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Have you ever had any problems with exporting OMF/AAF and further edition in Pro Tools?
I have been exporting OMF/AAF for ages and passing them to sound editor who works in Pro Tools and never had any problems. This time around when he opens either OMF or AAF it is not linking any media.
No idea what is the problem here.
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Have been researching the "missing files" issue after export of OMF, import to Pro Tools with Avid. They are citing an issue with Premiere, though are not specific and have not referred to any documentation on the issue. There is a workaround suggested which is to pass the sound edit in premiere to Adobe Audition first, then export the OMF from there. This version of the exported OMF appears to work, though the actual .omf file is buried in the folder with all other audio files from the session, and must be identified within the folder for import to Pro Tools. The automatic linking has then worked in a couple of tests with "referenced" (instead of encapsulated) files that I've done.
Also, if the project audio files are under 2GB. encapsulated OMF exports from Premiere appear to link upon import to pro tools.
Will post back if Avid has any other info available from an open case that I have filed.
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I'm having the same problem! so embarassing!
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Can you share the settings your using to export?
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tried to embed but its over 2gb so I did separate files, trim with handles 24 or 48 frames (I'm not at computer this second), and then one with complete aidio files, then tried both aif and wav files, 4800, 16bit, there seem to be no other options left untried...
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ohhhh dang, my audio was MERGED (CURSE YOU ADOBE!) So here is a work around to fix merged audio and get good aafs for protools:
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Unable to export an AAF from Premiere having used Merge Clips?
If you've found out not to use merge clips too late, I think I’ve found a solution to the issue. The feedback from my sound team has been positive and they do not seem to have had any issues with my AAF in Pro Tools.
1. Export your edit xml from Premiere.
2.a) Download the free version of DaVinci Resolve.
2.b) Import the premiere xml into DaVinci Resolve 16.0 - ( be sure to check files - mine thankfully had relinked to their pre merge clips state)
(2.c) It may be possible to export an AAF or OMF at this point directly from Resolve. I did not try and decided to head back into premiere.
3. Export your xml from DaVinci Resolve.
4. Import the Resolve xml into premiere. - My video media/scratch track had gone offline but my edit was in tact had reverted to its un-merged state.
5. Re-link any media/ missing assets resolve could not process.
6. Export AAF
This solution has allowed me to essentially un-merge clips and avoid having to rebuild the edit from scratch. It’s far from a perfect workflow but it worked for me.
I additionally noticed that the process unlinked any scratch tracks from the original video footage. I was able to re-link them along with external audio. This makes me believe it may be possible to avoid the need for merge clips entirely. By this I mean a possible workflow could be:
A) Sync audio and video in premiere.
B) Follow steps 1-5.
C) Link A/V clips rather than group or merge them. (Select clips/audio. Right-hand click. Link)
D) Edit as usual and export an AAF without issues of merge clips.
In theory, the metadata should remain intact and AAF exports won’t be a problem. And Metadata is the main issue with merge clips.
Having read other horror stories about this exact issue, dating back years. I’m shocked that Adobe (SHAME!) hasn’t implemented a fix. Fortunately Resolve - the free version none the less has provided a fix that paid software could not.
Frankly, syncing video and external audio has been a nightmare within premiere. From my research, AVID has much better and effective tools for this whole process that work and save time. The following is a great explanation for managing media. Well worth the watch (Especially for you Adobe).
Hope this helps.
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I would also suggest, rather than using Separate Audio, to break your sequence into segments using In/Out points and then choose Sequence > Make Subsequence.
From these subsequences, you can create embedded AAFs that are under 2 GB, which might help avoid the issues you're encountering.
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I will try that next. My audio mixer guy is MIA so I guess I will start again tomorrow