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When I send my rough cut to the client with time code burnt in it, they come back with suggested edits. However that's when the problem starts.... once I make the first edit, it destroys all the time references as the old time code reference no longer matches the new timeline. There surely must be a way round this but I am baffled. has anyone got any ideas please Thanks
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One way I deal with this is to do the changes to the last item in the timeline first, then work your way to the start.
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Yes that is a good idea - thanks. But you'd think there would be a way of attaching the code to the bit of video permantly -so the code moves with the video. Do you think that exists?
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Good idea - thanks
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One thing you could do is add the burnt in timecode rough cut to your timeline on a higher track and edit it along with your main footage, turning it on and off as required. Or even do a crop of the roughcut so you only see the timecode and use that as a guide.