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Premiere struggling with big exports, puts audio glitches into the export

Enthusiast ,
Jul 11, 2024 Jul 11, 2024

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I'm working on a 52 minute show for tv. Yesterday I spent all day trying to export, and was met with a myriad of issues. First I tried exporting natively out of Premiere (export setting MXF OP1a XDCam50 59.94), I have a 128 gig memory computer and with probably 44 seconds left into the export, Premiere told me my computer was out of Memory (and I didnt have any other apps open). I find that surprising that a 128gb ram computer can't handle an MXF export that will only be 20 gb large when done. Since Premiere couldn't natively handle the big export, I queued it in Media Encoder. No memory issues there, but when I took the final MXF and brought it back into PRemiere to QC it, segment 5 had this really bizaare audio glitch. It's almost as if media encoder took a random patch of audio and put it at 52 minutes in. So now all of a sudden this small patch of audio is out of sync and goes back into sync a moment later. (This audio glitch isnt the same audio glitch that I described in another post where I believe the issue is stemming from exponential fades nested in a 59.94 sequence, because with that issue i was hearing the audio glitch on the nested timeline. In this latest "big export" issue, I'm only hearing the issue on the exported MXF, and not on the raw timeline ).  Restarted the computer. Then I tried again a 2nd time, same issue but now the audio glitch is in a slightly different place on the export. Seems arbitrary. So then I took 2 bad MXF's and merged the non-bad parts together on the timeline and exported it (cant remember if it was through premiere or media encoder) and that export had an audio glitch in it that wasnt on the timeline. I told my co-editor about this and he goes yeah I've had problems too exporting big shows. (So I'm pretty sure the issue isnt just with me). The only way I was able to make the audio glitches stop showing up in my exports was doing this: Export Segment 1 as a separate MXF through Premiere not encoder (same with segments 2 through 5, individual MXF exports). So now we have 5 separate MXF's. Bring those back into premiere, put all 5 MXFs on one timeline and export it as one giant MXF. So essentially baking separate parts of the timeline was the work around. But it's an extra step. I'm hoping Adobe can look into this and maybe fix it?


All the footage is 1080. 5-6 cameras stacked on top of each other. (Mxf footage says video codec ai13.  Camera #6 ronin is mp4 codec H.264). A lot of the footage has the "colorista" filter on it.


computer: mac studio 2023, chip Apple m2 ultra, memory 128gb, macOs Sonoma 14.5

premiere 2024: version 24.4.1 (build 2)

media encoder 2024: version 24.5 (Build 50)

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correct answers 1 Pinned Reply

Adobe Employee , Jul 11, 2024 Jul 11, 2024

HI @rachelcenter - Thank you for the information.  What version of magic bullet do you have installed? If you disable the colorista effect Are you able to export your video out of Premiere?  Can you try Premiere 24.5 if you are using Media Encoder 24.5.

For the audio glitch are you using any effects on your audio clips?  Are you exporting to your desktop or an external drive?  

Can you right click on your media files and choose media properties and send us a screenshot please.

Status Needs More Info



Adobe Employee ,
Jul 11, 2024 Jul 11, 2024

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Hello @rachelcenter,

I appreciate the bug report you wrote and all the information you gave about this issue. Sorry for the bug with audio exports with MXF footage. It sounds frustrating. I hope the team will reply to you ASAP with some answers. Perhaps @jamieclarke can chime in.


Sorry for the frustration.



Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio





Adobe Employee ,
Jul 11, 2024 Jul 11, 2024

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HI @rachelcenter - Thank you for the information.  What version of magic bullet do you have installed? If you disable the colorista effect Are you able to export your video out of Premiere?  Can you try Premiere 24.5 if you are using Media Encoder 24.5.

For the audio glitch are you using any effects on your audio clips?  Are you exporting to your desktop or an external drive?  

Can you right click on your media files and choose media properties and send us a screenshot please.

Status Needs More Info





Enthusiast ,
Jul 11, 2024 Jul 11, 2024

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I'm not using magic bullet. I'm using colorista which is part of Maxon/Red Giant App. version 2024.4.1. build 1357.

"If you disable the colorista effect Are you able to export your video out of Premiere?" I would have to go to every single clip in the bin and turn every single one off because I have the color embedded into the raw clip so if i put the clip down on the timeline, the color follows. That is way too time intensive to remove from hundreds of clips just to test out especially when i'm trying to make corrections and deliver a 52 minute show today and tomorrow. Theres no way I'll have time to do that for the next week in a half. the next week in half i'll be lucky if I have time to sleep. I was hoping your team could test it out on their end.


I'm not comfortable trying premiere 24.5 this close to the deadline. Because if something goes wrong with premiere, or theres a new bug, I dont have time to troubleshoot that when I have a 52 minute show deadline today/tomorrow. That's just too risky this close to a deadline. I would only test that in between projects.


"For the audio glitch are you using any effects on your audio clips? " there might be a denoiser on a handful of clips but the audio effects are extremely rare in this project.


exporting to an external hard drive 4tb ssd: https://www.amazon.com/SanDisk-4TB-Extreme-Portable-SDSSDE61-4T00-G25/dp/B08RX4QKXS


Screenshot 2024-07-11 at 4.24.24 PM.pngScreenshot 2024-07-11 at 4.24.43 PM.png





Enthusiast ,
Jul 11, 2024 Jul 11, 2024

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just curious, are these symptoms that I'm reporting normal for a 128gb computer?





Adobe Employee ,
Jul 11, 2024 Jul 11, 2024

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Can you try installing Maxon/Red Giant App. version 2024.5.  It sounds like you are hitting a memory leak somewhere which my first thought is the third party red giant app.  If you want to test you can hold down shift while opening premiere, when the checkbox opens you can select disable third party plugins one time.  I would duplicate your project to test if you are on a tight deadline.  We all know keeping backups can be a lifesaver :).  

This is the first time I have heard of audio being encoded in random places, Is the audio that gets put in random places have an effect on it?  it would help to know exactly which effect you are using on your audio.   Thank you for the screenshots and your help troubleshooting.






Enthusiast ,
Jul 11, 2024 Jul 11, 2024

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I just dont think that's the solution. I had this same memory leak issue with a 30 to 45 minute show over 1-2 years ago when Maxon/Red giant was on a different version. I dont think the version is going install/uninstall is going to fix it.

"This is the first time I have heard of audio being encoded in random places, Is the audio that gets put in random places have an effect on it?" i'm not sure because I threw that export in the trash, but very unlikely seeing that I barely use any audio filters/plugins.

so you think this is a third party issue and not a premiere issue? I should go ask my coworker if he uses maxon/red giant and what export issues he has with larger projects.





Adobe Employee ,
Jul 11, 2024 Jul 11, 2024

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I'm sorry you have experienced these issues before.  I noticed that red giant relased an update yesterday to their app that brings performance improvements.  

I found we did have some AVC Intra performance improvements in version 24.5.

https://helpx.adobe.com/premiere-pro/kb/fixed-issues.html. If you have time to troubleshoot and test some solutions please come back and let us know.  





Enthusiast ,
Jul 11, 2024 Jul 11, 2024

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So are you saying Maxon/Red Giant is a probable cause of this audio issue even though I have no red giant filters applied to the audio? Is there no technology that could be instituted on Adobe's part to fix this memory leak export issue? Something in the coding that premiere could do to help fix this? I probably dont have to test your theory in the next 24 hours but lets say the software update for maxon doesnt fix this memory issue. There has to be technology that premiere can institute to help with these giant exports. Like it says I'm out of memory when I try to export straight from premiere and then when I go through encoder it bakes an audio glitch in. It just doesnt sound like thats a Maxon/Red Giant issue. And I have a 128 gb computer. I know I posed this question earlier to you but didnt get an answer: is that normal behavior for a 128gb computer? to leak memory and not be able to export a 52 minute 1080p timeline natively from premiere?







Adobe Employee ,
Jul 15, 2024 Jul 15, 2024

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Hi @rachelcenter - Have you been able to test anything yet?  I would say most of the memory leaks we come across in these forums are related to third party plugins.  That is why I suggested you can test by holding down shift and selecting the checkbox to disable third party plugins to test.  We haven't seen any reports on your audio glitch we would need some more information about that.  Are you using any effects on your audio clips that are being rendered in random places?  Are you exporting to your desktop or an external drive?  Is it the same type of audio that is glitching?  Are you rendering your timeline?





Enthusiast ,
Jul 15, 2024 Jul 15, 2024

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Hi @jamieclarke, can you kindly confirm me for me is this is normal behavior for a 128gb ram computer trying to export a video that will be 21gb when the export is complete?





Adobe Employee ,
Jul 15, 2024 Jul 15, 2024

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Hi @rachelcenter - Premiere would only tell you that you are out of memory if there was problem.  The reason you are not seeing these problems in Media Encoder is because there were updates in 24.5 to the AVC Intra media type you are using.





Enthusiast ,
Jul 16, 2024 Jul 16, 2024

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I guess I'm not understanding the answer to my question about what a 128gb computer should be able to handle. Are you saying 128gb computers should be able to handle this kind of export without running out of memory, but this was a premiere problem from an earlier version? Did I understand you correctly?




