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I just did a shoot with a camera, a shotgun mic, and three lavalier mics. I used a Tentacle Sync to generate timecode between the camera and the mixer, and then used the Tentacle Sync Studio app to line everything up. So far, so good.
Then I trimmed everything down, and exported a ProRes422 file with four audio tracks. Unfortunately, the tracks with the lavs are silent for several several stretches. When I went back into my Premiere project, I noticed that some of these lavalier audio tracks were showing the diagonal lines (see attached screen grab). I cannot hear these diagonal "unlinked" tracks when I solo them in the timeline, but I can hear them when I double click on them and bring the waveforms up in the Source panel. I haven't changed any file names or moved anything, and I'm not seeing any indication of broken or missing links in the Project panel. Just to rule it out, I tried relinking them, but that didn't make a difference either. And of course, I tried rebooting, but that didn't work either. I even started a new sequence and went through all of the same steps. The same thing happened.
What really baffles me is that it's not ALL of my lavalier recordings. Just some of them. Can anyone offer any advice? I would really appreciate it.
This is in the latest version of Premiere (15.1.0) on a MacOS Mojave.
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For the record, I have also tried following the steps in this video:
And while I lose the diagonal lines and it's reference the correct audio clip, the audio is no longer synced.
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To start troubleshooting, I would load a diagonally-challenged audio clip into the Source Monitor from the sequence. Look for wonky in/out points.
Then, regardless of whether anything seemed off with the sequence clip instance of the audio, load the source clip from the Project panel into the SM.
Note any differences.
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Thanks, Jeff. I tried both of your suggestions and I don't see anything amiss. Everything plays back properly. The only difference is that I deleted two unneeded tracks from the mixer audio so that I'd just be working with the three lavs, and no submixes.
Every Premiere panel recognizes this audio except for the Timeline.
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When you replaced the timeline instance with the clip from the bin, it was out of sync, correct?
If so, can you do a slip edit and get it back in sync?
EDIT: Does the exported ProRes file from Tentacle play as expected outside of Pr?
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Yes, it was out of sync when I did that. I really have no way of recreating the in and out points of each audio clip, otherwise I would have probably done it clip by clip at this point. Theoretically I could slip it back into sync. But this was for a documentary shoot and we were recording pretty much continuously. Our soundie was rolling for 60-120 minutes a take.
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I downloaded Premiere 14.9 and opened the project up in that version, hoping that it would somehow be resolved. That did not work either!
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A little more insight in case it helps anyohne in the future. I tried coverting all of the WAV files to AIFF and relinked, but the issue persisted.
What I'm seeing now is that the non-diagonal areas are out of sync. And the diagonal areas aren't having trouble linking to the files, they are linking to a timecode that is before the beginning of the recording. Somehow the timecode has slipped in several places. I have no idea how. If I had the patience to do it, I could use the slip tool to move correct each of the hundreds of clips.
My scorched earth solution: export a multi-track MOV of the original synced up sequence, video blackouts and all. Then I'll cut that down. Yikes. I hope Adobe addresses this.
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I have the exact same problem. Did you find another solution apart from rendereing the synced xml import?
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We have exactly the same problem here. The only solution we founded is to import XML from tentacle sync in Resolve then export a new XML to premiere.
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I also have the exact same problem. It seems completely haphazard which audio clips go out of sync. I am using different parts of the same audio file in different places in the timeline. Some of them also have the diagonal lines and don't play back any audio. If match frame back from that audio to the source monitor, I get an entirely wrong spot in the clip.
Unfortunately there's a part of my sequence in which only the audio had been edited. I have no way of reconstructing the work I have done since there is not other audio or video track that I could use to match back to the mussing sound portions.
I also really hope Adobe and/or Tentacle addresses this.
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I have tried to find a work-around to this in another tread: