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STL Export No Longer Available With Subtitle Caption Track

Community Expert ,
Jan 10, 2022 Jan 10, 2022

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I hope I'm missing something, so let me know if my information is incorrect. PR Captions already suffered from a lack of exporting style information in sidecar files.


Thread from regular forum:



The reference guide has not been updated since 7/27/21, and still says that a Subtitle track can export STL sidecar. But as of PR 22.1.2 or earlier (I assume 22.0), there is no longer an STL export in the Export -> Media or Export -> Captions windows - and it is also absent in the latest Beta.


I tested PR 2021.4.0 - STL export was present. 


I tested the lastest Beta for what SRT sidecar is exporting with the styling option selected. I added 4 edits: font color, font family, background yes/color, and location. The only information in the SRT export is font color.


Steps to reproduce:
    1. Create sequence with Subtitle track. Export using Export -> Media or File -> Export -> Captions.
 Result: The only sidecar option is SRT.
Expected: STL would also be available.
System info
    Application: Premiere Pro (Beta) v22.2.0.103
    OS: Windows v10.0.19043, RAM: 63.80 GB GB, CPUs (logical): 16








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