As part of the New Spectrum UI updates, we are now adding rounded corners to all of the clips in the timeline UI. Rounded corners are easier to look at all day long, require less cognitive load to parse and understand, make it easier to see the boundaries between clips, and are just plain friendlier! There is a lot of psychology behind rounded corners. Just look at any object within sight right now, and you will start to see rounded corners everywhere.
Here are a few interesting reads on Medium that explain the concept rather well.
Rounded edges are “friendlier”
The human brain is conditioned to process sharp objects as potentially harmful and dangerous. A human neuroimaging study has shown that it is natural behaviour to lean towards objects with curved contours compared to sharper objects.
(Benjamin Tey, The current obsession with rounded edges in user interfaces)
The Effect
A complete lack of sharp edges and sudden transitions eradicates the manufactured feel that we’re so used to in mass-produced goods. Instead of reminding us of industrial supply chains, automobile production, and chemical laboratories, these softer shapes evoke succulents, pine trees, and rocks that have tumbled through mountain streams. There’s an organic quality that just feels healthy and warm.
(Arthur Van Siclen, Rounded corners in the Apple Ecosystem)
The radius will reduce as the clip gets very small to avoid the timeline looking too “bubbly” and there is a threshold width below which clips will revert to 90° angles entirely. We have tested with very large timelines and we are confident in our settings, but we want to know what you think. We encourage you to post screenshots of your timeline if you wish.
Radius reduces when narrow
We want to know what you think. Please join the conversation below.
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PLEASE, DO NOT DO THIS! The one and only reason my colleagues and I haven't fully embraced Resolve is because their timeline has rounded corners exactly like this, which makes it feel imprecise and confusing, especially when doing fine adjustments to specific frames. Professionalls just want a timeline that performs well and does exactly what we tell it. We don't care about the clips in the timeline looking "frendlier", we are here to make films.
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Has the radius of the rounded corners become much smaller in the latest release (Beta 25.1.0x18)?
Continuing on from the complaints about precise editing that some people are airing, what I find REALLY annoying is this:
I'm dragging the dark pink clip back to snap to the end of the blue clip, and the highlighing of the dark pink clip creates a dark line between the blue clip and the selected dark pink clip. This looks exactly the same as a single-frame gap if the timeline is zoomed out. Please get rid of this outline! I do not need a line around a clip I have selected; its darker colour already shows that it's selected (maybe not if you're using the weird and silly VERY dark labels theme that was introduced a few months ago - if this theme is enabled, then highlighting the selected clip by making it lighter would be far better than drawing a line around it).
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I love it! Testing Premiere Pro Beta right now. Please bring it all to the stock version!
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My first reaction was to think there's an unwanted 1 frame gap between 2 clips on V1 and V2. The round corners are distracting! These kinds of changes don't actually help and in fact are insulting since there's so many other little things that need fixing, dozens of which I requested all the way back in 2010 and have never been addressed! PLEASE get your priorities in order and PLEASE make these distracting rounded corners OPTIONAL so that serious users can turn off this unserious nonsense. Thank you!
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Cut points between some label colours when a track is completely minimised seems to be next to impossible to see currently. (has been for a few builds but this is (0x51B858 is the worst in my current setup).
I like the potential idea of clips next to each other not rounding, but we still need to be able to see where one clip ends and the next begins, and a faint white outline just isn't visable enough, especially once you zoom out a notch or two
as soon as you increase the track height it shows the cutpoint like normal
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Aono favorevole a questa novità.
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It does seem, that with each release of the beta version, the rounded corners get progressively smaller, so on this latest release, the "rounded corner problem" has almost gone away completely! It also looks like those massive "1 frame of misleading nothingness" gaps between clips that in reality have no gaps between them at all has been removed (see this monstrosity from Adobe's first version of this rounded corners version): now we have this neat, almost-squared-corners, no-silly-gaps version (very similar to how it looked years before The Cornergate Debacle raised its ugly, rounded head!):
At last, some good news in this lunatic world!
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edit points are still nearly impossible to see in when track height is completely minimized and feels like it's a result of corner radius shenanigans given that it's trying to "hide" the rounded corners for some reason when track height is minimized
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Ditto @Tom_edit Tom_edit, when a track is fully minimized the edit points become near invisible. Not good. In fact, bad!
These two half pixel lines are supposed to represent an edit point and I have to get about 6 inches from my screen to see them.
When you nudge one level up the edit points come back.... need to be able to see edit points at all track height levels please.
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Hello developers,
I'm posting again to make you aware that the current state is still suffering. I believe some changes have been made in attempt to make it more consistent and readable? But it's not there yet.
Premiere 24.5 (our working build)
Minimum zoom level.
Here I can clearly see all edit points with about equal distinction quality regardless of clip color.
Premiere 25.2beta36
Minimum zoom level.
All the video clips have near disappearing lines. The audio on the other hand almost looks like there are gaps.
Why are they different in the first place?
Jumping up 1 zoom level fixes the discrepancy. But still hard to distinguish gaps from edits.
I think part of the issue is that start / end indicators do not 'merge' when next to eachother in the new design so it's always looking like there are frames between. This could be improved.
See comparison between old (top) and new (bottom).
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I will say that the clip end indicators on minimized track heights is slightly more readable if you are using the default label colors which are quite dark, but almost impossible to see if you are using the vibrant label colors. Still this is a step backwards and we need at least a 1px black line between clips when the track height is fully minimized, this new faint double white line look is not working out!
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The faint white line on minimised track heights has been resolved in the latest beta. They caught the issue only after the 25.1 update started rolling out unfortunately.
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Thanks, can confirm this issue is resolved in latest build as of writing this post.
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@Shebbe Confirmed its looking resolved on my end as well. Hopefully they can rush this one into stable.
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I agree with everything you're saying here. Just inherited a project from someone that was in v25 and I'm just having a terrible time. I care about stability above everything else. As an editor, I'm VERY OCD about how I cut. I expect things to work as before. I honestly feel like every new version they just add things to make it less conducive to editing. Rounded corners, added pixels between cuts where it doesn't need them, harder to discern where cuts actually land, confusing import/home screen, inconsistent export settings, etc. I don't understand the need to change things that were working well for so long and if they do want to improve, do it SLOWLY. This is a crazy change.
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I posted in the main forum earlier after downloading 25.1, and just reverted back to 25.0.
Please put bevels back on cuts between two clips, as they can barely be seen on shorter track heights at standard resolution on a mac monitor, 2560 x 1440.
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Please get rid of this. This is supposed to be a professional software but it feels like iMovie. At least give us the option to change it to how we feel we want it?
Please keep your own identity and don't copy other free brands that do this.
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Nope, absolutely hate this. It's a nightmare on my current project. It would really make sense to have it optional in the appearance settings. Just have a checkbox in there for edge preference.
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This is absolutely terrible. Please change back.
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Boooooooooooooo round corners are terrible!!!!!!!!
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Why not make it configurable? The new rounded corners create a very terrible look and make it hard for me to work with premiere pro. I have to downgrade to 25.0
You don't have to follow every new stupid UX trend. This is not some hobby software or game. Invest your money and time in actual bug fixing and new features that help me in my work and increase productivity.
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I for one see the awesome benefit of this. I love it.
But I agree on obe thing, it would be awesome if we could choose the radius or at least have 3-4 different to choose from. I run 4k and its barely visible.
I see a lot of people refering to this change as some kind of anti-pro feature. For this kind of thought process I would recommend Avid Media Composer instead. Its famous for not changing anything since the 80s. And it looks horrible. It's like the definition of teaching an old dog to sit. That won't change.
daVinci has become, no matter what you think, the new kid on the block with a fresh design that is more sutited for our brains today. Between these two giants we have Premiere fighting for the crumbs left after the giant Avid.
Premiere is pro, yes, but a lot of you are trying to make it sound like it's Avid. It's not. Premiere can be used on pro level, yes, but it is also for the larger group of consumers. That's how adobe makes money. Volume.
Avid goes for all-included and haven't left out a thing since the start. If you are a hot shot you can pay them to make a new function or plugin. Try asking adobe for this.
so, the rounded corners. Love it. But if this makes your editing impossible, then maybe go to Avid or just give up. it's full of UI from the 80. You should love that. Such a PRO feeling!
It really shouldn't come down to that if an application is pro or not in terms of radius of the corner.
cheers everyone. And breathe for the love of god. It's not the end. It's just a new UI.
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You seem to cares more about the presentation of the package than it's contents. Premiere Pro as software is in many ways much better than Avid but objectively lacks in many areas. Why defend something that is evidently worse than it's previous state. The idea that UI needs to be updated because it's year xxxx is silly. It should only ever be improved if the improvement is actually meaningful or equal at best.
You mention Resolve as 'new kid on the block' but it has been around for many years already and they are far from perfect on many fronts. Regarding the clip appearance what they at least nailed is adaptive states to improve readability. When clips are too short and close together the rounded corners are removed. The shading of the clips are also more readable than how Premiere shades the edges. What Resolve doesn't do at all is show if a clip's in or out point is the end which removes part of the visual clutter but also information.
"But if this makes your editing impossible, then maybe go to Avid or just give up."
Highly condescending at not neccesary. Without any honest feedback from users to a company, there can never be any meaningful improvement.
"... it's full of UI from the 80. You should love that. Such a PRO feeling!"
Perhaps you are not actually dealing with large timelines and multiple projects on a daily basis. Video-editors and other creative professionals should favor readability over appearance any day. Otherwise you're only spending more time to process information.
FWIW the whole issue imo is not even specifically having rounded corners or not. It's simple the actual design of it that is not working. I have never had an issue with the clip presentation in Resolve which also has rounded corners. Neither with FCP X or Logic Pro X.
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I'm glad my post got your attention and you got that out of you 🙂 Keep it up!
And also yes, the design working amazing with rounded corners. I'm spending less time looking for cuts. Just as intended. Changes can't please everyone. Maybe premiere is just going a way that you don't like. Or, as I said, not for your brain/perception.