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Hi guys...I video'd a 35 minute music performance. I now want to create a 5-6 minute highlight reel. I thought I could do this by applying multiple "Ins and Outs". However after applying the first set, when I then select the next set, I loose the first one. How do I apply multiple "ins and outs" from the same sequence?
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You cannot. You could either cut out what you don't want, leaving your highlights. Or copy/paste your wanted highlights from one sequence to another. Or make subclips of your highlights and then put those into a new edit (but that's the long way). Or open you sequence in the Source monitor and edit your wanted highlights into a new sequence.
Multiple ways to achieve the end result.
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I think my problem is going to be, I'm displaying a beginning-to-end timecode in the sequence and the client is giving me the beginng and end time code of the sections to keep. I think if I pull the selected section to another sequence, the time codes will
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If you're getting timecode for what to keep then, use those to get your selects to the new sequence. Then you have your keepers in your edit and the original "keeper" timecodes don't matter anymore,.
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I don't want to transfer the time code to the clips...I want to retain the time codes from the source. I think I'm going to have to copy the clips to a sequence above the original sequence and keep them lined up with the original full sequence from where they were pulled from, then once done, remove the empty space between clips. Before I do this, can I copy and paste the in-out section from the original sequence? My appologies, I'm a beginner on the use of "in and "outs".
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We do exactly this all the time when editing from a paper edit, which is essentially what you have. Why do you need to keep them lined up with the original timecode? But what you're describing is another way to do it.
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Because I can picture once I have the clips and show them to the client,
she's going to ask that I trim or add to the clips. By having them lined
up, she'll be able to see what can be added or removed.
Question...I know that when I trim a section, the content before and
after isn't "lost" and I can move it left and right to reveal more content.
Can I do the same to an "in and out" clip?
John Posada
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You're correct that trimming in the timeline doesn't remove any media from the original clips. Just in the edit. I don't understand the question on do the same to an "in and out" clip. IN/OUT points are set, cleared and moved at will by the editor to mark sections IN to OUT for various things. If in the Source monitor, it's to edit into a timeline. If in a timeline then to delete to extract that section or maybe copy/paste it ot another place.
I would suggest reading this article about trimming shortcuts in the timeline as they are very, very helpful.
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What I'm asking is, if I apply an in and out, then copy that selection to another sequence, can I shift the in and out cut points to reveal the content that was previously "hidden"? Unfortunately, I'm not at my machine where I have PP installed to try it myself.
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I like editing that kind of thing.
I would drop the clip into a sequence. Then go to the first spot to 'save' and press <Q>, then go to the end of that clip, and add edit/cut (<Ctrl-K> by default), then just do that again:
Go to the inpoint of the next section to keep and Press <Q> then the end of where that clip ends and Add Edit. <ctrl-k>.
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In the project panel, right click the sequence > duplicate.
Open the duplicate sequence, make cuts and delete the parts you don't want.
Fill the empty spots with black video if needed.