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Is Adobe Stock not for prime time?

Community Beginner ,
Jul 10, 2022 Jul 10, 2022

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We've been testing the stock library service from Adobe for a while and just downloaded a batch of 7 clips for a project. There are a few features missing from this library service that I won't go into here (e.g., no batch purchasing option), however the key issue that is making us think maybe this isn't a serious offering from Adobe is the following: every invoice (again, no batch processing, so we have 7 invoices to process) contains a 'product id on the line item.' Presumably, this would be the clip id from the library...however, while trying to manually link each invoice to the actual clip it references, we noticed that every invoice has the same product id...and that id is for a clip that we did not purchase. So, effectively, we have 7 invoices for the same clip that we never downloaded and licensed. Anyone else have this issue?

Account management , Libraries , Licensing




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Adobe Employee ,
Jul 11, 2022 Jul 11, 2022

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Is this in regards to using the Stock API for downloading files?




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Community Beginner ,
Jul 11, 2022 Jul 11, 2022

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This is regarding purchasing clips as a human through the Adobe Stock website. Do you have additional info to share regarding the invoicing system and why this would be happening? Is there something unclear about my post that I can help clarify?




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Adobe Employee ,
Jul 11, 2022 Jul 11, 2022

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The invoice is generic, many customers have asked for specific asset information in the invoices and I will continue to forward these requests to our product team. That being said you can see the assets you've licensed in your License History under the profile menu.


We don't currently have a way to license in a batch, however you may consider buying one of our multi-asset subcriptions, https://stock.adobe.com/plans or credit packs, https://stock.adobe.com/plans#get-credits if you are going to license assets frequently. These give you a quota to license from. There are some discounts with subscriptions and credit packs. Subcriptions renew monthly and you can sign up for a year contract or a month-to-month subscription that can be cancelled at any time. Any plan that is more than 10 assets a month will allow you to use the subscription quota to license HD Videos.  Credit Packs are a one time non-renewing quota that expires one year after purchase. The plus is that you'll be licensing at a discount depending on the size of the subscription or credit pack. The negative is that you won't receive invoices for items that use your subscription or credit pack quota. 


Either way, probably the easiest way to track your purchases from license history is to create libraries for your projects and save the licensed assets to a particular library for named for a client or project. The last library used is the default, but you can change the default library when you license any asset/video.


I know, not the real solution to your issues. I will of course forward your request to the product team. Let me know if I missed anything or if you have any questions.




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Community Beginner ,
Jul 11, 2022 Jul 11, 2022

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'Generic' would be something like 'Clip Licensed' Price: $79.99. In this case, each invoice contains a specific product number, specifically Product Number 65272921, which corresponds to the ID of a still image of 'college snacks' (https://stock.adobe.com/images/collage-snacks/65272921).


The invoice is for real money, so it feels like the invoice should be for a real product. This feels either like demo code put into production or fraudulent/sloppy record keeping. The conversation might go like this, 'Ok, here are the invoices for the clips we've licensed. Don't pay any attention to the specific clip id identified on every invoice. That's just referencing a still image of food,  even though this is a healthcare piece. Oh, and it's not only the wrong clip, but it's a still image and even though video clips usually cost more than stills, um, Adobe says it's ok. Right. Ok, so, here's a bunch of links to the real clips that we're using, which you'll just have to take our word on as being the clips we've paid for on these invoices. What? Yes, it's a legitimate service offered by Adobe...you know, the big graphics and creative software company. Ok, thanks.'




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Adobe Employee ,
Jul 11, 2022 Jul 11, 2022

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The number you are referring to is the product SKU. It is not currently meant to correspond to an asset ID. Your license history provides further details of what you have licensed.




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Community Beginner ,
Jul 12, 2022 Jul 12, 2022

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The product number refers to any asset? I repeatedly raised that q during my customer support interaction and it was not made clear.  All other licensing services we use, except for credit-based systems, include on the invoice links to the specific assets.


This also seems to explain why the stock invoices appear with all other orders online, like the creative suite. It feels retrofitted, overall.


Sorry for the snark, in any event. Being an Adobe customer is frustrating and I've found the support so splintered and dilute that it feels unimportant to the business.




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Adobe Employee ,
Jul 12, 2022 Jul 12, 2022

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No apology needed. I sincerely appreciate your frustration with this.




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Community Beginner ,
Jan 17, 2024 Jan 17, 2024

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I feel seen. Thank you for writing this. Stock is an after thought for Adobe, a real blind spot. Due to cost I'm forced to use it. I would pay more if I knew they could improve it's base functions with common sense.  




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Community Expert ,
Jan 18, 2024 Jan 18, 2024

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I feel seen. Thank you for writing this. Stock is an after thought for Adobe, a real blind spot. Due to cost I'm forced to use it. I would pay more if I knew they could improve it's base functions with common sense.  

By @Stewart Grinton

Make a suggestion in the ideas section.

ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer




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