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So, I've had this problem for years now, but always found some way to work around it without fixing the problem.
I edit a video and when I'm done and wanting to export soon, I notice problems with nested sequences. I know there have been a lot of similar, solved cases, but none of the explanations helped for me. It's not like Premiere can't find the clips, just random parts of those nested sequences are blank. If I click on the sequences that are making problems, the clips inside look perfectly fine. This has costed me countless hours over the years.
Thanks in advance!
Since I haven't found any way to fix it, there is one way that in my particular case "solves" it. Basically I go into the nested sequence and render the stuff in there, then I replace the sequence with the now rendered clip. Do that, in case somebody has this exact scenario too.
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Happens to me a lot too and it's a pain in the ass, nesting / multicam areas of Premiere pro can get pretty buggy annoyingly, have you swapped to software only rendering? It's not really helpful considering it slows down a sh*t ton but it's better than nothing.
Also I found unchecking 'composite in linear colour' in the sequence settings has fixed a lot of random issues that it really shouldn't affect... but maybe worth a try as well
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Sadly, that doesn't work. I should also mention, that I can't really try switching to software only, because then my gfx can't render. Already tried that. Thanks for taking your time, though!
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Since I haven't found any way to fix it, there is one way that in my particular case "solves" it. Basically I go into the nested sequence and render the stuff in there, then I replace the sequence with the now rendered clip. Do that, in case somebody has this exact scenario too.
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Turn the group of clips into a subsequence and then nest them. it's worked for me!
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Done that, nest greyed out.
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Two years later and there's no fix to this annoying issue. The only workaround after scouring forums & trying all the suggestions, is that I have to export out the nested sequence (at the same quality as original footage), then drop it back into Premiere and work with a flattened clip. What a giant waste of time... so so annoying, especially when you're on a deadline. Wish Adobe would tend to these things rather than bring out new fangled features we really don't need right now.
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Welcome to Adobe: where they overcharge you for a monthly subscription and then the basic features of the app don't even f%$king work!
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SOLVED! Watch this
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Just to add that this still hasn't been fixed three years later. I don't have the time to render out all my nests.
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Just had this problem. One nested sequence that was cut up throughout the timeline went black for those parts. I clicked on each part and disable multi-cam for that clip and it showed back up.
Hope this helps. Still haven't rendered the complete sequence so no completely 100 percent sure
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didn't work after rendering so i restarted premier and it worked then.
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Non of the recommendations I've seen on YouTube such as changing the rendering settings or Google Chrome GPU fix have worked for me. Weird thing I have noticed is that when I change the opacity, the clip appears on my screen (even when lowered) so I decided to go into the nest and add an adjustment layer and move the exposure up by 0.1 and the nest appeared on screen again ( with very little change) still very frustrating but it's the only thing that has helped. I'm not sure if proxy's are a reason why or maybe the cable from my hardrive is faulty ( I'm not editing off SSD)
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Dont know if this helps but for me in this specific scenario, it did. I had a ton of 2 frame clips for a stop motion sequence. Then I nested all the clips so that I could speed ramp manipulate everything. After I made the speed changes, I went into the sequence and added some additional frames. The nested clip then showed black screen at the end even though, there vere video clips available. The logic behind it seemingly was: after the speed ramp, te nested sequence was "shorter" and even though I added some clips and stretched the nested clip to its full lenght, premiere still thought there were no clips.
Solution: I delited the speed changes all togather, then stretched the sequence to its full lenght and then added the speed changes.
It seems premiere REALLY struggles with anything speed changing related. Warp stabilizer, position keyframes, nested sequences...Its absurd.
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Nevermind. The problem reouccured. As I said. Absurd.
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Try changing opacity of your clip or nest to see if it reappears (I'm curious)
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I FIGURED IT OUT!! I ran into this issue using multi-cam on a nested sequence that had two different shot angles in it. The error occured after I was turning the top layer inside the nest on and off and when I went back to the main sequence parts of the nest were black. Randomly to troubleshoot I went into the export screen and after I came back the glitch went away. I hope this helps