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I'm usually joggeling 3-6 projects at the same time and often enough I have to revisit old projects for minor 10 sec changes like a name spelled wrong or updates of text info.
When I have a lot of small changes like that to do the old projects are bumping the more important ones further down the list and eventually off the list. My workflow gets all messed up so I don't want to have more "recent projects" on that list than I have to, and I would like to remove the obsolete ones and keep the ones I need.
Is there any way to do that?
And PLEASE just try to answer the question at hand. I know you all mean well and are trying to help but this is excactly what I want to do, nothing more and nothing less: delete recent projects of my choice from the recent project list on the Adobe opening screen and keep the ones I don't want to delete on the list.
Thanks in advance and best regards 🙂
Add a number or letter to the obsolete projects and they will disappear from the Home list.
Deleting entire project also gets removed from the list.
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And PLEASE just try to answer the question at hand. 🙂
By @Stargeyzer
No, there is no way to remove some projects from the list while keeping others.
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Add a number or letter to the obsolete projects and they will disappear from the Home list.
Deleting entire project also gets removed from the list.
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That's absolutely brilliant, why didn't I think of that!? They are archive files anyway, so giving them new version numbers to change their names is pefect! Thanks a million!
To be honest, I'm feeling quite embaressed not thinking of something so obvious and simple.
Best regards and thanks again 🙂
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Hey, I found another way to remove older projects from the recent project list, a bit more complicated but it works. Did somebody say it couldn't be done? 🙂
This is what you do:
1. Locate the Permiere preference file.
( For PC it's usually in C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Adobe\Premiere Pro\x.x\Adobe Premiere Pro Prefs, or you can look it up in another thread)
2. Make a copy of the preference file (Adobe Premiere Pro Prefs Copy) for editing, and be sure to keep the original file intact.
3. Open the copy in a pure text editor (like MS NotePad).
4. Text/string search for part of the name of the project/projects you want to remove.
5. Delete everything you find together with the project name within the two bracket <> characters (including the <> characters). BE CAREFUL so you don't delete anything else by mistake, be sure to keep a safe copy of the original pref file.
6. Save and exit.
7. Rename the original perference file to keep a safe copy (Adobe Premiere Pro Prefs Safe Copy or something).
8. Rename your edited/saved preference file copy to Adobe Premiere Pro Prefs
9. Done! This should clear the recent project list from all obsolete projects of your choice and keep the ones you want.
10. If Premiere doesn't start or something seems to be wrong with the starting screen, re-instate the original pref file and start over.
Still, I would rather have them just dragged-N-dropped to a trash can symbol, but this works like a sort of crude level workaround I suppose.
Good luck!
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Did somebody say it couldn't be done? 🙂
By @Stargeyzer
Yes, i wrote that but the initial question you posted seemed to state with a big PLEASE that you did not want answers that meant well and were trying to help, you wanted a yes or no answer.
Yes, it can be done with different workarounds but at the same time, no it cannot be done in a simple way such as it can be done in MS Excel by right clicking on something in the startup list that one wants to remove. A yes answer would have been meaning well and trying to help, so...
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Right! Sorry about that mate, no offense intended 🙂
I just got a bit tired of all these endless threads not answering the questions, not solving the problem and/or in fact causing even more and worse problems than the original problem, so it didn't have very much to do with you in the first place. So again; sorry about that and hope it's not going to discourrage you from posting in the future 🙂
Have a good one!
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