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Editorial use must not be misleading or deceptive.
= ?
What is mean?
Editorial cannot be used for advertising or commercial use?
[The moderator changed the subject for clarity, was “What is mean?”. The moderator cured the topics. Please do select only relevant topics.]
1 Correct answer
If a Buyer decides to use a Generative AI image in an editorial ( news ) application, they must not mislead their audience as to the origin and authenticity of the image. In other words. AI images cannot be used to illustrate real-world news situations, unless the focus of the news article is AI technology.
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If a Buyer decides to use a Generative AI image in an editorial ( news ) application, they must not mislead their audience as to the origin and authenticity of the image. In other words. AI images cannot be used to illustrate real-world news situations, unless the focus of the news article is AI technology.
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For editorial use, it needs to be clear for the reader, that the asset is generative AI.
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Just to clarify: Commercial use is permitted?
We have been forgoing use of images with this label, as the grammar appears to be saying that these images tagged with this label, are for Editorial only.
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Adobe Stock Illustrative Editorial images can only be used for editorial applications.
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Can someone from Adobe please clarify:
Similar to the person above who posted, L we were not using AI images, as the sentence below the images -- can be interpreted to mean, that the images are Editorial.
Please restate what this sentence indicates:
Does that mean the images are automatically Editorial?
Or does it mean, if used within context of Editorial, must not be misleading?
Thank you.
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Does that mean the images are automatically Editorial?
By dwest1124
That makes no sense, as there is a category "Editorial use only".
Or does it mean, if used within context of Editorial, must not be misleading?
By dwest1124
Yes, you cannot take a war image from generative AI and claim that this is a real situation on the ground. If you use a generative AI image for editorial use, you need to mark it appropriately as a generative AI asset, so that your public knows, it's not the real thing.
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Yes, commercial us is permitted. Generative AI images are not editorial use only.
But Generative AI images can be used in an editorial use environment, as all assets, restricted or not restricted.
In that case, you can't use a generative AI asset in a misleading or deceptive manner, by giving the impression, that the picture shows a real setting. This came up when people started posting war images.
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You're welcome.
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I think I understand. This line, Editorial use must not be misleading or deceptive, doesn't apply to the general editorial use only status. But I'm noticing that the Filters area to the left doesn't always include the Usage Rights selection... When it appears I click Commercial Use, but in other cases, as mentioned, some of these selections don't appear... I suppose what I'm asking is if I click on an image I've dropped in my Libraries, it should tell me, like in Shutterstock, whether it's editorial or commercial? (Shutterstock has an alert that pops up when you try to download an editorial image, you must click off on that.)
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I think I understand. This line, Editorial use must not be misleading or deceptive, doesn't apply to the general editorial use only status.
By defaulttti6pugex5w0
No, that applies to generative AI, where you can't take a generative AI picture and tell your audiance, that it is the real thing.
Adobe only has illustrative Editorial assets, but any asset can be used in an editorial setting.