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Hi, I was wondering if you could make Premiere Pro utilise more of your CPU and GPU. Usually when I preview my videos on the timeline, Premiere utilises less than 40% of my CPU and less than 30% of my GPU even when I have a ton of tracks and effects applied and it does not want to use more CPU and GPU to increase quality and maintain a good framerate when playing back. I have CUDA GPU acceleration on and allocated more than 60% of my memory for Adobe apps. The only time Premiere actually uses my CPU and GPU is when I render, which I think is too high, at 100% utilisation when rendering, which could be potentially dangerous for my computer.
1 Correct answer
Your CPU and GPU should not be maxed out at 100% for timeline playback unless you are using several layers and several effects. On the other hand if you get dropped frames and Premiere Pro is only using 30% of the GPU and 40% of the CPU something is not right. Could you post a video of your stats duirng playback? I have left a video link below that might be helpful.
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Your CPU and GPU should not be maxed out at 100% for timeline playback unless you are using several layers and several effects. On the other hand if you get dropped frames and Premiere Pro is only using 30% of the GPU and 40% of the CPU something is not right. Could you post a video of your stats duirng playback? I have left a video link below that might be helpful.
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Hi, thanks for the video, it fixed my problem! Sorry if I worded my question wrong, I was talking about Premiere utilisation maxed out CPU when exporting my video. I fixed it by following the steps, Edit > Preferences > Media > H264/HEVC haardware accelerated encoding decoding > Uncheck Intel (was originally selected as Intel and Nvidia). Thanks!