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I have a sequence where audio waveforms are not showing up. It looks like this:
This is a sequence and each of the clips are a multicam sequences I constructed. Each multi-cam sequence has a main audio and the problem starts to happen when I apply a filter (Podacst Voice) to the audio, like this:
When I do Sequence -> Render Audio, the waveform appears, but next time I restart Premiere Pro, it's gone again. Running Sequence -> Render Audio takes... 15 to 20 minutes.
Any ideas how to fix this?
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Where are the render files located?
Are they on an external drive that doesn't have a fixed drive letter?
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I don't know where they are located, how do I find out?
I would be surprised if they are on an external hard drive.
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It would be in the preferences.
The default is same as project.
Render audio when rendering video
By default, Premiere Pro does not render audio tracks when you select either Sequence > Render Effects In Work Area, or Sequence > Render Entire Work Area. However, playback may suffer when the data throughput of your disk drive cannot sustain the flow when mixing multiple channels of audio and audio in a complex sequence. You can change this default so that Premiere Pro automatically renders audio previews whenever it renders video previews.
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OK. I haven't changed this default. I'm not sure whether I found the setting actually. But the project is not in an external hard drive. It's in an internal SSD (SATA), in D:.
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I had that option ticked all along:
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Try resetting the Workspaces:
Reset a workspace
Reset the current workspace to return to its original, saved layout of panels.
1. Do one of the following:
• Click the Workspace menu icon and select Reset to Saved Layout.
• Choose Window > Workspace > Reset to Saved Layout.
from here:
If that doesn't work, try Preferences > Audio Hardware and set Input to None.
If that doesn't work, try creating a new project and import the old one into it.