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Exception:TypeError: undefined is not an object

Community Expert ,
Aug 16, 2023 Aug 16, 2023

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I spent most of the day on it and can't get it to work.





This message comes up just before the list of recent project / the Home screen when Premiere is started.


I've uninstalled basically all additions to PP. Even though I don't have many. I've renamed the preference folder and got new prefs, workspaces etc... I've done a lot of cleaning in ...\AppData\Roaming\Adobe


I found this line in the logs - I think it was the 1st line after the error meesage is closed

[2023-08-16_20-28-38][8032][Error] [console] [nu-1] Failed to create/get SAMAssetContext: TypeError: window.cdoHost.getUserAccessTokenSync is not a function


I made these folders (in appdata/roaming/adobe) read-only, per a thread I found here

CCX Welcome



I thought it's been around since version 23.5, but I just tried my tester machine and it does not get the error on 23.5, but still on Windows 22H1, this machine is running 22H2, as of about when this problem started. I uninstalled Creative Cloud and no change.


@Bruce Bullis 


Any tips, things to look for.











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