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When I import my video to the timeline and playback the sound of the video.. it sounds deep and slow and inaccurate. I don't know what went wrong or how to fix it.
I tried opening a new project and importing it again,but it still presented the same problem. Do help.
was the material shot on a smart phone or using a screen capture program? If so, the problem may be that the clips have variable frame rate.
use mediainfo to determine whether your source is variable or constant frame rate
if it's variable use handbrake to convert to constant frame rate
and here's a tutorial on how to use handbrake
Regardless, tell us your source properti
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Does it sound ok when you play it back in the source viewer? Is it a Stereo clip?
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what's the frame rate of the video and your sequence? Try this, select the clip in the browser and choose make sequence from clip. Does it play properly?
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Hi, I am having the same issue. Everything was working until a few hours ago when all the videos I am importing from mediocre files downloaded from dropbox, sound okay if I play them from the finder, but in premiere, they sound distorted and slowed down. When I make a sequence from the clip, the issue persists. I have a line of children speaking and they sound like spawns from hell. Any ideas?
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was the material shot on a smart phone or using a screen capture program? If so, the problem may be that the clips have variable frame rate.
use mediainfo to determine whether your source is variable or constant frame rate
if it's variable use handbrake to convert to constant frame rate
and here's a tutorial on how to use handbrake
Regardless, tell us your source properties in particular frame rate, codec and audio sampling
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Hi, I converted it to H264 using VLC and then it was fine. But good to know
about variable frame rate. I have also been having problems with importing
screen captures -- I think this is something that we can all enjoy with
Premiere Pro 2020. (I recently upgraded and was using screen capture fine
until then...)
[personal info deleted by mod]
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mgrenadier, there is a place in heaven for you right now. You explained my problem, and sent me off for a fix. Thank you SO MUCH.
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Converting worked for me also, thank you. It's terrible how expensive premiere pro is yet it screws up the audio so bad though.
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The world has changed and many people now want to work with material that was never considered of professional quality... Adobe is working on solving this problem, but can't say I blame them for the current situation.
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I agree. Have exactly same issues, they play on every player even old ones i.e. windows media player yet not on Premiere!
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Thank you so much! Saved me a lot of time. I also used VLC to make a quick conversion and was good to go.
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Sounds like you figured out it was a framerate problem.
I'm in a tough spot myself, got a Roxio VHS dongle and am importing some old tapes.
Played back in finder via QT or VLC they sound great, but imported into Adobe they are +15 db hot and distored. Of course if I knock the gain down in the editor they are still distorted. Anyone have any ideas? I don't see a way to adjust audio while recording the video ... Please and Thank you.
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Timothy, you might want to start a new thread. and when you do, Please tell us your system specs: OS version, Premiere version, amount of RAM, Hardware specs including graphics card and your source properties and sequence settings. I could be wrong (it happens, everyonceinawhile) but I don't think this will be a difficult problem to solve. If you can post a small file that has the problem, might help us figure out how to solve it.
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Thank you! Handbrake worked perfectly!
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Hi nashfunk,
Sorry. Check out your audio hardware preferences. Are they set u properly? Let us know.
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I'm having a similar issue, but I've determined it's not frame rate. Even my test tone plays poorly. Something is really wrong. Every audio in Premiere is bad. And only Premiere. Same files in Audition are fine.
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I was having this similar issue and wanted to mention a *possible* workaround (worked for my cases) for anyone that would rather not download other software. I opened the video outside of Premiere and exported the audio. After importing the video into Premiere, I unlinked and deleted the associated audio. Then, imported the previously exported audio and with no issues. Hope this helps a future someone
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Thanks for reporting back @Samantha22158909ce26. I wonder if the audio in question was in the AAC codec. Was this AVCHD footage? Which camera shot this footage? Do you know? Let us know.