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Editing an .aegraphics template in Essential Graphics panel

Explorer ,
Jan 13, 2020 Jan 13, 2020

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Hi there. Up until recently I have been working in CS 5.5 so I have a lot to catch up on since upgrading. One feature still new and confusing to me are .aegraphic files and the Essential Graphics panel in Premiere. I found a lot of tutorials on how to create new graphics in this panel that I wish to explore later, but right now I am working with a Premiere template and am having a difficult time figuring out how to edit the title graphics that came with the template. 


Beside the PP file, the project download included a folder with several .aegraphic files. It seems I can do some basic editing (or whatever the creator made editable) but nothing beyond that and I am trying to figure out if there is a way I can further edit these templates. 


For example, there is a title graphic in the Premiere project I wish to edit. The graphic includes a simple background and a text box. In the Edit tab of the Essential Graphics panel, it appears I can edit the text and key colors, but I am wanting to also edit a part of the background. There is no shape layer to edit. Just the text and colors. 


Is there something I am missing? Is there a way I can drill down further in this graphic to edit it? From my understanding, I cannot open the .aegraphic file in AE.



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