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Hi, I'm having an issue with Box Drive and Premiere and am hoping to find a workaround here. We are a team of several editors, and sometimes one editor starts a projects and another one picks up. Files are all on Box Drive.
When I open an already started project from Box Drive to Premiere, I see all the video assets offline, when trying to link them I don't even see Box as a folder on the "Locate" screen.
I contacted Box and they explained that "unfortunately the recent updates to Box Drive that are required for Apple's Mac OS Monterey are not fully supported by Adobe yet."
As of now I managed to start working on projects if I download the full folder content on Box Drive and then open the project from there, But if for any reason some file got renamed and Premiere sees it as offline, there's no way for me to sync/reconnect it.
Any ideas/ work around?
Found an easy fix for this, when the Link Media window opens, just uncheck the " Use Media Browser to locate files". I now can see box!
Hope this helps, all the best!
Hello @David24394650zaq9,
Thanks for the message. Are you on macOS? If so, set the Privacy and Security setting in Full Disk Access for Dropbox. Then, you can get any media management process going again. The advice is to use cloud services like this for offline storage, not for accessing online project media source footage. I hope that helps.
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I'm having the same issue, have you found a way to correct this?
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I've never once commented in a thread (that I can recall), but logged in to just say THANK YOU FOR THIS!
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Whoops, put this in the wrong place. Clearly an amateur. Thank you to David's solution below!
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Most of the 'drop-box' derivatives use practices that make it difficult to work with Premiere Pro. And apparently, a typical issue is they tend to 'tag' a file when they go through to check file syncing every X number of minutes ... and said tagging in the file header cause Premiere to think it's now a different file. The file header data changed, you see.
That might be the issue or part of it. And we all hope that Adobe and the folks with your service can get this sorted.
In my work, we're using LucidLink's remote file service linkage service. It creates a virtual drive on our computers, and is ... well, amazing.
My partner is a totally Mac guy, in Cape Town ... I'm total PC, in a small town in Oregon, west-coast US. Our files are technically stored on an Amazon S3 in London.
He can be on the phone, saying he's dropping a folder on his LucidLinke drive. In a few seconds, the folder appears on my machine. A few seconds after that, I'll see the subfolders appear ... and in a few more seconds, filenames.
After they've been visible for a minute or so, I can even start importing them into Premiere. When they haven't even fully uploaded from Cape Town to London ... but LucidLink knows how to set the file header and first blocks so that Premiere can see and work with them.
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Found an easy fix for this, when the Link Media window opens, just uncheck the " Use Media Browser to locate files". I now can see box!
Hope this helps, all the best!
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thank you
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Thanks for this workaround. Sadly it doesnt address the issue Adobe needs to sort out with access to cloud servers within there own interface.
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I work with and teach pro colorists, who have been doing a TON of work, even "client attended sessions" via remote operation over the last couple years. And trying every cloud possible workflow/app/tool out there.
It isn't "Adobe" that needs to work with Dropbox ... but Dropbox that would need to redo their setup to work with the needs of NLEs and other video post apps.
I'm comfortable with that because there are other services that have made spectacular gains in providing video post cloud storage & transport services. That work beautifully with Adobe, with Resolve, with Baselight ... any of the major video post apps.
So go out and look up something designed for video post use. Which ain't Dropbox.
Personally, we're using LucidLink's delivery service to our Amazon S3 serviers in London. I'm in Oregon, my partner in Cape Town, our joint media in London, and using Adobe's Team projects and Productions modes.
I've got several current projects where the media actually lives on those S3 servers, but shows as on a unique local drive via LL's "virtual drive" setup. Premiere thinks the media is on a drive on my machine, and it works beautifully.
So ... check around. But Dropbox is not a usable system for video post work, realistically.
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Thank you!!!
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I ran into this to. It's a simple setting change on Adobe's side. Adobe is blocking access to library folder in the media folder. This is where cloud services are now stored. Unblock it. The end. Let's not debate the merits of dropbox or google drive, it doesn't matter. Apple changed their system, and therefore it needs to be updated. The end.
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Hi there! I'm having this problem and cannot get it fixed. How do I unblock acess ?
I've tried every other suggestion I can find online but can't figure it out.
If you offline the files and try to relink them from inside the project then David's solution (uncheck the "Use Media Browser to locate files" box) will work.
It's the long way around but for now it's the best bet.
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Thank you! —from the future! Exactly the answer I was looking for.
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Hello @David24394650zaq9,
Thanks for the message. Are you on macOS? If so, set the Privacy and Security setting in Full Disk Access for Dropbox. Then, you can get any media management process going again. The advice is to use cloud services like this for offline storage, not for accessing online project media source footage. I hope that helps.