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I go way back to Premiere Pro 5.5. Back then, when you added and set up your text graphics, there were 2 easy buttons (tools) that are no longer there in Premiere 21 & 22. They are the HIGHTH and WIDTH tools. You would simply choose your text, and move the HIGHTH control to stretch the highth of your text. this is a great effect. Especially with fonts like IMPACT. I have no idea why adobe eliminated this simple way to stretch text. I have looked on the internet and tried to follow directions in some videos, only to either not be able to find certain tools that they use or to not have them work like they do in the video, Either way, even in the internet videos, it is a real pain, and a several move process. Even though I think Adobe should have kept those simple HIGHTH tools, I have had no success in streching my text highth other ways. Any body have any suggestion, that are not like the rocket science, detailed, marithon how to videos, that teach me nothing?
Maybe try selecting the text, going into the Essential Graphics panel and unlinking the chain by scale. Then adjusting the height.
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Maybe try selecting the text, going into the Essential Graphics panel and unlinking the chain by scale. Then adjusting the height.
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WOW. That was easy...nothing like the videos on you tube explaining how.
fast and easy...
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Thank you!!!!!!!!!
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Thank you thank you