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I have been working on a very large project using CS5 on my desktop computer. Now I am on the road and bought a laptop so that I can continue to work. I placed all of my assets on a back-up external 2tb drive (which I was able to open without incident on my desktop). I installed CS5 on my new laptop and now when I try to open the project I get the following message "The selected file cannot be linked because its type (audio) does not match the original file's type (audio and video)". This message appears before I indicate the path to any of the assets. Then, when I do indicate the path to each asset, I get the same message for individual files.
Any advice is appreciated.
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Most likely it's because the files use a video codec that was installed on your desktop, but is missing from your Laptop.
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Thanks for your reply.
I have several different files types (.mov, .avi, .jpeg...) in the project and I can't believe that it is simply the codecs....I even get this message when trying to link to jpegs in the project...
This issue is driving me crazy, so if you have any more potential solutions, I would love to hear them!
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Sorry, no. That's the only reason I've ever encountered this error message.
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I'm having the exact same problem so I'm bringing this old topic up again.
If anyone can help or knows a solution, that would make me a happy man!
The only other option that occurs to me now, is re-editing the whole thing again.
And that's an option I don't quite like
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I had this problem and have found a solution / workaround: my issue was when trying to open a cs5 project that had been collected on mac and then transfered to pc, my footage was all png image sequences but this will hopefully work in other situations...
Open the project and cancel the first dialogue box that pops up where you get the "file cannot be linked" error when trying to reconnect footage. The project will open and then in the project panel, right click on any footage that needs reconnected and choose "Replace footage..." this will open a dialog that will allow you to select the file that gave you the error in the first place without any issues. Any sequences with that footage will now work and everything show be all good.
You may experience "Offline material is present in this export and will be encoded using the offline media graphic" on first export but apparently you can just ingore that, but i guess it's woth testing a few short sections before commiting to a huge render...
This workaround isn't perfect as i had about 50 pieces of footage i had to relink via this method one by one but at least it saved redoing the edit which was critical for my project...
good luck!
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I had this exact error. In my case I had put my CS5.5 project from a Mac and transfered it to a PC laptop running CS6. When attempting to re-link a file, I get "The selected file cannot be linked because its type (audio) does not match the original file's type (audio and video)".
The solution for me in this case was to change the file type to the grouping with ".mov" because the footage I was linking was a .mov. It was then able to link all the files. It seemed to link all my jpegs too.
Hope that helps!
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Install Quick Time Player/Plug-in
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i have the same problem today!
and now is solved! install the quicktime, and it will run normal.
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Hey guys, I had this problem with premiere CC 2017. I tried everything and none of it worked, then I found this video. It's super simple, you just have to rename a folder. Hope it helps!
Solution: No Audio after update? Premiere Pro CC Import Issue Fix! | Film Learnin - YouTube
My youtube vlog channel:
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I had the same issue and it was driving me crazy...
I found a solution that worked... I just copied the files that are not being able to be located into the desktop and located them from there. It worked!
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I just had this problem yesterday after updating to the most recent version of premiere pro-- 12.1.1
I called technical support and they said to upload an older version of adobe PPro-- anything other than 12.1.1.
They also said make sure not to save the premiere project that had the errors.
Unfortunately, I already had saved the project previous to my call to tech support.
My workaround- I had to hook up my backup drive to my computer and link my media to the backup drive files. So essentially I have to have both hard drives connected to my computer during the edit of that project.
My plan when I have more time is to recopy the files to a different location and relink media that way. Hope this helps. This is really a pain.
DO NOT UPDATE TO 12.1.1 until they find a solution to this problem.
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Had this issue (same folder structure, different drive) and half my footage wouldn't relink. Created a new folder in my Premiere File and remiported all my footage there. Then I closed the project and reopened. All my footage relinked just fine, and could then delete the duplicate footage folder.