Please, vote those who are sick of Premiere Pro's way of "correcting" the sound pitch when a clip speed is changed. I mean this checkbox that corrects the picth but adds a so-pleasant-to-the-human-ear stereo separation that makes the audio unusable:

I thought that Adobe should have fixed this already but today I got stumbled by hearing it in Premiere Pro 24.6.1. Adobe, don't you think it's lame having such a solution within a professional software? Is it so difficult to make this "maintain audio pitch" option work as it should without any distortion? How come Audition does it perfectly, and Premiere Pro does not?
For this reason those Premiere Pro users that got fed up with this way of correction the pitch have come up with a Premiere Pro plugin which just does the job a way better and with just a mouse click.
See the video below (the green is Premiere Pro's maintain audion pitch, the blue is the plugin, the original video which comes the first was sped up by 50%).
Adobe, please, fix it, because it gets ridiculous how independent developers start fixing issues you ignore for years.