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Any way to prevent dupes in Premiere Project file?

Participant ,
May 21, 2012 May 21, 2012

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Due to working with both PluralEyes as well as multiple editors on the same project, I deal with importing a lot of XML and PRPROJ files into existing project files that I've worked with.

This, on a large scale, becomes untenable because every time I import another editor's work or a synced sequence, I get duplicates of all my media in the project. I'm trying to figure out if there any way to have Premiere check to see if the media is already imported, and reference that media in the imported sequence? If not, I will just keep getting larger and larger project files with multiple references to the same media, because both me and my other editors are working with the same media, but for different sequences.

As far as I can tell, when you import an XML, or even a sequence from another Premiere project, it creates new master clips for every clip used in the imported sequence. It does not recognize that you may already have a master clip that you're using in another sequence that is referring to the same media.

So if you want to keep both sequences in your project, you need to keep both master clips. If you delete a master clip from your bin, it will not stay in the sequence(s) that refer to it, it will get cut out, leaving a big steaming crater where it once was. Even if the sequence is not currently open. This is one of the things I loved about FCP7. You could delete every single one of your master clips and your sequence would be totally unaffected. You could even recreate the master clips by dragging them from your sequence to the bin.

I think if there really is no way to manage these duplicates, this is a HUGE problem for professionals who are working in environments with multiple editors. This isn't just a "well, learn how to deal with a new editing system" - this is actually a deal-breaker; and actually the only one that I see REALLY preventing Premiere from being the go-to choice for larger post houses. This problem becomes so big so fast that it makes true collaborative editing downright impossible. In my office we might have three people on a project, all editing and revising segments and passing them back and forth. On FCP7 this was easy as pie - we'd just cut and paste between project files and use basic versioning best practices. In Premiere, our project files quickly become nightmares and work is often inadvertently deleted or lost.

I would like to see:

- Smart media handling when importing sequences and projects. Premiere should look at the filenames and file location and attempt to relink any duplicate media. If it stumbles, it should ask for help like FCP.

- A media consolidation inspection feature. I'd love to see an option for inspecting your project for duplicate media references. When found, Premiere should automatically consolidate.

- Streamlined sequence exporting. You should be able to export a single sequence. I know there's some version of this in Project Manager, but we all know it should be easier than this!

Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Feb 11, 2016 Feb 11, 2016

Experiencing extreme frustration with this even in CC 2015!!! Have filled a bug report, I really hope this can be addressed soon!!!

Hi Darius,

Please file your specific frustrations here in a bug report.

Hard for me to convince large productions to make the switch to Premiere when little silly things like this still exist...

You can avoid duplicates in many cases, but you have to start each project with a few things in mind, especially if working in a collaborative environment.

  • There will be on



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New Here ,
Apr 12, 2016 Apr 12, 2016

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Agreed but this is still not perfect. In order for it to work, the media has to be imported first and THEN copied and handed off to collaborator(s). Not always practical. (i.e. separate drives are sent to AE and editor in different locations at the same time after a shoot).





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Participant ,
Apr 12, 2016 Apr 12, 2016

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Totally agree - in fact, it's bad data management to only have 1 drive of data and duplicate from that.. hopefully if you have 2 versions of the media, they were actually created straight from the source cards.

It would be nice if there was a solution to this.





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Adobe Employee ,
Apr 15, 2016 Apr 15, 2016

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Agreed but this is still not perfect. In order for it to work, the media has to be imported first and THEN copied and handed off to collaborator(s).

This is the exact scenario for the new proxy workflow.

Not always practical. (i.e. separate drives are sent to AE and editor in different locations at the same time after a shoot).

Understood, those folks may need to change the way they work with one another.

After a shoot, the drives should go to the editor for central ingest of the masters (not two different places). That is a slight pipeline adjustment that needs to be made. Then (in our upcoming version) proxies should be delivered to the AE and whoever else wants to collaborate. After these folks do their work, return sequence data to the editor, via a Read Only project file. Then the editor can relink to high res media.

This makes for a good solid pipeline for a Read/Write project taking in Read only projects—the way Premiere is intended to work.

Premiere Pro cannot work collaboratively with projects that do not have this RW vs. R only relationship. Sorry, that's just the lay of the land.







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Adobe Employee ,
Apr 08, 2016 Apr 08, 2016

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Yes, Neil. An editor's main project should import other editors' project items via the Media Browser only.






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Participant ,
Apr 12, 2016 Apr 12, 2016

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I'm on the latest version of CC2015 and OSX. I've been dealing with the duplicate master clip issue for a long time now, and after doing a lot of research, here's what I'm about to try:

I'm creating a completely blank project file. I'm checking the "Write XMP ID" option and setting my media cache files and media cache file database folders to my external hard drive (this is necessary since my drive gets handed off between editors using different workstations periodically).

I'm importing all of our 5000+ media files via the media browser (NOT our existing Premiere CC sequences of our Final Cut XMLs from when the project was begun in FCP years ago).

Once everything is imported and all of the conforming/peak files are finished, I'll try beginning the import of each sequence and XML file in hopes that I won't get any duplicate master clips.

Here's my question: once I've done all of this, if it works, how do I continue working simultaneously with my other editor, who will be using a separate computer and separate hard drive? Will she have to copy my media cache folders? How will we move forward as we shoot more footage and import it? If we both import the new footage via our media browsers and then send our sequences back and forth via media browser, will we get duplicate master clips? Should our hard drives have the exact same name and file structure?

Thanks for any insights.





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Participant ,
Apr 12, 2016 Apr 12, 2016

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So, I tried what I thought would be a work-around to the problem of duplicate files that I've been having. As I mentioned above, I created a completely new project file, imported just my media, waited for everything to conform, and then tried importing my sequences from earlier project files, just to see if it would create duplicates.

Unfortunately, I have duplicate master clips when I import my sequences.

I'm at the end of my rope with this program. I can't go back and edit from scratch - the project was originally created in FCP and we migrated using XML files. Someone. Anyone. Is there a way to work collaboratively within this program after you've already begun editing?





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New Here ,
Nov 15, 2016 Nov 15, 2016

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I found something that worked for me.

I found the project that didnt have any dupes(about 10 edits prior) and then imported the sequence into that original project.





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Community Beginner ,
May 30, 2017 May 30, 2017

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Hi Nicholp15321510,

Any tricks here? I can't seem to get this to work for me, even though I have an older project without duplicates to work from.







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New Here ,
May 19, 2017 May 19, 2017

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May 19, 2017

My concern was working with a second editor in another location, but having too much media to put online, as well as having duplicate files when importing sequences (and already having worked extensively on the project before needing a second editor - so we couldn't go back and write XMP ID to files on import.)  It looks like within the team project, the editors can connect to identical hard drives and share material.

The above answer with a link to:

Manage media across multiple projects:


can be followed up with the below links. I'm about to try it, but it looks like it should work. Just wanted to share the info.

It is still in Beta and was released in April 2017.

Collaborate on shared video projects (team projects)


Working simultaneously in shared projects


Team project tutorial:









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Explorer ,
Nov 14, 2017 Nov 14, 2017

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The thing that is killing me is I didn't have this problem in CC2017 but now with an "upgrade" to 2018 I do. How does that make any sense.
In my case I'm not working with multiple editors or project files (just me) but syncing with Plural Eyes 4.

I put my media I need synced on a timeline -

I export the XML for that timeline -

I imported and Sync that XML in Plural Eyes -

I export the synced XML from Plural Eyes -
I imported the new XML into Premiere

Using the Plural Eyes extension gives me the same problem.

I have "allow duplicate media blah blah blah" unchecked.
I have "Write XMP ID to files" checked

This is so so stupid and causing me so much grief. Get it together Adobe, don't release an update that breaks something that wasn't broken before.





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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 15, 2017 Nov 15, 2017

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Sorry for the frustration. I'm sure you heard this before, but, whenever you are tempted to say, "get it together Adobe" or something like that, what you really want to do is file a bug rather than vent. Sorry, we are in support here and can only triage existing issues. We cannot address quality issues.

Could it be that PluralEyes needs to be updated? Are you running version 4.1.4? You need to be with CC 2018.






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Explorer ,
Nov 15, 2017 Nov 15, 2017

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Kevin I know you have to deal with the bulk of our rants and complaints here and that is certainly unfair to you but I'm sure you can understand why so many users get frustrated with these products so often. Collectively we pay Adobe a lot of money and yet with each new "update" (the supposed reason we are paying monthly fees for this software) new things are broken, new bugs and new problems show their heads. It is incredibly frustrating to pay for a such an unstable product. Every other day I'm presented with a new issue, a new error in Premiere. And all I want is for it to work.

as far as my issue is concerned can you explain to me what good filing a "bug report" would do? surely there have been others that have filed the same or similar reports, how does my adding to it increase the likelihood that the issue gets fixed?

And yes, I am running the most current version of Plural Eyes.





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Engaged ,
Nov 16, 2017 Nov 16, 2017

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Jaw327 I hear your frustration, and I share it.

I've been told that the teams and engineers do not look at these forums, but that the bug reports do end up creating a paper trail that ends up in front of them. The more reports per issue, the more chances that the issue will get their attention.

The Dupe issue is a huge and complex beast within Premiere- one that I am nowhere near solving at our facility- and I believe XML based importing complicates it significantly.

I would write to pluraleyes with this issue also.

Good luck,






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Participant ,
Nov 16, 2017 Nov 16, 2017

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I have had experiences with certain XMLs creating duplicates, certain other XMLs not creating duplicates when imported.  A workaround may be importing XML into new project, then importing that project into Premiere, so Premiere will have already re-linked to files with XMPs.





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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 16, 2017 Nov 16, 2017

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Thanks for your input, Ryan Patch.






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Explorer ,
Nov 16, 2017 Nov 16, 2017

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tried that. same result.





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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 16, 2017 Nov 16, 2017

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I've been told that the teams and engineers do not look at these forums, but that the bug reports do end up creating a paper trail that ends up in front of them. The more reports per issue, the more chances that the issue will get their attention.

That sums it up. Thanks, D.





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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 16, 2017 Nov 16, 2017

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  • Collectively we pay Adobe a lot of money and yet with each new.."update"...
  • new things are broken...
  • new bugs...
  • new problems show their heads...
  • It is incredibly frustrating to pay for a such an unstable product...
  • Every other day I'm presented with a new issue...
  • a new error in Premiere...
  • All I want is for it to work...

I'm sure venting about product quality helps people feel better, but it's really not allowed on the forums. These forums are for troubleshooting current issues. File your complaints about the software quality, pricing, or similar subjects here.

There really is nothing that can be done to address quality issues here. We aren't on the development team and are not set up to address complaints around quality, so that is unsatisfying for you, as well. Sorry for the frustration.

as far as my issue is concerned can you explain to me what good filing a "bug report" would do?

A bug report alerts the engineering staff that something is wrong and the issue is investigated.

surely there have been others that have filed the same or similar reports

I have not seen any bugs related to PluralEyes and CC 2018 in the bug database. Please file here.

how does my adding to it increase the likelihood that the issue gets fixed?

The more reports that are filed on a verified issue that are generated, the higher that priority gets to fix the issue. Each issue has a severity level attached to it. It's like a voting system.

And yes, I am running the most current version of Plural Eyes.

Have you verified that the version is 4.1.4? If so, please test this issue with a properly set up, brand new CC 2018 project and newly ingested media if you have not already done so. Is that working OK?

I would also contact Red Giant support, then report back as to what they suggest. Others may benefit by sharing that info.

Sorry again for any problems this update is causing you.






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Explorer ,
Nov 16, 2017 Nov 16, 2017

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Have you verified that the version is 4.1.4? If so, please test this issue with a properly set up, brand new CC 2018 project and newly ingested media if you have not already done so. Is that working OK?

When I say I'm running the most current version of PluralEyes I mean I'm running the most current version, which in this case is 4.1.4 I'm not a novice I know how to look up the version of the software I'm using. Your condescension is not appreciated.

I will file a bug report and cross my fingers that it gets fixed.





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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 16, 2017 Nov 16, 2017

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Jaw327  wrote

Have you verified that the version is 4.1.4? If so, please test this issue with a properly set up, brand new CC 2018 project and newly ingested media if you have not already done so. Is that working OK?

When I say I'm running the most current version of PluralEyes I mean I'm running the most current version, which in this case is 4.1.4

I did not mean to be condescending. Very, very often people think they are running the most current version but do not take a look at the version number. This happens to everyone, even me, so double checking is not meant to be a put down. We even have FAQs to verify Adobe software versions. Standard operating procedure.

Sorry you took it that way.

I will file a bug report and cross my fingers that it gets fixed.

If you have time, can you also please check with Red Giant support and let us know what they say? They might offer a solution that might be quicker than waiting for a bug fix.

I will also monitor the issue and see if anyone has similar trouble.

Thank You,





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Explorer ,
Nov 16, 2017 Nov 16, 2017

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I'll check with Red Giant and see what they say but the issue isn't limited to just Plural Eyes. It seems to be an XML issue. Even when I export and XML file from a PP sequence and then import back that same XML file it duplicates the media.





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Engaged ,
Nov 16, 2017 Nov 16, 2017

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Have you tried RyanPatch's trick?

"I have had experiences with certain XMLs creating duplicates, certain other XMLs not creating duplicates when imported.  A workaround may be importing XML into new project, then importing that project into Premiere, so Premiere will have already re-linked to files with XMPs."





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Explorer ,
Nov 16, 2017 Nov 16, 2017

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yeah I've tried that.





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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 16, 2017 Nov 16, 2017

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Is the function for "Allow Duplicate Media During Project Import" enabled for Media Browser?

Screenshot 2017-11-16 11.10.13.png






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Explorer ,
Nov 16, 2017 Nov 16, 2017

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It's currently disabled but I've tried it both ways and it always imports duplicate media.





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