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I see this has been asked before, but I haven't found the solution in any of these discussion threads.
I want to buy one image for $9.99. Is this possible?
I'm new to Adobe Creative Cloud, am supposed to have 10 free images but have given up on that since it seems you are forced to buy a subscription to get those free images.
Can anyone outline the steps to purchase one image only? No subscription?
Hi Erin,
I was having the same problem, and couldn't find a solution until just now. I used incognito with Google Chrome, so I didn't already appear logged in and no old browsing data would appear, then found the image and started the purchase process. It asked me to use my standard log in data, but this time I got the single image purchase option and everything went through just fine, and just downloaded my image.
Hope that helps.
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Hi Erin,
Please refer Stock FAQ: How to license an image with Adobe Stock?
Hope that helps!
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Hi - I have already done this. But it does not allow me to purchae the image. Instead two options for monthly subscriptions for images come up as my only choices.
I do not want a monthly subscription. I only want to purchase this one image. Is this possible?
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Hi Erin,
I have checked it again and it isn't possible to just purchase 1 image.
You will need to subscribe to one of the plans as per Adobe Stock pricing and membership plan | Adobe Stock
I know that does not help!
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I too want to purchase a single image as it is advertised but am unable to. Because it is telling me that the single image can be purchased for $9.99 and I just spent 30 minutes trying to troubleshoot through the Adobe website, can someone please help me purchase the single image?
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Have you tried purchasing the file in Google Chrome in the incognito mode as I mentioned earlier above? For some at least, this seems to bypass whatever problems Adobe is having with single image purchasing.
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I just tried incognito mode and it still won't let me buy a single image.
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I too am having this issue. Any resolution other than going incognito in Google Chrome. The incognito in Google Chrome worked for me when I was on my sister-in-laws computer. However, there are additional images I wish to purchase. Now that I am home from Thanksgiving break, the incognito in Google Chrome does not work from my home computer for some reason. The single image purchase option did appear, but when I went to click on it, it "magically" changed to a subscription option. Only 2 subscription options appear on the screen. This is very bizarre and I find it even more bizarre that Adobe has not found a way to fix this problem. I can see that others have had issues with this since as far back as April 2016 (maybe even longer). Totally unacceptable to know there is an issue and not have it resolved by now. I am willing to spend ~ $80 for 8 images and can not make the purchase. I am on day 5 of trying and am just about to give up. Someone please HELP!
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I found that if I hover over a thumbnail without clicking on it to open it, I can then buy just the one image.
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Oh no, oh no, oh no! I'm so sad and disappointed! I've been a Creative Cloud subscriber for a few years now and every time I received an Adobe Stock survey in my e-mail I ALWAYS answered and said the thing that made me love Adobe Stock was that it allowed me to buy single images at decent prices!
Before I knew about Adobe Stock, I used to wade through mountains of tedious, time- and money-wasting subscription and credit ploys just to get the image that I needed. I hated this and always dreaded it because it wasted so much time and money. Then one day I found out that Adobe Stock allowed you to purchase single images and didn't make you pay an arm and a leg for them. It was a game changer for me and I abandoned all those other image sites and bought my images from Adobe exclusively. Every time you surveyed me I made it so, so clear that THIS was the most important thing to me and THIS was the reason why I use Adobe Stock.
And now you've gone and become just like all those companies I hate? What am I supposed to do? Like everyone else here, I don't know in advance how many images I'll need, and I'm under enough stress without the added (and totally unnecessary) pressure now being imposed by you to guess what I might need and then gamble money I don't have on it!
I'm so disappointed. You guys were my favorite and I was so loyal. Now I'll have to find another place to buy my images from.
An Open Letter to Adobe Stock
Oh, Adobe...remember back when we first met? When we believed in the same things and fit each other like we had been made to work together? Our passion was so strong! We could do anything together! If only things hadn't turned out this way. You didn't even have the decency to tell me yourself. I had to find out on the Internet from a bunch of strangers. I realize now that you don't care at all for me. Perhaps you never did. Perhaps they were just lies to tease me for a little while.
But look. I'll do one last image search. For you. For old times' sake.
I'll look for pictures of betrayal.
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Hi Erin,
I was having the same problem, and couldn't find a solution until just now. I used incognito with Google Chrome, so I didn't already appear logged in and no old browsing data would appear, then found the image and started the purchase process. It asked me to use my standard log in data, but this time I got the single image purchase option and everything went through just fine, and just downloaded my image.
Hope that helps.
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Amazing! This totally worked and I got my image. I was incognito with Chrome, just like you said so I didn't appear logged in, went through purchasing the image for $9.99, and then was required to sign in - at which point I thought, oh here we go, now it'll tell me I need to sign up for a subscription. But it didn't do that and I was able to buy the single image. You made my week with this solution and bumped up my completion date for my brochure since I don't have a billing hassle to deal with any longer - thank's so much!!!
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unfortunately, the hovering does not work for me either. Still only see subscription options.
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Same problem here, seems Adobe Stock doesn't want users to purchase any single image now.
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Hi sheng-huih60424664
Standard assets can now only be purchased as part of a plan. We have introduced a 3 assets/month plan without annual commitment that can be cancelled at any time - see Adobe Stock pricing and membership plan | Adobe Stock
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Oh well then I guess that rules out Adobe Stock as a point of call for my occasional stock image needs.
I feel like Adobe has been BS'ing to some extent here. After being unable to purchase a single image and being presented with the subscription options instead, I decided to Google the issue to see what was going on, since the last time I needed a stock image I was able to buy it without an Adobe Stock membership.
What I found was threads going back a year from people with the same issue, and Adobe staff commenting that oh, it's a technical problem, we're looking to get it fixed - sorry for the inconvenience. And now, lo and behold, we're presented with the same subscription options only now we're told that it is the new deal - subscriptions only. I can't help feeling that all that nonsense about it being a "technical issue" was just spin and that Adobe at that point was forcing the subscription dialog on people in the hope that they'd just subscribe and be done with it.
This really sucks. I'm already a full CC subscriber, and now you want an additional $29.99 a month out of me just so I can download the very occasional stock asset that I need. Well, screw that!
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Hi JP,
Adobe Stock is no longer offering single image purchasing since the 1st of February. Like the Creative Cloud we are offering you several subscription plans. The closest offer we have for the purchasing single images is the 3 images a month, month to month plan. You can cancel at any time and the images are $9.99 US after you use up your monthly entitlement.
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For freelancers and small shops, it would be very nice to be able to just purchase 1 at a time, rather than being forced to buy 3 and then have to remember to cancel the plan. With the available plans, Adobe Stock is neither convenient nor feasible for me, so I shop elsewhere. Wouldn't $10/image a few times a year be better than no purchase at all? Please pass this request on to management. Thanks!
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Thanks for the feedback LP.
Tell me, what is your best guess for the number of images you would purchase in a year?
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I'm not interested in any kind of annual plan. Sometimes I need 1 in a month, other times it's more...freelancing, you never know.
I'd prefer to be able to buy 1 at a time. I'm not a fan of small credit packages either. You end up buying a package of 3-5, but you only need 1 and then the others expire. I hate billing clients for a package when they only need 1 image.
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Hi LP,
I've passed this on to our product management team. Thank you again.
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I want to add my voice to the people who don't want subscriptons and annual plans. Sometimes I may need 30 images in a month but then may not need any for a few months, or only two or three.
Some of us are not large studios or agencies - we're self employed and freelancers. I have to say that in the last few years Adobe has become less and less responsive, and even less helpful, to people like us, and I suspect you'd find we make up a significant proportion of your customer base.
I'd also suggest the subscription-only business model is not only shortsighted (you're losing sales) but is a blatant trick that relies on us forgetting to cancel or becoming annoyed by the hassle. Who wants to deal with a business that sees us merely as revenue-generators and who emplosy trickery to extract money from us?
The only way I would use Adobe Stock at the moment is if I knew for certain I needed 3 or more images, then cancel the subscription. But then I'd probebly never use an Adobe thumbnail in a project and present it to a client because of the hassle I could see looming. How is this helpful to me or Adobe?
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Hi KS,
We appreciate your feedback. I'll pass this on to our product management team.
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It's a really bad system, subscriptions only. I have been a CC subscriber from the beginning, used Adobe products for over 20 years. I buy a fair bit of stock but it's erratic - sometimes lots at once, other times none or just an occasional image. It just depends on the work I have on. The new Adobe Stock plan means I have to pay $17.99 for a single image. Why would I do that when I can get it for half or a third of that from any number of other stock libraries, including Getty libraries and Shutterstock? It makes no sense from a customer point of view.