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Viewing licensing history not as 500+ pages list but in grid view

Community Beginner ,
Nov 15, 2021 Nov 15, 2021

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We are using a shared company account with 500+ pages of stock photos. 


I would like to view a greater number of pictures from the license history in grid view if possible. At the moment it only shows 10 pictures per page in a list with detailed infos per picture. 


Apparently, there are API provisions to generate thumbnails of various sizes: https://www.adobe.io/apis/creativecloud/stock/docs.html#!adobe/stock-api-docs/master/docs/api/13-lic...


Any feedback on this matter?

Feature request , General , Search , Stock API




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Community Expert ,
Nov 15, 2021 Nov 15, 2021

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I suppose that is for @Christopher at Adobe .

ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer




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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 15, 2021 Nov 15, 2021

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Do you have a specific question? You are correct you can use the Stock API to display your license history any way you want. You will need a developer to help you with this task. Send your developer the home page to the API docs: Getting started (adobe.io)


All the information should be available in the documentation that you linked to. If you have additional technical questions, please email stockapis@adobe.com.







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Community Beginner ,
Nov 15, 2021 Nov 15, 2021

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Dear @Christopher at Adobe ,


unfortunately, we do not have a developer on-site.


Why not give the customers the same viewing options in 'libraries' and in the license history. (I.e a toggle between list view with details and grid view with scalable image sizes for quick browsing.)


Seems like a no brainer for us and as you have mentioned, all the tools are already there.


Are we supposed to click through 500+ pages to locate a single picture?




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Community Expert ,
Nov 16, 2021 Nov 16, 2021

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I suppose that the license history was never meant to be an asset management system. We organize our assets locally, with licensed items categorized in projects. If you do customer work, you need anyhow to keep track of where which asset was used for which client. If you are doing internal work, you will need a similar organization, less for licensing reasons, but more to be able to follow-up in a consistant manner. All that information is not connected to the licensing history.


This said, it is probably not the hardest task to implement different views for the licensing history. However, such requests will need ore than one supporter to get on Adobe's priority list.

ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 16, 2021 Nov 16, 2021

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Dear @Abambo ,


while I totally agree with you that digital asset managment needs to be done independent of the license history in Adobe Stock, it would be REALLY nice of Adobe to actually include some further functionality in the license history. (like e.g. being able to get a quick overview of all your images, etc.)


I'm not even talking about the much sought-after bulk download of all licensed media in the first place. But providing the ability to access the meta-data from the licensed media in a machine-readable form to complement our own database would be highly appreciated.  




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Community Expert ,
Nov 16, 2021 Nov 16, 2021

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Dear @Abambo ,


(...) it would be REALLY nice of Adobe to actually include some further functionality in the license history. (like e.g. being able to get a quick overview of all your images, etc.)


I'm not even talking about the much sought-after bulk download of all licensed media in the first place. But providing the ability to access the meta-data from the licensed media in a machine-readable form to complement our own database would be highly appreciated.  

By @Zealous_visionary5E91

If I remember well, some of your requests are on the to-do list for the implementation team. This forum is monitored by some Adobe employees, and I'm convinced that they will communicate your requests to the team.

ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer




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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 18, 2021 Nov 18, 2021

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I checked with the product team, and they are working on improvements to show more assets per page. The first set of improvements will arrive in December, and then you should see more changes throughout the year.


By the way, have you been using the search functionality? You said "Are we supposed to click through 500+ pages to locate a single picture?" but I would ask if you tried searching for it? Or if you have a thumbnail somwhere, why not upload to Stock as a reverse image search? If you licensed that image, it will show up with a blue checkmark. 


Here is a message from the Product Manager:


A cleaner version of the license history page will be delivered in December for Individual and Team accounts. One principle for this new design was to have thinner license lines, so that we can display more in one page. For the release date we are keeping 10 licenses per page, but that is something that is meant to change in the near future. Regarding the grid view, that is also something we have in our roadmap, but it is not prioritized yet.






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Community Beginner ,
Dec 28, 2021 Dec 28, 2021

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Why are the search options so limited for LICENSED assets?


I agree that a grid view would be helpful.


Really there should be a filter for LICENSED assets in the main search and in the contributer's portfolios.


I would like to select AUTHOR in License History and search by author alphabetically instead of by DATE.


Sometimes I am looking for something like a 'star' in the same style as my other assets and I can't search the contributer's portfolio for ONLY my licensed assets.


Why can't Licensed be added to the PORTFOLIO search? (i.e. search by Photos, Videos, Audio, Tutorials, 3D, Free, Editorial, Premium, AND Licensed).


@Christopher at Adobe




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 28, 2021 Dec 28, 2021

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I agree that a grid view would be helpful.


Why are the search options so limited for LICENSED assets?


There should be a filter for LICENSED assets in the main search and in the contributer's portfolios.


Sometimes I am looking for something like a star in the same style as my other assets and I can't search the contributer's portfolio for only my licensed assets.


Why can't that be added? (i.e. search by Photos, Videos, Audio, Tutorials, 3D, Free, Editorial, Premium, AND Licensed)




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