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I am came across this problem, I am editing files in Premiere and I merge some clips just to have the audio synced with my footage (separete microphone) but when I import the sequence into Aftereffects the merged files simple do not get imported.
Any idea?
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Hi there,
Sorry to hear about this. Let us know the version of Premiere Pro & After Effects that you are using. Are you importing the Premiere Pro project/sequence using File > Import command or are you using Replace With After Effects Composition command? Also, while importing are you getting any error codes or messages?
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Hi there,
I am using the latest version of both softwares and no, I don't get any error messages when I do import my sequence from Premeire, all the files looks great and in order but the merged files form Premiere just not came with the rest of the files.
My work flow is - Merge the video footage with my separete audio file - edit what I need to edit and save the project. In After effects I am go to Import > Premeire Project - I choose the sequence and done.
Again, everything oooks ngreat but no merged files.
Multcam works better and I can see the file on my After Effects timeline, however the audio file came unsynced to After Effects.
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Hi, I am experiencing the same issue. Have you found any solution for this?
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I have the same issue with the most recent updates of both softwares. Did you manage to troubleshoot this?
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Merge files is problematic for a number of reasons.
Multicam works great. In fact, say you've got a bin with six different clips each with in-cam audio and a separate audio-only file. Simple select all, create multicam option ... and PrPro will create six different multicam 'clips' for you. Using the separate audio instead of camera audio.
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Had the same problem and just solved it -- hopefuly this helps others with the same issue. I've found that when you merge clips during editing, to continue the remaining post workflow smoothly, it's best to un-merge. Simply select your final sequence in the project window and go to File > Export > Final Cut Pro XML. Create a new Premiere Pro project and import this XML into this new project, and all of your merged clips will have been split back apart into their original components. Then go to after effects and import this project/sequence instead of your original project in which you edited with merged clips.